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Mengapa ChatGPT Adalah Game Changer untuk Industri Hartanah Malaysia

Industri hartanah di Malaysia sentiasa berkembang dan memerlukan inovasi untuk kekal relevan dan berdaya saing. Salah satu alat teknologi yang semakin popular dalam pelbagai industri, termasuk hartanah, adalah ChatGPT, model bahasa kecerdasan buatan (AI) yang dibangunkan oleh OpenAI. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membincangkan bagaimana ChatGPT boleh digunakan dalam industri hartanah di Malaysia dan manfaat yang boleh diperoleh daripadanya.


1. Komunikasi dengan Pelanggan



ChatGPT boleh digunakan untuk meningkatkan komunikasi dengan pelanggan. Dengan menggunakan chatbot yang dikuasakan oleh ChatGPT, ejen hartanah boleh memberikan respons segera kepada pertanyaan pelanggan, sama ada melalui laman web atau aplikasi mudah alih. Ini bukan sahaja meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan tetapi juga memastikan bahawa pertanyaan dijawab dengan cepat dan efisien, tanpa mengira waktu atau hari.


2. Penjanaan Kandungan Pemasaran



Penjanaan kandungan adalah salah satu aspek penting dalam pemasaran hartanah. ChatGPT boleh membantu ejen hartanah mencipta kandungan pemasaran yang menarik, seperti artikel blog, deskripsi hartanah, kemas kini media sosial, dan e-mel pemasaran. Dengan menggunakan ChatGPT, ejen hartanah dapat menghasilkan kandungan berkualiti tinggi dalam masa yang lebih singkat, membolehkan mereka memberi fokus kepada aspek lain dalam perniagaan mereka.


3. Analisis Pasaran dan Penyelidikan



ChatGPT boleh digunakan untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data pasaran hartanah. Dengan memberi arahan yang tepat, ChatGPT boleh membantu ejen hartanah mendapatkan maklumat terkini mengenai trend pasaran, harga hartanah, dan statistik penting lain. Ini membolehkan ejen membuat keputusan yang lebih berinformasi dan memberikan nasihat yang lebih tepat kepada pelanggan mereka.


4. Latihan dan Pendidikan



ChatGPT boleh digunakan sebagai alat latihan dan pendidikan bagi ejen hartanah baru. Dengan menyediakan modul latihan yang interaktif dan responsif, ChatGPT boleh membantu ejen memahami asas-asas industri hartanah, undang-undang yang berkaitan, dan teknik jualan yang berkesan. Ini boleh mengurangkan masa dan kos latihan tradisional, sambil memastikan ejen mendapatkan pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk berjaya dalam kerjaya mereka.


5. Pengurusan Dokumen dan Transaksi



Proses pengurusan dokumen dan transaksi hartanah sering kali memerlukan banyak masa dan usaha. ChatGPT boleh membantu dalam penyediaan dokumen, seperti kontrak jual beli, perjanjian sewa, dan surat tawaran. Dengan automasi proses ini, ejen hartanah boleh mengurangkan kesilapan manusia dan memastikan dokumen disiapkan dengan cepat dan tepat.


6. Perkhidmatan Pelanggan yang Dipersonalisasi



Dengan keupayaan untuk memahami dan menganalisis data pelanggan, ChatGPT boleh membantu ejen hartanah menyediakan perkhidmatan yang dipersonalisasi. ChatGPT boleh membantu ejen memahami keperluan dan keutamaan pelanggan dengan lebih baik, membolehkan mereka menawarkan hartanah yang paling sesuai dan memberikan nasihat yang tepat. Ini boleh meningkatkan peluang untuk menutup jualan dan membina hubungan jangka panjang dengan pelanggan.





ChatGPT menawarkan pelbagai manfaat yang boleh meningkatkan kecekapan dan keberkesanan ejen hartanah di Malaysia. Dari meningkatkan komunikasi dengan pelanggan hingga kepada penjanaan kandungan pemasaran, analisis pasaran, latihan, pengurusan dokumen, dan perkhidmatan pelanggan yang dipersonalisasi, ChatGPT mempunyai potensi untuk mengubah cara industri hartanah beroperasi. Oleh itu, ejen hartanah yang ingin kekal kompetitif dan relevan dalam pasaran yang semakin mencabar ini perlu mempertimbangkan penggunaan ChatGPT sebagai alat dalam strategi perniagaan mereka.


Jika anda nak jadi ejen hartanah, jom daftar dengan kami di Oriental Real Estate! Hubungi kami di talian 018-282 0000. 




1. 了解房地产经纪人的角色





  • 帮助买家寻找合适的房产。
  • 协助卖家推销他们的房产。
  • 管理买卖双方之间的谈判。
  • 准备房产交易所需的文件。
  • 提供有关当前房地产市场的建议。


2. 教育和培训





3. 获得REN证书





4. 加入房地产代理公司





5. 网络和营销




  • 社交媒体:善用Facebook、Instagram和LinkedIn等平台来推广房产,打造您的个人品牌。
  • 网站:创建一个专业网站,展示房产列表、客户评价与个人联系信息。
  • 社交活动:参加行业活动、研讨会和讲习班,结识潜在客户和其他房地产行业的专业人士。
  • 广告:在社交媒体和房地产门户网站上投放付费广告,以扩大其受众范围和影响力。


6. 增强知识和技能





7. 提供优质的客户服务











Kenapa Ramai Tertarik Menjadi Ejen Hartanah? Lebih dari Sekadar Duit!

Kerjaya sebagai ejen hartanah telah menjadi pilihan popular di Malaysia dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini. Ramai yang tertarik dengan peluang dalam industri hartanah bukan hanya kerana potensi pendapatan yang tinggi, tetapi juga kerana pelbagai sebab lain yang menjadikan kerjaya ini menarik dan memuaskan. Artikel ini akan mengupas mengapa ramai memilih untuk menjadi ejen hartanah dan sama ada faktor kewangan adalah satu-satunya sebab.


1. Potensi Pendapatan yang Tinggi



Tidak dapat dinafikan, potensi pendapatan yang tinggi adalah salah satu faktor utama yang menarik ramai individu untuk menceburi bidang hartanah. Ejen hartanah boleh mendapat komisen yang lumayan daripada setiap penjualan hartanah. Tambahan pula, dengan pasaran hartanah yang semakin berkembang, terdapat banyak peluang untuk mencapai kejayaan kewangan.


2. Kebebasan Masa dan Kerja



Salah satu kelebihan utama menjadi ejen hartanah ialah kebebasan masa dan kerja. Ejen hartanah mempunyai fleksibiliti untuk menguruskan masa mereka sendiri, yang membolehkan mereka menyesuaikan jadual kerja mengikut keperluan peribadi. Ini bermakna mereka boleh bekerja pada bila-bila masa dan di mana-mana sahaja, asalkan mereka mempunyai sambungan internet dan alat komunikasi yang diperlukan.


3. Peluang untuk Membantu Orang Lain



Ramai ejen hartanah merasakan kepuasan peribadi daripada membantu orang lain mencari rumah impian mereka atau menjual hartanah dengan harga terbaik. Membantu keluarga menemukan rumah yang sesuai atau membantu pemilik hartanah menjual dengan keuntungan yang baik memberikan perasaan kepuasan dan pencapaian yang besar.


4. Peluang untuk Membina Jaringan Profesional



Industri hartanah memberikan peluang besar untuk membina jaringan profesional yang luas. Ejen hartanah sering berinteraksi dengan pelbagai individu termasuk pembeli, penjual, pelabur, peguam, dan pakar industri lain. Jaringan ini bukan sahaja berguna untuk urusan perniagaan, tetapi juga dapat membantu dalam pembangunan kerjaya jangka panjang.


5. Pembelajaran Berterusan dan Perkembangan Diri



Industri hartanah sentiasa berubah dan berkembang, yang bermakna ejen hartanah perlu sentiasa belajar dan menyesuaikan diri dengan trend dan perkembangan terkini. Ini menyediakan peluang untuk pembelajaran berterusan dan perkembangan diri. Ramai ejen hartanah menikmati proses ini kerana ia memberikan cabaran dan peluang untuk meningkatkan kemahiran dan pengetahuan mereka.


6. Kemungkinan untuk Mencapai Kebebasan Kewangan



Selain daripada pendapatan yang tinggi, ramai ejen hartanah bercita-cita untuk mencapai kebebasan kewangan. Dengan menguruskan masa dan pendapatan mereka dengan bijak, mereka dapat mencapai tahap kewangan di mana mereka tidak lagi perlu bergantung kepada pekerjaan konvensional. Ini memberikan mereka kebebasan untuk mengejar minat dan impian mereka tanpa kebimbangan kewangan.


7. Potensi untuk Menjadi Usahawan



Menjadi ejen hartanah juga memberikan peluang untuk menjadi usahawan. Ejen hartanah boleh membina perniagaan mereka sendiri, menguruskan pasukan, dan mengembangkan syarikat mereka. Ini memberikan kebebasan dan kawalan sepenuhnya terhadap kerjaya dan masa depan mereka.





Walaupun potensi pendapatan yang tinggi adalah faktor utama yang menarik ramai individu untuk menjadi ejen hartanah, terdapat banyak sebab lain yang menjadikan kerjaya ini menarik. Kebebasan masa, peluang untuk membantu orang lain, membina jaringan profesional, pembelajaran berterusan, kebebasan kewangan, dan peluang untuk menjadi usahawan semuanya menyumbang kepada populariti kerjaya ini. Jadi, jelaslah bahawa menjadi ejen hartanah bukan hanya tentang duit, tetapi juga tentang kepuasan peribadi dan peluang untuk perkembangan diri yang berterusan.

The Top Reasons Malaysian Homeowners Rely on Real Estate Agents to Secure Tenants

In Malaysia, many homeowners prefer to hire real estate agents to find tenants for their properties. This decision is not just due to a lack of time or effort from the homeowners but because of the numerous benefits offered by real estate agents. This article will explain some of the main reasons why homeowners in Malaysia prefer using the services of real estate agents.


1. Market Expertise



Real estate agents have an in-depth knowledge of the property market. They know the current rental prices, tenant demand, and the most sought-after areas. With this expertise, real estate agents can provide valuable advice to homeowners on the appropriate rental price and the best way to market their property.


2. Time and Effort Savings



Finding tenants requires a lot of time and effort. The process involves advertising, answering inquiries, arranging property viewings, and conducting background checks on potential tenants. By hiring a real estate agent, homeowners can save time and effort as the agent will handle all these tasks.


3. Extensive Network



Real estate agents have a vast network that can help them find tenants more quickly. They often work with tenants already in their database or through connections with other real estate agents. This means that properties can be rented out more quickly than if homeowners were to search on their own.


4. Negotiation Skills



Real estate agents are skilled negotiators. They know how to negotiate the best rental prices and terms for homeowners. With these negotiation skills, real estate agents can help homeowners secure reliable tenants who agree to favorable terms.


5. Management of Documents and Processes



The rental process involves many documents and procedures. Real estate agents will handle all of these, including preparing lease agreements, conducting background checks on tenants, and ensuring all documents are complete and legally binding. This ensures the rental process runs smoothly and reduces the risk of legal issues in the future.


6. Tenant Evaluation



Real estate agents conduct thorough background checks on potential tenants. This includes checking credit records, employment, and references from previous landlords. With this careful evaluation, real estate agents can help homeowners reduce the risk of renting to irresponsible tenants.


7. Problem Resolution



If any issues arise during the rental period, real estate agents can act as intermediaries between homeowners and tenants. They can help resolve any problems that arise, ensuring both parties are satisfied, and the rental relationship remains positive.





Hiring a real estate agent to find tenants for properties in Malaysia offers many benefits to homeowners. From market expertise and extensive networks to negotiation skills and document management, real estate agents can help ensure the rental process runs smoothly and efficiently. Therefore, it is not surprising that many homeowners in Malaysia prefer to use the services of real estate agents to find tenants for their properties.



Apa Yang Perlu Dilakukan Jika Tuan Rumah Meminta Anda Keluar Rumah Secara Tiba-Tiba Tanpa Mengikut Perjanjian Sewa?

Menghadapi Situasi Tidak Dijangka dalam Penyewaan Rumah


Menyewa rumah boleh menjadi pengalaman yang penuh dengan cabaran, terutama apabila berlaku situasi yang tidak dijangka seperti tuan rumah meminta anda keluar dari rumah secara tiba-tiba tanpa mengikuti perjanjian sewa. Sebagai tenant, anda mempunyai hak yang perlu dilindungi. Berikut adalah beberapa langkah yang boleh anda ambil jika berhadapan dengan situasi ini:


1. Semak Perjanjian Sewa



Langkah pertama yang perlu diambil adalah menyemak perjanjian sewa yang telah anda tandatangani. Perjanjian ini biasanya mengandungi syarat-syarat khusus mengenai notis yang perlu diberikan oleh tuan rumah sebelum meminta anda keluar. Pastikan anda memahami klausa-klausa penting dalam perjanjian tersebut.

2. Berbincang dengan Tuan Rumah



Cuba berbincang dengan tuan rumah secara baik untuk memahami alasan di sebalik tindakan mereka. Kadang-kadang, masalah komunikasi boleh diselesaikan melalui perbincangan yang jujur dan terbuka. Tanya kepada mereka mengapa mereka ingin anda keluar dan cuba cari penyelesaian yang baik untuk kedua-dua pihak.


3. Rujuk Undang-Undang Tempatan



Ketahui undang-undang tempatan mengenai hak penyewa dan tuan rumah. Di Malaysia, terdapat Akta Sewa Beli dan undang-undang lain yang berkaitan dengan penyewaan yang boleh memberikan garis panduan mengenai hak anda sebagai penyewa. Mengetahui hak anda boleh membantu anda memahami langkah seterusnya yang boleh diambil.


4. Dapatkan Nasihat Guaman



Jika perbincangan dengan tuan rumah tidak membuahkan hasil, dapatkan nasihat dari peguam atau pihak berkuasa yang berkaitan. Peguam boleh membantu anda memahami hak-hak anda dan memberi nasihat mengenai langkah-langkah yang boleh diambil untuk mempertahankan hak tersebut.

5. Laporkan kepada Pihak Berkuasa



Jika tuan rumah masih tidak mematuhi perjanjian sewa dan undang-undang yang berkaitan, anda boleh membuat laporan kepada pihak berkuasa seperti tribunal perumahan atau polis. Tindakan ini boleh membantu menyelesaikan isu dengan cara yang sah dan melindungi hak anda sebagai penyewa.


6. Dokumentasikan Semua Interaksi



Simpan rekod semua komunikasi dengan tuan rumah, termasuk e-mel, mesej teks, dan nota perbualan. Dokumentasi ini boleh menjadi bukti penting jika anda perlu mengambil tindakan lanjut atau jika kes ini dibawa ke pihak berkuasa.





Menghadapi situasi di mana tuan rumah meminta anda keluar rumah secara tiba-tiba tanpa mengikuti perjanjian sewa boleh menjadi pengalaman yang menegangkan. Namun, dengan memahami hak anda dan mengambil langkah-langkah yang betul, anda boleh melindungi diri anda dan memastikan situasi ini ditangani dengan cara yang adil dan sah. Jangan teragak-agak untuk mendapatkan bantuan profesional jika perlu untuk memastikan hak anda terjamin.




1. 位置





2. 房子的形状





3. 门的位置





4. 房子的内部布局





  • 卧室的位置:卧室应该位于房子的后部,远离大门,以保证安静和私密。床头应该靠墙,象征着有靠山。
  • 厨房的位置:厨房代表家庭的财富,应该位于房子的后部。灶台的位置应该避免正对大门或窗户,以防止财富流失。
  • 卫生间的位置:卫生间的污秽之气需要妥善处理。卫生间应该位于房子的角落,避免与厨房和卧室相邻。


5. 光线和通风





6. 环境因素









Buying a Car or Buying a House? Which One is More Valuable?

When it comes to significant financial decisions, buying a car and buying a house often rank at the top of the list. Both come with substantial investments, long-term commitments, and a fair share of benefits and drawbacks. But which one is more valuable? Let's delve into the various factors to consider when making this crucial decision.


Financial Investment



Buying a Car:


  • Initial Cost: Cars generally have a lower initial purchase price compared to houses. However, this cost can vary widely depending on the make, model, and features.
  • Depreciation: Cars depreciate rapidly. A new car can lose up to 20% of its value within the first year and continue to depreciate over time.
  • Ongoing Expenses: Maintenance, insurance, fuel, and potential repairs add to the overall cost of owning a car.


Buying a House:


  • Initial Cost: Houses have a higher initial purchase price, often requiring a substantial down payment and mortgage commitment.
  • Appreciation: Unlike cars, houses generally appreciate in value over time. Real estate is often seen as a long-term investment that can yield significant returns.
  • Ongoing Expenses: Property taxes, maintenance, insurance, and utilities are ongoing costs associated with homeownership.


Practical Utility



Buying a Car:


  • Mobility and Convenience: A car provides the freedom to travel at your convenience, which can be essential for commuting, running errands, and leisure.
  • Depreciation of Utility: As cars age, they require more maintenance and can become less reliable, reducing their practical value over time.


Buying a House:


  • Stability and Security: Owning a home provides a stable living environment and the security of a long-term residence.
  • Equity Building: Monthly mortgage payments contribute to building equity, increasing your net worth.
  • Customization: Homeowners have the freedom to modify and personalize their living space.


Long-Term Value



Buying a Car:


  • Short-Term Asset: Cars are typically seen as short-term assets with decreasing value. They do not provide long-term financial growth.
  • Depreciating Investment: The value of a car will almost always decrease over time, making it a less valuable long-term investment.


Buying a House:


  • Long-Term Investment: Real estate is considered one of the most reliable long-term investments. Over time, the value of property tends to increase, contributing to overall wealth.
  • Wealth Building: Homeownership is a key component of building long-term wealth through property appreciation and equity accumulation.


Lifestyle Considerations



Buying a Car:


  • Immediate Gratification: Purchasing a car can provide immediate benefits, enhancing mobility and convenience in daily life.
  • Flexibility: For those who need to move frequently or prefer a more mobile lifestyle, a car can offer the flexibility that a house cannot.


Buying a House:


  • Rooted Lifestyle: Owning a home ties you to a specific location, which can be advantageous for families seeking stability and community ties.
  • Personal Investment: A home is not just a financial investment but a personal and emotional one, offering a sense of ownership and pride.





The value of buying a car versus buying a house ultimately depends on your individual needs, financial situation, and long-term goals. If you prioritize mobility and immediate convenience, a car may be more valuable in the short term. However, if you're looking to invest in your future, build wealth, and create a stable living environment, buying a house is generally the more valuable choice.

At Oriental Real Estate, we understand that every individual's situation is unique. Whether you're looking to buy your first home or expand your real estate portfolio, our team is here to guide you through every step of the process. Contact us today to explore your options and make an informed decision that best suits your lifestyle and financial goals.

Membeli Rumah: Keperluan atau Kehendak?

Membeli rumah merupakan salah satu keputusan kewangan terbesar yang akan dibuat oleh kebanyakan individu dalam hidup mereka. Namun, adakah membeli rumah ini sebenarnya keperluan atau sekadar kehendak? Jawapannya tidak semudah hitam atau putih, dan bergantung kepada situasi serta matlamat individu.


Membeli Rumah Sebagai Keperluan



1. Tempat Tinggal Tetap: Bagi ramai orang, memiliki rumah sendiri adalah satu keperluan kerana ia menyediakan tempat tinggal tetap dan stabil. Bagi keluarga, terutamanya yang mempunyai anak-anak, memiliki rumah sendiri memberikan kestabilan dan keselamatan jangka panjang. Tidak perlu risau tentang berpindah setiap kali kontrak sewa tamat atau apabila pemilik rumah memutuskan untuk menjual hartanah tersebut.

2. Keselamatan dan Perlindungan: Rumah sendiri memberikan rasa keselamatan dan perlindungan yang tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan menyewa. Apabila anda memiliki rumah, anda mempunyai kawalan penuh terhadap persekitaran anda. Anda boleh membuat perubahan dan pengubahsuaian tanpa perlu mendapatkan kebenaran daripada pemilik rumah.

3. Pelaburan Jangka Panjang: Membeli rumah sering dianggap sebagai pelaburan jangka panjang yang bijak. Nilai hartanah cenderung untuk meningkat dari masa ke masa, menjadikan rumah sebagai aset yang boleh diwarisi kepada generasi akan datang. Di samping itu, memiliki rumah boleh menjadi satu langkah penting dalam membina kestabilan kewangan dan kekayaan.


Membeli Rumah Sebagai Kehendak



1. Gaya Hidup: Sesetengah orang membeli rumah bukan kerana mereka memerlukan tempat tinggal, tetapi kerana mereka mahu menaik taraf gaya hidup mereka. Ini termasuk membeli rumah yang lebih besar, lebih moden, atau di kawasan yang lebih eksklusif. Faktor-faktor seperti rekabentuk, kemudahan tambahan, dan lokasi memainkan peranan penting dalam keputusan ini.

2. Status Sosial: Memiliki rumah yang mewah atau di kawasan yang berprestij boleh dilihat sebagai satu simbol status sosial. Bagi sesetengah individu, rumah yang besar dan mewah adalah lambang kejayaan dan pencapaian peribadi. Ini lebih kepada kehendak untuk menunjukkan status daripada keperluan praktikal.

3. Kemudahan dan Kemewahan: Ada juga yang membeli rumah untuk mendapatkan kemudahan dan kemewahan tambahan. Contohnya, rumah dengan kolam renang, pemandangan indah, atau lokasi yang berdekatan dengan tempat kerja atau sekolah yang baik. Walaupun ini boleh meningkatkan kualiti hidup, ia lebih kepada kehendak daripada keperluan asas.





Membeli rumah boleh menjadi keperluan atau kehendak bergantung kepada matlamat dan keadaan hidup individu. Bagi sesetengah orang, ia adalah keperluan yang mendesak untuk kestabilan dan keselamatan. Bagi yang lain, ia mungkin lebih kepada kehendak untuk meningkatkan kualiti hidup dan status sosial. Apa jua alasannya, penting untuk membuat keputusan yang bijak dan merancang kewangan dengan teliti sebelum membeli rumah.

How to Avoid Fraudulent House Developers: Essential Tips for Savvy Home Buyers

Buying a home is one of the most significant investments you'll make in your lifetime. However, the dream of homeownership can quickly turn into a nightmare if you fall prey to a fraudulent house developer. Protecting yourself from scams and ensuring a smooth buying process requires diligence, research, and a proactive approach. Here are essential tips to help you avoid fraudulent house developers and make informed decisions.


1. Research the Developer



Company Background

Start by investigating the developer’s history. How long have they been in business? What are their completed projects? A well-established developer with a solid track record is less likely to be involved in fraudulent activities.

Reviews and Testimonials

Look for online reviews and testimonials from previous buyers. Websites like Yelp, Google Reviews, and real estate forums can provide valuable insights into the experiences of other customers. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews to get a balanced perspective.

Professional Associations

Check if the developer is a member of reputable industry associations, such as the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) or similar organizations in your country. Membership in these associations often indicates a commitment to industry standards and ethical practices.


2. Visit Past Projects



Inspect Completed Homes

Visiting other projects completed by the developer is crucial. Assess the quality of construction, materials used, and overall finish. This firsthand experience can give you a good idea of what to expect in your future home.

Talk to Homeowners

Speak with residents of previous developments to understand their experience with the developer. Ask about the quality of construction, after-sales service, and any issues they faced. Honest feedback from current homeowners can be incredibly revealing.


3. Verify Legal Documents



Title Deeds

Ensure the developer has clear legal title to the land. Verify land ownership documents with local land registry offices to avoid legal complications later.

Approvals and Permits

Confirm that the developer has all necessary approvals and permits from local authorities for construction and sale. This includes zoning permits, environmental clearances, and building permits. Lack of proper documentation is a significant red flag.

Sales Agreement

Have a lawyer review the sales agreement to ensure it includes all promised amenities and is free from unfair clauses. A thorough legal review can save you from future disputes and financial losses.


4. Financial Stability



Developer’s Financial Health

Investigate the financial stability of the developer. Check their credit rating, financial statements, and any news about financial difficulties. A financially stable developer is more likely to complete the project on time and with the promised quality.

Funding Sources

Understand how the project is being funded. Projects financed through reputable banks or financial institutions are usually more secure. Banks conduct their own due diligence before approving loans, adding an extra layer of scrutiny.


5. Construction Quality and Progress



Construction Standards

Check the construction standards and materials being used. If possible, hire an independent inspector to assess the quality of construction. Poor quality materials and workmanship can lead to significant problems down the road.

Site Visits

Regularly visit the construction site to monitor progress and ensure the project is on track. Frequent site visits can help you catch potential issues early and ensure the developer is adhering to the promised schedule.


6. Legal Protection and Escrow



Escrow Accounts

Use escrow accounts for payments. This ensures that your money is only released to the developer upon meeting certain milestones or completion of the project. Escrow accounts protect your investment and provide leverage if issues arise.

Legal Recourse

Ensure that your contract includes clauses for legal recourse in case of delays, non-completion, or substandard construction. Legal protection is crucial for safeguarding your rights as a buyer.


7. Background Checks



Litigation History

Check if the developer has been involved in any legal disputes, especially those related to real estate or consumer complaints. A history of litigation can be a red flag indicating potential problems.

Regulatory Compliance

Verify that the developer complies with local real estate regulations and has no history of violations. Regulatory compliance is a key indicator of a developer’s reliability and professionalism.


8. Home Warranty and After-Sales Service




Ensure the developer offers a comprehensive home warranty covering structural defects, electrical and plumbing systems, and other major components. A solid warranty provides peace of mind and financial protection.

After-Sales Service

Check the developer’s reputation for after-sales service and support. Reliable after-sales service is crucial for addressing any issues that arise after you move in.


9. Professional Advice



Hire Experts

Engage a real estate agent, lawyer, and possibly an independent inspector to help you navigate the process. Professional advice can help you avoid pitfalls and make informed decisions.

Get Recommendations

Seek recommendations from trusted sources like friends, family, or professional advisors who have experience in real estate. Personal recommendations can be invaluable in finding a trustworthy developer.


10. Payment Structure



Staggered Payments

Structure payments in phases tied to the completion of specific project milestones rather than paying large sums upfront. Staggered payments protect your investment and ensure the developer stays motivated to complete the project on time.

Down Payment Protection

Ensure that your down payment is protected and recoverable in case of project delays or cancellations. Down payment protection adds an extra layer of financial security.



By following these essential tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to fraudulent house developers and ensure a safe and satisfactory home-buying experience. Taking the time to research, verify, and monitor every aspect of your home purchase will pay off in the long run, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your investment.

Your Ultimate Guide to Buying Your First Home in Your 20s and 30s

Buying your first home is a significant milestone, and doing so at a young age can set the foundation for a financially secure future. While the process may seem daunting, careful planning and informed decision-making can help you achieve this goal. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help young adults navigate the journey of purchasing their first home.


1. Assess Your Financial Readiness



Evaluate Your Savings: Start by assessing your savings. You'll need funds for a down payment, closing costs, and other expenses. Aim to save at least 20% of the home’s price for the down payment to avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI).

Check Your Credit Score: A good credit score is crucial for securing a mortgage with favorable terms. Check your credit report for errors and work on improving your score by paying off debts and managing credit responsibly.

Establish a Budget: Determine how much you can afford by evaluating your income, expenses, and financial goals. Use mortgage calculators to estimate monthly payments and ensure they fit within your budget.


2. Educate Yourself on the Home Buying Process



Understand Mortgage Options: Research different mortgage types, such as fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgages, and government-backed loans like FHA or VA loans. Choose the one that best suits your financial situation.

Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage: Getting pre-approved shows sellers that you are a serious buyer and gives you a clear idea of your budget. Approach multiple lenders to compare rates and terms.

Learn About First-Time Homebuyer Programs: Many states and local governments offer programs to help first-time buyers with down payments and closing costs. Research and apply for any programs you qualify for.


3. Save Aggressively



Automate Savings: Set up automatic transfers to your savings account to ensure consistent contributions towards your home purchase fund.

Cut Unnecessary Expenses: Review your spending habits and cut back on non-essential expenses. Consider lifestyle changes, like cooking at home instead of dining out, to save more money.

Boost Your Income: Look for ways to increase your income, such as taking on a part-time job, freelancing, or selling unused items.


4. Find the Right Real Estate Agent



Seek Recommendations: Ask friends, family, and colleagues for real estate agent recommendations. Look for agents with experience helping first-time buyers.

Interview Multiple Agents: Meet with several agents to find one who understands your needs, communicates well, and has a good track record in the area you're interested in.


5. House Hunting



List Your Priorities: Create a list of must-haves and deal-breakers for your new home. Consider factors like location, size, and amenities.

Attend Open Houses: Visit open houses to get a feel for different properties and neighborhoods. Take notes and photos to help you remember each one.

Be Ready to Compromise: You may not find a home that meets all your criteria. Be prepared to prioritize your needs and make compromises where necessary.


6. Make a Smart Offer



Research the Market: Understand the local real estate market conditions to make a competitive offer. Look at comparable sales to gauge appropriate pricing.

Include Contingencies: Protect yourself by including contingencies in your offer, such as financing, inspection, and appraisal contingencies.

Be Prepared to Negotiate: Sellers may counter your offer. Be ready to negotiate on price, closing costs, and other terms to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.


7. Close the Deal


5 Ways to Close a Deal |


Conduct a Home Inspection: Hire a professional inspector to identify any potential issues with the property. Use the inspection report to negotiate repairs or credits if necessary.

Review Closing Documents: Carefully review all closing documents and ensure you understand the terms before signing. Consider hiring a real estate attorney to help with the process.

Secure Homeowners Insurance: Purchase a homeowners insurance policy to protect your investment. Shop around for the best coverage and rates.

Complete the Closing: On closing day, you'll sign all necessary documents, pay closing costs, and receive the keys to your new home. Celebrate this significant achievement!





Buying your first home at a young age is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. By following these steps, you can make informed decisions and navigate the home buying process with confidence. Start planning early, stay disciplined with your savings, and seek professional advice to achieve your dream of homeownership.

Factors That Might Affect The Value of a House

Nowadays, buying property has become very common in Malaysia as property could be a good investment in the long run if the right property is chosen. A right property could gain income for the landlord without bringing too much trouble, and vice versa, a bad property could result in loss and problems. For instance, a loss would be gained if a particular property is rented out to a tenant who refuses to pay rent on time. Therefore, a good property is hard to identify, as different people have a different mindsets and opinions regarding the same property.

As a property investor, the value of a property is very significant since it will affect the transacted price of the property and either directly or indirectly affect the income and outcome to the landlord. The income could be the high rental rates or when the disposal price is higher than the acquisition price. The outcome could be if this investment is a good investment as the tenant pays on time. Therefore, this article will be discussed about the factors that could affect the value of a house.

There are various kinds of factors that could affect the value of a property. But firstly, the location of the property is very crucial as it could affect the potential buyer to change his/her mind from intending to purchase to refusing to purchase. For instance, if comparing a property near KLCC and property in the countryside, both properties might attract different kinds and levels of people to buy the property as they have different decision-making styles. Some people might like to live at a slow pace at the countryside which would never get from the location in big city with a quick pace like Kuala Lumpur. However, majority of the people might be thinking, a city will be more convenience to live as all facilities are fully equipped. For example, the public transport like LRT, MRT and bus which makes people easy to access to every part in Kuala Lumpur. Also, Kuala Lumpur has a higher job opportunity as the rapid development and advanced improvement. In conclusion, the property in big city might have a higher value or prices as the demand in city is high.

Another factor which indirectly related to the location of the property is the factor of accessibility. A property that is easy to access could attract more potential buyers as people do not need to travel so far to visit to other places. As an example, we rather choose to purchase a shop lot which is facing the main road and easy to access to any of the highways that people often access to, than a shop near developed in an unknown place which only have limited people have information to. Following that, the surroundings of the property are also a key factor to increase, decrease or maintain the value of a property. For instance, formerly a property is surrounded by nature which means it is surrounded by trees without too much noise or pollution. However, the land has then been developed and turned into the industrial land which full of factories. This action results the residents in that area been affected by the noise, air, and water pollution caused by the factories in long-term. Therefore, people will now plan to move out from that area as their health were affected by the pollution. Hence, the value of the properties in that areas will then drop.

Furthermore, the tenure of the land will also affect the value of the property. For example, for a freehold property and a leasehold property with 99 years of tenure, the value of the freehold property might maintain or increase but the leasehold property might decrease as the time goes by and the date that needs to return the land to the government becomes nearer. People might afraid if their land was unable to be renew, they have no place to stay. However, a landowner with freehold property does not have this kind of trouble as they own the land forever if no forceable land acquire is gazetted by the government. Moreover, the government laws, policies and regulations are also closely bound up to the changes of the value of a property. For instance, the announcement of Budget 2021 regarding the stamp duty exemption for all first-time home buyers on both the instrument of transfer and loan agreement which transacted price is lower than RM500,000. This scenario could indirectly encourage people to purchase property and so, the demand increase will increase the value of the property if the supply in the market is limited.



那些第一次在马来西亚买房子的人,也就是俗称的首购族,其实可以从几个方面获得政府提供的补助。首先,对首购族最有利的优惠就是高达110%的房贷以及比市场上更低的银行利息。由马来西亚政府推出的计划 – 我的第一件房屋计划(My First Home Scheme/Skim Rumah Pertamaku)就可以大幅度地减轻年轻人想买房的财务压力。申请了高达110%房贷的首购族可以直接实现零头期买房,但前提是购买的房子只能用来自住。申请者只能选择购买房屋价格不超过RM500,000的二手房或者新推出的房子。这个计划共有26间银行参与,其中包括Alliance Bank, Public Bank, Maybank 和 RHB。只要你是有工作马来西亚公民,个人申请者月收入不超过RM5,000;联名申请者两人总月收入不超过RM10,000,过去12个月内没有任何拖欠贷款和债务的不良记录,并且名下没有任何房产的首购族都可以申请。

紧接着也是属于首购族的优惠,也就是大马政府推出的可负担房屋计划。这项计划里包括了:人民组屋计划州政府推出的可负担房屋计划。人民组屋计划,现已更名为马来西亚房屋计划Rumah Malaysia。这个计划的房屋分成两个类别:PPR Dimiliki供人们购买和PPR Disewa供人们出租。同时,这项计划也提供“先租后买”模式(Rent-to-Own)。人民组屋计划的申请者必须是18岁以上的马来西亚公民,每月家庭收入低于三千以及没有任何房产。州政府推出的可负担房屋大多都保留给首购族。现有的可负担房屋有包括:我的雪兰莪房屋计划(Rumah Selangorku),槟城可负担房屋计划(Rumah Mampu Milik Penang),柔佛青年过渡房屋计划(Rumah Transit Belia Johor)。大多数的可负担房屋申请条件都开放于18或者21岁以上的马来西亚公民并且在州内出生或者定居超过一定的时长以及家庭收入不超过州政府设定的门槛。每个可负担房屋的条件不同,所以需要先做好功课哦。

除此之外,根据大马政府在2021年财政预算,符合相关条件的首购族可享有100%免除贷款合约(loan agreement)印花税(stamp duty tax),还有在办理房产过户程序的产权过户协议(Instrument of Transfer)印花税的优惠。此免税优惠的条件包括:买卖合约(Sale and Purchase Agreement)签署日期介于2021年1月1日至2025年12月31日的房地产,并且仅限住宅房地产(residential property),不包括服务式公寓、SOHO、SOFO和SOVO,购买的房屋价格低于RM500,000,买家必须是马来西亚公民以及买家不曾拥有或联名持有任何住宅房地产,包括以继承、赠予的方式拥有。


Nak Buat Apa Lepas Dapat Kunci Rumah Dari Developer?

Setelah sekian lama menyimpan impian untuk memiliki rumah sendiri, mengumpul deposit booking beli rumah, tunggu proses pembayaran balik dan macam-macam kos yang anda keluarkan, maka tibalah masanya untuk anda melangkah masuk ke rumah selepas dapat kunci dari pihak pemaju. Pastinya anda berasa sangat excited kan?

Excited excited juga! Tapi anda jangan lupa untuk lakukan satu benda utama ini lepas anda dapat kunci dari pemaju. Apa yang anda kena buat ? Benda ni sangat-sangat penting untuk anda buat iaitu semak sebarang kecacatan dan cela binaan rumah anda.

Untuk pengetahuan anda, pemaju memiliki tempoh masa 12-24 bulan daripada tarikh vacant possession atau pemilikan kosong untuk membaiki semua kecacatan yang terdapat pada rumah pembeli. Yalah, manusia tak sempurna, apatah lagi developer. Eh, kesimpulannya anda kena check sendiri semua cela yang  terdapat di rumah anda sama ada bahagian luar atau dalam. Walau bagaimanapun, tempoh aduan bagi kecacatan kediaman adalah berbeza – beza mengikut pemaju.

Periksa jika tombol setiap pintu bilik boleh dibuka dengan mudah atau tidak. Pastikan juga sliding door boleh  ditolak dengan mudah dan tiada spring return. Jika anda dapati ada tombol atau bahagian yang berkarat, sila tandakan supaya  pihak developer boleh tukarkannya  dengan yang baharu.

Macam mana nak check defect? Anda boleh letakkan tanda di tempat yang ada defect dengan gunakan sebagai contoh masking tape , kertas A4, marker pen dan kamera telefon anda. Kenapa guna item tersebut? Ini bagi memudahkan anda untuk label defect tersebut dan anda boleh tangkap gambar sebagai bukti untuk dihantar kepada pihak developer nanti.

Untuk proses kenal pasti defect, anda kena semak 7 aspek ini antaranya ialah :

  1. Pintu (Door)

Periksa jika tombol setiap pintu bilik boleh dibuka dengan mudah atau tidak. Pastikan juga sliding door boleh  ditolak dengan mudah dan tiada spring return. Jika anda dapati ada tombol atau bahagian yang berkarat, sila tandakan supaya  pihak developer boleh tukarkannya  dengan yang baharu.


  1. Jubin Lantai (Tiles)

Anda boleh cuba ketuk dan dengar setiap jubin yang ada pada lantai menggunakan kepala screw driver (jenis getah) untuk kenal pasti bahagian tiles yang lompong, tidak diturap dengan sempurna atau nipis.

Semak juga jubin pada tangga rumah jika kediaman anda jenis bertingkat kerana simen pada tangga rumah selalunya disimen pada bahagian tepi sahaja dan boleh membahayakan penghuni rumah.


  1. Check Perkakas Elektrik.

Jika pemaju ada menyediakan plug dan perkakas elektrik seperti lampu dan kipas, sila periksa sama ada peralatan tersebut berfungsi dengan baik atau sebaliknya.

Jika tidak, anda boleh panggil kontraktor dari pihak pemaju untuk semakan continuity electric supply. Perkara ini adalah penting, agar anda tidak mengambil inisiatif sendiri untuk memecahkan kabel dalam dinding berpunca daripada  kuasa elektrik yang tidak berjalan.


  1. Meter Air.

Sekiranya rumah anda sudah dipasang dengan meter air, sila check semua pili air. Semak juga tekanan air pada setiap aras untuk memastikan tiada pili yang tersumbat.

Manakala, untuk bilik mandi pula, semak sama ada dipasang pili atau tidak. Periksa juga sambungannya untuk memastikan tekanan air kuat dan tidak tersumbat.

Jika rumah anda ada tangki, sila isikan tangki tersebut dengan penuh. Kemudian, anda perlu semak meter air untuk check jika air masih berjalan. Jika ya, berkemungkinan besar terdapat kebocoran di tempat lain.


  1. Tingkap.

Cuba buka dan tutup tingkap dan sliding door di rumah anda berulang kali. Pastikan semuanya mudah, dan lancer tanpa menggunakan tenaga yang banyak. Check juga bingkai dan pemegang tingkap jika terdapat karat. Jika berkarat, tandakan pada tingkap / sliding door tersebut supaya pihak pemaju menukarnya dengan yang baharu.


  1. Tangga Rumah.

Untuk tangga rumah pula, anda perlu menguji handrail atau pemegang tangga sama ada ia kekal kukuh dan tidak bergoyang – goyang walaupun dipegang semasa turun dan naik tangga.

Jika anda dapati pemegang tangga rumah anda longgar dan bergoyang, tandakan agar pihak developer  gantikan handrail tersebut dengan yang baharu. 


  1. Dinding.


Dinding rumah adalah aspek yang paling kritikal dalam proses semakan defect rumah.Ini adalah kerana, terdapat pemilik yang menganggap dinding rumah retak sedangkan ianya hanyalah hairline crack.



Untuk pengetahuan anda, hairline crack ini terjadi apabila batu bata, cat dan plaster tidak cukup tebal menyebabkan wujudnya hairline crack. Walau bagaimanapun, anda boleh letakkan tanda pada bahagian yang retak supaya pihak pemaju membaik pulih keretakan tersebut.



Jangan sesekali anda mencuba  melakukan sebarang renovation atau baikpulih sendiri rumah anda dalam tempoh Defect Liability Period (DLP).

Seandainya tiada apa-apa perubahan atau tindakan selepas 1 bulan atau 2 bulan anda failkan aduan defect rumah, anda bolehlah mengambil langkah untuk buat surat bertulis dan hantarkan kepada pemaju. Langkah terakhir adalah dengan membuat aduan kepada bahagian Tribunal Tuntutan Pembeli Rumah (KPKT).


TikTok has been named as the fastest growing social media platform of all time , making the shortlist as one of the most downloaded apps globally for the past 2 years. The short-form video app saw rapid growth during the COVID pandemic, as many users found time to explore the platform and connect with their online audiences in new ways. In Quarter 1 2020, we can conclude that TikTok set the record for the most downloads in a single quarter for a social app, at 315 million installs.

  • Who are using the TikTok?

This app is most popular with teenagers around the world, who are generally using the social media platforms nowadays. They figured out early on how to use and adapt the platform to their tastes and media, and at last have gathered many followers over the past few years. We named these generations as Tik Tokers.  Even though TikTok is very much appeal to young generations, it does seem that even the baby boomers or age people use the apps and produce exciting videos.

  • What Marketers can do by using TikTok ?

As the TikTok users are growing rapidly nowadays, entrepreneurs definitely will find out that there will exist a great opportunity to bring their products/ services inside the TikTok market and tackle them to use/buy their products with different ways especially by using the short video. There are 4 keys that an entrepreneur/ marketer can do by using this amazing app :

  1. Start a branded channel

Create a branded page and begin experimenting with content types. Content can be created fast and with no budget. The best thing to do is follow trending hashtags and join the latest memes and apply them to your brand. Utilize the app’s built-in filters, effects, soundbites, and editing tools to create and share authentic content.

  1. Collaborate with influencers

Another smart way to use TikTok is to leverage influencer communities. Influencers who liven up TikTok have established highly engaged followings through posting high quality content which resonates. They understand TikTok and know how to use its tools, features, and trends to their advantage. Brands can approach and collaborate on campaigns which use these influencers’ skills and knowledge.

  1. Start a hashtag challenge

Making a challenge for users to enter delivers a great way for brands to start a cultural trend or meme. Top-performing challenges entice millions of users to create videos for the campaign.

  1. Run advertisement on TikTok

TikTok is one of the most exciting new publicity channels because it has the ranking of other platforms such as Instagram, but it’s not yet saturated with advertisers. This means it can be more affordable to develop impressions and clicks. Fully utilised the new potential platform before it is too late!

How To Improve Your Self Confidence As a REN

How to improve  self-confidence in real estate sales? First of all, people who work in real estate sales should devote themselves to personal and career development, because life will only change self-confidence with self-change. We must clarify that self-confidence is a power.

As real estate negotiators, we need to have confidence in ourselves and motivate at the beginning of each day’s work. This is because confidence makes them more energetic and passion toward what they are doing. In a way, our confidence can be come from the strength to seek role models and to have enough patience for success. Apart from this, as a real estate negotiator, we must believe that we are able to achieve dreams, autonomy, self-reliance, and freedom.

Secondly, as a real estate negotiator, improving own language skills is the most important way to improve self-confidence. If a person wants to express his thoughts or wishes clearly, then he must have a clear goal and firm confidence in his heart. At the same time, his confident presentation and expression of his thought will also pursue the other party and attract the other party’s attention, until it makes people believe in him. For example, when we want to sell a house to a client, we speak in a low tone so that it sounds smooth, harmonious, and more engaging. Then use some gestures when speaking, look at each other, and smile, which can enhance the appeal of the language.

Not only that, if we are new to real estate negotiation, we must learn from the experience of others. Some negotiators are particularly introverted and do not like to talk at the beginning when first join into this industry, even if they have achieved the first point, they are still timid and nervous. We should have the mindset of accept and learn more from senior negotiators, follow to join them talk about business often, and look at how they negotiate with their clients in the process. In this way, we can observe their speaking, use of word, tone and deeds, besides, always ask senior negotiators for advice in time if we do not understand. Always practice because practices make perfect, do not afraid to try and do wrong. We must approach opportunity and chances in ourselves by trying in different ways to improve our skills and make ourselves a better negotiator. We must believe that we’ll be more courageous and get better results.

In addition, as real estate negotiators, we can try to speak with the client in eyes contact. This is because not being in the face of others usually means that “I feel inferior” and “I am afraid of you”. To face the customer and having eyes contact is to tell them that “I am honest and aboveboard”. It is to let your eyes focus on others, which not only gives ourselves the confidences, but also earns the trust of others.

Furthermore, real estate negotiators need to constantly learn to be positive thinking. This is because of positive mentality bring motivation and passion toward own. A real estate negotiator with a positive attitude which he will greet to himself with a smile every morning when he wakes up. “I am in a good mood today, I am very happy, I will contact many customers today, I believe that I can solve some problems or relieve their doubts, I will close the deal” and with the positive mood will influence clients to come near on your positive energy.

Let’s start building up your personal branding today! And if you are searching for a great challenging career to kick start in your life, why not you try it with us here as the Real Estate Negotiators (REN) and join our build-up training with our professional Master Trainer every week as one of the most important syllabi we are focusing on currently to transform our agents to a  better version in the future. For more inquiries, do contact us at 018-2820000 or email us at [email protected]

How To Make an Appointment With a Client

There are some basic skills that must be mastered to sell to large customers. One of the basic skills is that appointment of customers to visit customers is the beginning of business, and appointment of customers is the beginning of face-to-face visits to customers. The success rate of booking customers directly affects the number of customer visits. How to improve the success rate of booking customers is something that every salesperson must think about and summarize.

First of all, before making an appointment with a customer, the sales agent had better make an appointment with the customer in advance. In this way, customers will not feel sudden and will be psychologically prepared for our arrival. Of course, this is also out of courtesy of the sales. There are many ways to meet with customers, and phone call appointment is the most important way, and it is also the most economical and convenient way. Phone call appointments occupy a very important position in the sales process. In addition, there are many advantages to meeting customers by phone. For example, we can directly arrange a meeting time with customers. The second is to contact the customer by phone before making an appointment, so as to avoid the customer being out of touch due to temporary incidents. The third is to use phone contact, which can not be restricted by working hours and increases the chance of contact. The sales agent and the customer all start by making an appointment by phone.

First of all, we can fully prepare before making an appointment by phone, and prepare a list of customers. The full name, address and phone number of the target customer should be indicated on the customer list. If we only know the customer’s nickname, such as Jason or Vincent, we can ask the telephone operator who is looking for, and then ask him to call us.

Second, we can choose the time for the telephone appointment. When making a phone appointment, we have to consider what time is most suitable. It’s best to make reservations to avoid the other party’s rest and meal time。For example, when we just resume work at the end of the holiday, if we want to call the other company, unless there is an emergency, it is best to avoid the morning time and choose the afternoon time to call. Because at the end of the holiday, there are a lot of business meetings and negotiations, so it’s usually very busy. Unless it is an emergency,  sales agents better don’t make a phone call during lunch. In addition, for companies that are still busy at night, whether they are suitable for making calls depends on the industry. Being a sales agent is a process of accumulating customer skills, enhancing ability, and developing a network of contacts.

Not only that, the sales agent must prepare the content of the conversation. It is best to keep the content of the telephone appointment conversation at hand, which is conducive to presentation. We can also use a tape recorder to practice repeatedly and pay attention to the way of expression. It will master the language skills of telesales appointments When making appointments by phone, sales agents should master the following language skills. For example, since there is no visual communication on the phone, sales agents should improve their oral presentation skills and cultivate listening habits. Second, pay attention to the tone, intonation, and speed of our phone appointment. When sales agents speak with a smile as much as possible, the other party will notice the change in the tone of our speech. However, sales agents should not speak too fast or too slow, as long as the other party can hear clearly. And be enthusiastic when speaking, so that the other person feels that he is talking to a human rather than a robot. Finally, when speaking, we must appropriately add “yes”, “I understand”, “ok”, etc., to show that we are listening to the other person’s speech.

Finally, we must also be prepared for rejection and break through the words of customer rejection. Customers usually refuse to meet on the phone, but as long as the sales agents handle it properly, they will get a deal in the refusal. Different excuses for customers who are unwilling to finalize appointments. For example, if the customer doesn’t have time, the sales agent should say: “I understand. I always don’t have enough time. Please just give me three minutes and you will believe that this is a product that is absolutely important to you. If the customer is not available now, the sales agent should say: “I will be near your company on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I can visit you on Tuesday morning or Wednesday afternoon!”

If the customers say no money, the sales agent should say: “Sorry, I know that only you know your financial situation. However, if you make a financial plan now, it will be the most beneficial for the future! I can meet you to plan your financial problem on Tuesday or the weekend. ?” Therefore, the sales agent must prescribe the right remedy for the rejection methods of different customers. In this way, customers may have different ideas about our enthusiasm, and maybe customers will change their minds.

How To Be a Good Agent

A good agent creates services and value for customers to solve their problem, need and want. The responsibility of an agent is to take care of the business on behalf of the enterprise. So that, all the agents must work under registered agency. All the agents are hired by a particular company to sell the products and services of that company. They will be rewarded for their services in the form of salary and commission. For example, the agents then receive lucrative commissions in return for the sales they make. This means that businesses that work with sales agents pay for results. Hence, how are we being a good agent today? Let’s start to discuss how to be a responsibility agent.

  1.  Interpersonal Skill

To become a good agent, the agent must first use his own interpersonal skills. For example, the agent should put the needs of customers first. An agent who only earns commissions, regardless of customer needs, is unlikely to remain in the business for a long time. Agents need to listen carefully to what customers and potential customers request in order to win their trust. This is the most difficult part of their job. When learning on how to become a successful agent, the key is to know that those agents who are willing to invest their customers in products that pay lower commissions because they are more in line with their needs and are more likely to retain customers.

  1. Good Customer Service

The second is the most important, the agent must provide good customer service. If customers can reach them when they need an agent, they are more likely to remain happy and at ease. Responding to inquiries and calls in time is a must, the agent must be able to do what they say they will do, when the agent says they will do it, or at least have a good reason why he can’t do it. Therefore, providing good customer service can increase customer loyalty and brand awareness.

  1. Emotional Intelligence (ET)

Furthermore, the good agents must have sufficient emotional intelligence and persevere with customers. This includes the ability to listen and sympathize with customers at a deeper level in order to discern what they really want and what they need. A good agent is wise and knows how to help clients see financial reality clearly, even if the client is desperately opposed to it. Not only that, perseverance with customers is also one important quality of any good agent. Those who work in this field absolutely must be able to deal with rejections every day in their careers and do it with a smile. Good agents understand that each one will not only bring them closer to the person who will say yes.

In a nutshell, to be a good agent we must treat customers honestly. If their agents who use deception to end their business rarely stay in the same company for a long time, they may go to jail in some cases. A good agent knows that it can win the respect and trust of customers by telling the truth in advance. Over time, it is likely to lead to duplication of operations. Not only that, being an honest agent can increase your income, because if you are honest, customers will trust you and increase customer loyalty through the world of mouth.

  1. Discipline

Moreover, discipline also becomes a good habit for agents which is creation of thought, action and speech in order to improve oneself and achieve the goals. We can also define the following situations as exercising self-control or self-discipline: we use our ability to give up immediate pleasure to achieve long-term goals, and the true discipline is based on your ability to leave your comfort zone. Self-control and self-discipline are more specifically your ability to control your desires and impulses to focus on what you need to do to succeed in achieving your goals. It also can take those small, consistent steps every day to build a strong set of disciplined habits to achieve your goals. This is because small actions can lead us to larger goals.

Besides that, self-discipline is when you make some effort physically and mental to do something that you don’t want to do at the moment. Discipline doesn’t really take into account what you think or feel.  The beauty of discipline is that what we do is completely under our control, an action is completely under our control and second, its actions accomplish, further or reinforce a goal, not just our thoughts and feelings. An action corresponds to a value, and then the actions are loaded with value so that they are useful and useful. Other than that, we don’t let conditions or situations determine, for example, we don’t wait until the emotional motivation drives or occurs to feel “arrived” on the day. The key part of self-discipline is the quality of persistence or perseverance in order to achieve long-term goals.

  1. Know-How in Buying & Selling Products

Last but not least, to be a good agent you must have certain knowledge and know-how in buying and selling products. If there are a wide variety of products, a good agent will be able to provide a comprehensive selection of products and services that can meet any reasonable needs that a customer may have. Not only that, but a good agent also need to know much more than how to promote one’s own products. Agents must understand the tax and legal aspects of the products they sell, and how to design these products to suit the overall financial situation of their customers. Many agents obtain financial planning designations, such as certified financial planners & certified public accountants, chartered financial advisors or other qualification certificates. Some agents are engaged in financial planning, income tax preparation, or some other financial service channels as their main professions.

In conclusion, there are some qualities an agent must possess to be successful in the future. For those who are willing to learn the necessary skills to build a business, the agency business can be very challenging and rewarding.




中期投资者策略就是将购买的房地产拿来放租,就是投资者会寻找价格便宜且优质的新屋子或者二手房,在购买后放入基本的家具电器,再设法以高租金出租。然后在赚取租金收入的时候,等待合适的时机和房价升值之后再以高价卖出和套利。但通常这一整个过程在3年至5年内完成, 长期投资者就是投资期限达五年或更长。这类型的投资操作手法就是在购买房地产后,通过长期放租来赚取租金收入,并且基本不考虑将房子卖掉。这种投资方式是将来作为退休的住处、养老金或者留给下一代的遗产。当然,也有一些投资者是期望这些地理位置绝佳的房地产,经过更长时间的增值以后,让他们获得更加高额的利润。


其次,我们可以使用房地产投资信托(Real Estate Investment Trust)策略来投资房地产。房地产业是投资组合里一项重要的资产。在 REIT 还没推出之前,投资者通常会经过房地产股票和/或房屋的投资来接触房地产的领域。现在投资者可以选择以支付一部分产业的价钱来投资于 REIT。换句话说,REIT 提供投资者一个渠道参与高品质大规模商业房地产投资,无须直接购买物业。REIT 通常可带来稳定的收入以及诱人的收益。REITs具有其他投资产品所不具有的独特优势。第一,REIT的长期收益由其所投资的房地产价值决定,与其他金融资产的相关度较低,有相对较低的波动性和在通货膨胀时期所具有的保值功能;第二,可免双重征税并且无最低投资资金要求;第三,REIT按规定必须将90%的收入作为红利分配,投资者可以获得比较稳定的即期收入。

举个例子,房地产投机客往往希望在不到6个月的时间内出售价值被低估的房产。纯粹的房产投资者通常不会投资于改善房产。因此,投资必须已经有了回报内在价值 必须在不做任何改动的情况下利盈,否则他们会把财产从竞争中排除。那些无法迅速卸载房产的人可能会发现自己陷入困境,因为他们手头通常没有足够的未承诺现金来支付房产的长期抵押贷款。这可能导致持续通过购买价格合理的房产并通过装修增值来赚钱。这是因为投资者一次只能购买一两套房产。


投资者使用二手包租也是一种赚取差价的投资方法之一。这种方法也被指为与买屋出租的方法一样,是最快的赚快钱方法。投资者只需低价租到整间单位,之后再分租出去来赚收益。投资者可以从本身付的租金和自己收到的租金价差来赚取。打个比方,投资者以2200令吉租下一 间3房式的公寓,接着再找人租2间房给不同人士,主人房租1500令吉、二房租各500令吉,总共1000令吉,这样赚取的额外收入是300令吉。可是,如果使用这种方式投资必须通过房东的同意。得到你的房东允许来包租是非常重要的。如果房东不同意可以会产生不愉快的小插曲。

Why is Financial Management Important?

Financial management is one of the most important aspects of business. In order to start a successful business, we need to have excellent financial management knowledge.

First and foremost, financial management is to realize the appreciation of finance which can increase value. It can generate money by using money, which is what we often say that money makes money. We must arrange our existing assets reasonably and distribute them, and then finance can enter a process of continuous accumulation. After developing financial accumulation, we can naturally do something we want to do. Financial appreciation is not the ultimate financial management goal, but we achieve the way to achieve our life goals.

Secondly, the importance of financial management is to improve quality of life. Many people think that they must choose between making a financial plan or having fun, but actually this is a bad state of mind. In fact, fun is an important part of personal finance, and it is vital to our financial and physical health. Our savings account can not only store what we need, but also what we want. Saving money for large purchases in advance means that we will not pay additional financial expenses, such as interest and expenses, as we would with these purchases on credit.

Furthermore, financial management can guarantee life after retirement.  In fact, everyone will get old and face retirement problems. However, after retirement we will not be able to earn income to protect our old age. So, if we want to enjoy a leisurely old life, we should customize financial planning as early as possible and earn enough wealth to ensure that we live independently and prosperously in our retirement years. Especially since modern retirement time is delayed, it is better to save a sum of money to retire early. It is a common problem faced by modern people to formulate a suitable financial plan to ensure their independence and prosperity in their later years. Therefore, the retirement age should be considered in the future plan. We should estimate our annual living expenses in order to prevent facing financial problems after retirement.

In a nutshell, we could handle emergency situations when we make good financial management. In our lives, we cannot avoid the risks in everything we do. All we have to do is to choose the right financial management, so that we can minimize the loss when the risk comes. For example, accidental injuries that cause us to urgently need money. Therefore, accidents such as serious illnesses and natural disasters should be considered in the process of financial management. In order to minimize the loss of unseek risk, we can purchase insurance to prevent accidents. Not only that, making financial management can cut down an anxiety. Living from paycheck to paycheck is an unfortunate reality for many people, but this is not ideal. Having money set aside for emergencies can be an effective way to alleviate overall anxiety levels. Situations can arise without warning that require significant sums of money to resolve, such as car repairs, appliance malfunctions, and health issues. Having money set aside to use for these unexpected expenses can help people feel more secure and prepared for any eventuality. A good rule of thumb is to try to save between three and six months of expenses to have on hand for an emergency.

Last but not least, practicing financial management also can help us to build a good habit of self-discipline. Since we manage finances, we need to control ourselves to not waste money on unnecessary things such as luxury bags, luxury watches, and etc. We should fully utilize our money by purchasing necessary things. Small habits add up to make a huge difference to our net worth. Small personal habits may seem insignificant, but over time they can have a huge impact.  Good spending habits include monthly spending reviews, the 7-days rule, avoiding consumer debt, and understanding subscriptions and budgets. Self-disciplined savers are happy because they have less stress, less worry and they have lots to look forward to.

In conclusion, many people want to have financial freedom, but they lack knowledge on how to get there. Some people think doing more work will allow them to save more money. Yet even the highest-paid workers can be heavily in debt. The main reason behind this is their inability to manage their own finances. When you start managing your finances, you’ll have a better view of where and how you’re spending your money. This can help you control your budget and even increase your savings. With good personal financial management, you will also learn to save your money so that you can achieve your financial goals. By doing this, you’ll become more financially savvy and have more than one source of income. At the same time, you also can join as our Property Agent in Oriental Real Estate in order to achieve the financial freedom. By being a Real Estate Negotiator, you can get unlimited commission and get our interesting incentives every month. For more information, you can contact us at 018-2820000 or email us at [email protected].




除此之外,当你有梦想将会处决由你会成为怎样的人。最普遍的答案无疑就是 ‘我想成为歌手’,‘我想成为画家’ ,‘我想成为医生’ 等等的。没错,梦想就是你想成为的那个人。有着特别的原因,很多人都幻想着能够成为自己想要成为的人,比如歌手、演员、画家,可是大部分的人都认为这样的幻想太过于不真实,而且并不是任何人都有一定的能力和实力可以当上的,所以他们只敢抱有幻想而不敢勇于去追求。未来我们想要成为的那个样子看似离我们很遥远、看似不真实、看似无法成真,但同时它又离我们很近,因为只要我们肯努力,它就会被实现。虽然你会觉得不可能,但很多人就做到了。



规划好为了梦想要做什么事之后,就需要要求自己能够自律了, 如果规划好了可是因为不自律而导致自己不遵守自己的规划,那做好的规划就是在浪费时间!人最难做到的事就是坚持,在坚持之后最难做的事就是自律,自律可以改变一个人今后的发展如何,就看一个人对本能欲望的自我控制能力。例如,如果你可以控制你的饮食、睡眠、懒惰和抱怨的嘴,你就离成功不远了!一个人要控制不住自己的行为和欲望,那他的失败就在眼前。所以我们要学会自制与自律,懂得慎独和自省!“自律”对一个人的一生的重要性已经成为了很多人所关注的话题。比如说,一个人无论有事无事都准时起床;说要戒烟就真的 说要戒烟就真的不碰了;开车从来不沾酒……这些都是自律的表现。自律就是自觉遵守纪律,做有益于自己的事情,对自己的行为形成内在的约束力。同时,避免做一些对自己不好,不讲纪律的事情,比如说不守时、作息不正常、过于放纵自己的欲望等等。自律指的是,在那一时刻,是你的想法决定你的行为而非你的感情。在对你的一生有很大影响的大事情面前,自律常常意味着牺牲乐趣和避免一时的冲动。因此,是自律驱使你做到即使在最初的热情褪去后,仍然继续完成一个想法或者项目。在生活中我们会发现,越是优秀的人,就越自律,自律也让人变得更加优秀。自律需要我们先走出自己的心理舒适区,通过自律约束自己,规划自己,逐步实现自己的目标。自律是为了让我们成为更好的自己,需要牺牲暂时的快乐而做出改变。历史上也有很多自律的人,他们通过自律成就了自己的事业,所以我们也可以效仿这些例子。



建立人脉关系也是一个为了达成梦想很重要的环节,成功=知识+人脉,拥有良好的人脉是成功的基础。每一个成功的人是因为他有别人的帮忙、支持的肯定。建立人脉您可以了解其他企业和联系人,并提高您和您的企业在独特的环境中的知名度。在建立了人脉的情况下,您足不出户,就可以获取大量的信息,这是最重要的目的。建立人脉的一个重要作用是随时都可能获取重要的信息。 如果时间允许,请与人脉组织联系,因为这会带来更多的机会。所谓越注重人脉的人,越容易成功。以下情商高的人会用这3个人际交往原则。第一是人脉决定钱袋,人缘决定商源。人际关系是职场发展的一大学问。如今职场人的社交活动主要以“搞关系”为目标。大多数当下职场的人希望通过有效的社交,能有机会与优秀成功的人或是企业家之间能有所交集,最好能够成为朋友。第二是结交须胜己,似我不如无;三人行必有我师,择其善之而从之,其不善之而改之。第三是交朋友要交胜过自己的,交个能耐和我一样的还不如不交。表达就是人脉的重要性,与强者结盟优势互补。

当我们清楚明白自己的梦想和如何去实现后,也别忘了时刻提醒自己去为自己的梦想而努力,因为梦想虽然是大胆想象或敢想的人才敢做是没错,可是千万不要幻想未来, 这是因为未来是要靠自己的努力才能创造出来的。要实现梦想,当然也需要付出大量的行动,有行动必定会有结果,要有不同的结果,必须有不同的行动,我们必须了解我们的梦想需要进行什么行动,因为梦是一种欲望,想是一种行动。因此我们必须要用实际行动来实现自己的梦想,并不能只依靠空想来不劳而获。这样反而让自己沉醉在自己的幻想里,实现越来越困难。总而言之,梦想是梦与想的结晶。若不把梦想付诸行动,什么就都是空想。


Siapa kata jual rumah itu mudah? Selain dari pembeli yang kena tahu mengenai pembelian rumah, macam itu jugalah penjual rumah kena ambil tahu tentang jualan rumah ini. Jadi anda sebagai penjual, anda kena hadam tentang PUNCA kenapa rumah yang anda jual TAK LAKU? Dalam artikel kali ini, kami akan menerangkan SEBAB mengapa ini terjadi. Sila hadam betul-betul ya.


  1. Jual rumah harga melambung tinggi dari harga pasaran

Ish ish ish… Nak jual rumah sebab nak dapatkan pulangan duit memang bagus. Tapi yang tak bagusnya adalah jika anda sebagai seorang penjual tak kaji harga pasaran dan cuba meletakkan harga yang terlampau tinggi untuk si pembeli. Cuba letakkan diri anda sebagai seorang pembeli, anda mesti akan kaji harga pasaran rumah yang anda impikan itu dengan harga rumah lain disekitarnya betul tak?

Tapi, kalau anda rasa tiada masa dan terlalu sibuk untuk mengkaji harga pasaran rumah anda, anda boleh saja menggunakan perkhidmatan ejen hartanah kerana mereka inilah yang akan membantu anda dari proses A hingga Z. Mereka akan membantu anda dan juga pembeli dalam segala urusan jual beli rumah tersebut. Untuk harga pasaran pula, biarkanlah ejen uruskan dan terangkan kepada anda mengapa harga sebegitu yang patut diletakkan untuk rumah anda. Dengarlah nasihat ejen hartanah anda!

  1. Tak semak persaingan yang ada

Antara salah satu punca lain rumah tak laku adalah sebab anda tidak perhatikan harga pasaran sedia ada di rumah anda. Contoh, ada rumah lain yang sama rekaannya , saiz sqft dengan rumah anda, dan anda pun letak harga yang sama sepertinya atau anda letakkan harga yang lagi tinggi.

Sebagai penjual, anda kena tahu apa keunikan rumah anda dan mungkin boleh letakkan harga yang jauh lebih rendah dari harga rumah lain. Jadi, ini akan menarik minat pembeli untuk viewing rumah anda dan seterusnya membeli rumah anda.

  1. Gambar rumah yang tak menarik

Biasanya benda pertama pembeli lihat untuk beli sesebuah rumah adalah gambar rumah tersebut. Perkara ini sangatlah penting untuk “first impression” pembeli datang viewing & sekaligus membeli rumah anda.

Elakkan perkara di bawah kalau anda nak letakkan gambar anda di ruangan portal :

  • Nampak bersepah
  • Nampak gelap
  • Atau tak tunjuk keadaan sebenar rumah

Pastikan semua ruang dalam rumah anda kemas, cantik dan bersih serta buka semua lampu agar lebih jelas sebelum ditangkap gambar. Kalau anda nak tahu lebih lanjut tentang ini, anda boleh tanya Ejen Hartanah anda dan biasanya rumah akan cepat terjual jika keadaannya cantik dan lapang.Kalau dah berbulan-bulan rumah tak laku, cuba ganti gambar dalam iklan dengan gambar yang lebih baik. Ambil gambar guna teknik fotografi yang disarankan oleh ejen hartanah anda.

  1. Salah tempat iklan

Ha, kalau kita sebut tentang salah tempat iklan, biasanya mesti anda terfikir bukan ke boleh iklan dekat facebook , Instagram macam itu saja? Kan dah zaman sosial media sekarang ini?

Ya betul tuan Puan. Tapi, anda tahu tak yang sebenarnya kita ada pelbagai platform khas untuk jual hartanah? Contohnya macam, Propertyguru, Edge Prop, Iproperty dan banyak lagi. Jadi, kebiasaannya platform jualan hartanah atas talian sebegini memerlukan kepada bayaran dan orang yang pakar menggunakan platform iklan ini adalah ejen hartanah.

Apabila anda salah tempat iklan, maka salahlah sasaran audiens anda. Apa yang jadi adalah anda takkan jumpa pembeli rumah and aitu. Jadi, apa yang anda boleh lakukan sebagai seorang penjual yang bijak adalah dengan meminta bantuan daripada ejen hartanah berdekatan dengan anda. Jangan risau anda tak perlu bayar pun bayaran pengiklanan portal mereka. Cuma anda perlu serahkan kepada mereka gambar rumah, dan details yang diperlukan. Mudah bukan?

  1. Tak nak gunakan perkhidmatan EJEN HARTANAH BERDAFTAR

Bukan mudah nak belajar tentang proses jual rumah dan beli rumah. Jadi, urusan complicated seperti ini memerlukan kepada seorang yang EXPERT dan tahu segala segi tentang isu hartanah. Untuk pengetahuan anda, REN atau disebut sebagai perunding hartanah adalah satu pekerjaan professional di mana mereka akan bantu anda dari segi uruskan penjualan rumah, cari pembeli , iklankan rumah anda dan sebagainya.

Ada juga penjual rumah yang menganggap bahawa mahal menggunakan perkhidmatan ejen hartanah, tetapi sebenarnya hanya 1%-3% fees kebiasaannya yang dikenakan oleh agensi jualan hartanah daripada harga jualan rumah tersebut. Untuk cara yang lebih bijak, anda boleh sahaja menggunakan duit buyer yang diletakkan sebagai “earnest booking deposit” rumah anda sebagai cas pengurusan kepada ejen hartanah anda. Jadi, anda tak perlu lagi keluarkan duit dari poket anda untuk urusan pembayaran fis tadi. Jangan risau, untuk urusan cas fees tadi anda boleh saja berunding dengan ejen hartanah anda. Pastikan anda berurusan dengan ejen hartanah berdaftar dengan Lembaga Penilai, Pentaksir, & Ejen Harta Tanah (BOVEAP).

Kesimpulannya anda dah tahu kan kenapa rumah yang anda jual tak laku-laku? Cuba anda semak perkara-perkara di atas dan perbaiki semua. Bagi memudahkan urusan anda dan klien, kami menyarankan anda untuk menggunakan perkhidmatan ejen hartanah berdaftar kami di Oriental Real Estate. Berbekalkan pengalaman kami selama 33 tahun dalam bidang ini, kami pasti dapat menyelesaikan masalah anda dan klien anda. Hubungi kami di 018-2820000 untuk maklumat lanjut.


Personal branding is a value that shows or tells people what you really are and what is that you stand for. It included what you want to be known for. What are your strengths that you want to show? What do you want others to think and talk about you? What reputation do you want to reach?And why personal branding is important to you? It is because personal branding helps gain name recognition, positive impact, live your brand, Word of Mouth and Legacy.

The existence of knowledge will affect someone greatly, knowledge is not only something you learn from school. Learning how to cook is also a type of knowledge. To cook a delicious meal, you need a lot of knowledge, such as the knowledge on choosing spices, ingredients, knowledge on controlling firepower. Even plating the meal,also a type of  knowledge that you can learn. The more knowledge you have, the more your value will be greater.

Many people are not scared of challenges, but they are scared of failures. But if one does not challenge themselves, they will never get breakthroughs. Even if one person fails on the challenge, they also will get experiences, these experiences will help them to be more successful for the next challenge like the saying “failure is the mother of success”. Therefore, you should not be scared of challenges to improve yourself.

People will affect each other positively and also negatively. To improve self-value, you also can build relationships with people that have self-motivated personalities. Like the words “if you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas”.

Nowadays the trend is everything through social media, no matter whether it is sharing daily life or doing businesses and sales. So we can adopt the current trend which is through social media to build a personal channel to let people know more about you or show your expertise no matter if it is your daily life or your job and it will help raise your reputation at the same time.

Once you are already successful, build up your social media channel. It is important to share your knowledge to your audience. If you are willing to share your expert knowledge to others, it can help to build a good impact for them towards you. They will also trust you because their mindset will think that since you are willing to share with them, you must be a trustable person.

Let’s start building up your personal branding today! And if you are searching for a great challenging career to kick start in your life, why not you try it with us here as the Real Estate Negotiators (REN) and join our build-up training with our professional Master Trainer every week as one of the most important syllabi we are focusing on currently to transform our agents to a  better version in the future. For more inquiries, do contact us at 018-2820000 or email us at [email protected].

Buat 5 Perkara ini Semasa Viewing Rumah Sebelum Beli, Elak Rugi!

Semua orang mesti berimpian nak memiliki  rumah yang cantik dan selesa. Ini adalah penting sebab Rumahku Syurgaku, ataupun dalam erti kata lain rumah akan menentukan mood, cara hidup kita dan attitude kita secara tidak langsung. Mengapa saya kata begitu?

Bayangkan, jika anda ada sebuah rumah yang bumbungnya bocor sana sini, dinding berlumut, adakah anda tidak stress? Pastinya anda akan berada dalam keadaan stress dan terfikir-fikir untuk membaiki sekaligus perlu mengeluarkan duit untuk membaik pulih kerosakan tersebut. Tetapi, jika anda mempunyai rumah yang baik dan selesa meskipun tak secantik hotel 5 bintang, namun ianya dapat memberi inspirasi dan ketenangan kepada anda adalah amat berbaloi bukan? Sebenarnya ada perkara yang anda kena tahu jika anda berniat nak beli rumah sendiri khususnya rumah subsale.

Disini kami akan kongsikan kepada anda 5 perkara yang anda kena buat dan perhatikan sepanjang anda pergi viewing “bakal rumah” anda nanti supaya anda tidak menyesal di kemudian hari. Berikut adalah 5 perkara yang anda kena buat semasa viewing rumah sebagai pembeli :

  1. Ketahui status rumah yang ingin dibeli terlebih dahulu

Jika anda membeli rumah tersebut menggunakan khidmat ejen hartanah, anda perlu meminta ejen tersebut selidik terlebih dahulu status rumah itu seperti keadaan rumah dan sebagainya. Ini adalah amat penting supaya anda mendapat gambaran secara keseluruhan berkenaan rumah itu. 

Sebagai seorang pembeli, anda juga kena  tahu berapa kelayakan pinjaman atau loan anda serta harga rumah yang anda nak beli. Anda jangan sesekali view rumah yang sememangnya anda tahu diluar kemampuan kelayakan loan anda.

Selain itu, sebagai pembeli, anda perlu berlaku jujur dengan semua maklumat peribadi anda sekiranya ejen bertanyakan mengenai kelayakan loan anda sebelum proses viewing, dan berikan segala maklumat yang diperlukan. Mengapa? Ini adalah sebab ejen itu sebenarnya sedang membantu anda kerana ramai menganggap bahawa ejen hartanah ini begitu complicated dan banyak songeh.

  1. Semak segala kerosakan yang wujud, ambil gambar dan buat catatan

Semasa viewing, pastikan anda scan rumah itu secara menyeluruh, dan jika terdapat sebarang kerosakan, anda perlu buat catatan tentang kerosakan tersebut disertakan dengan gambar sebagai bukti. 

Anda kena ambil tahu setiap kerosakan yang ada walaupun kecil sebagai contoh kerosakan lantai sama ada pecah, terdapat gelembung dan sebagainya. Ambil perhatian  juga dengan masalah seperti tekanan air rendah, keretakan pada dinding atau lantai, masalah haiwan perosak dan lain-lain.

Untuk rumah berstrata (flat, apartment atau condo) pula, anda wajib pastikan tiada masalah kebocoran atau leaking dari bahagian atas rumah atau bahagian bawah rumah. Ini adalah kerana masalah leaking sangat rumit, dan memelukan Kerjasama antara 2 tuan rumah berbeza.

  1. Selidik Kawasan kejiranan kediaman

Antara salah satu kelebihan beli rumah subsale / secondhand ini, adalah anda boleh check siapa jiran tetangga anda dan bagaimana Kawasan kejiranan anda selepas anda pindah masuk rumah anda nanti. Ini merupakan satu bahagian yang penting sebab jiranlah antara orang yang anda minta bantuan sekiranya terdapat perkara yang anda memerlukan pertolongan mereka terutamanya jika anda tiada di rumah. Bolehlah anda minta tolong mereka untuk tengok-tengokkan rumah anda semasa anda pulang ke kampung atau bertindak call polis jika terdapat sebarang aktiviti mencurigakan di rumah anda itu.

  1. Ambil tahu sikap JMB sekiranya mereka beri komitmen terhadap tugasan mereka.

JMB (Joint Management Body) atau kita sebut sebagai Badan pengurusan Bersama ini biasanya bekerjasama dengan pemaju untuk menyelenggara hartanah sebelum penyerahan sebeanr dilakukan. JMB bertugas untuk memastikan dokumentasi, jadual pembayaran, perakaunan, dan pemeliharaan hartanah yang sewajarnya sementara pihak pemaju buat persiapan untuk membuat pengeluaran hakmilik strata.

JMB yang bagus adalah JMB yang peka pada keselamatan, keselesaan, kebersihan penduduk bangunan tersebut.
Setiap aduan akan diambil perhatian. Namun ada juga JMB yang sangat produktif  dan terdapat juga JMB yang memang tak ambil peduli tentang aduan penduduknya.

  1. Perhatikan tahap keselamatan persekitaran kawasan bakal rumah

Semasa anda pergi viewing bakal rumah, anda kena periksa keselamatan persekitaran kawasan tersebut. Sekiranya tempat tersebut mempunyai security guard bermakna ianya ada lebih baik namun sekiranya tiada, tidak akan menjadi masalah namun anda perlu perhatikan betul-betul bahawa kawasan tersebut selamat untuk anda duduki. Perkataan selamat di sini bererti selamat dari gangguan manusia atau haiwan liar seperti anjing liar, monyet dan sebagainya.

Akhir kata, cuba anda gunakan 5 tips ini apabila anda pergi viewing bersama ejen hartanah anda. Takut ejen hartanah tipu anda? Jangan risau! Jom berurusan jual beli dengan ejen hartanah berdaftar kami di Oriental Real Estate. Kami merupakan agensi hartanah terbesar di Malaysia dan sudah mempunyai lebih daripada 33 tahun pengalaman tentang hartanah dengan lebih daripada 800 orang ejen berdaftar kami di seluruh Malaysia. Hubungi kami di talian berikut : 018-2820000 dan dapatkan seorang ejen hartanah anda sekarang di sini!

Needed Tips to Help You Buy Your Dream House

Settling to buy a new house can be a terrifying journey as much as it’s exciting, and it is a lot of work and responsibility especially if you are planning to stay in it for a long time. Planning your next step and going through these tips we provided for you will sure ease your journey. 

  • Budget

Many people tend to put all their money to get their dream house, and they usually tend to forget about their other responsibilities. Buying your dream house is indeed a great achievement unless it is achieved in a risky way, plan your budget in the right way and make sure that you are not running out of your budget by buying your house.

  • Security

The security of your house and family must be your priority before buying a house, set up a security system that will ensure your safety and your families is required especially in this time of life, where safety cannot be guaranteed all the time. 

  • Location

Choosing a strategic location will benefit you and prevent you from some problems, you sure won’t prefer to live near the highway or a cemetery. The strategic location is where you are near all the necessary, like your job and your kids’ school. 

  • Neighborhood

Remember when you buy a new house you are not only living in the house but also in the neighborhood, people usually tend to avoid shady neighborhoods, you want your kids to have a great example from their surroundings. 

  • Warranty

Nowadays we are witnessing many problems and changes, especially natural disasters, like earthquakes, having a warranty to save you from repairing all the damage by your budget is a must. Make sure to settle this and make it on your priority list. 

  • Decoration

The decoration is the touch that gives life to the house, whether you decided to décor your house with your creativity, or decided to rely on professional help, either way, this step will determine the looks of your house. 

Remember it is important to have a studied and right plan to help in buying your dream house when you should plan according to your needs and your abilities. 


Rumah secara asasnya adalah tempat tinggal, iaitu tempat kita berlindung daripada cuaca panas, hujan, angin, kesejukan dan pencerobohan. Tetapi adakah anda sedar bahawa sebuah rumah yang kita miliki mampu membantu kita untuk  menjana duit? Ada banyak cara bagaimana rumah boleh menjadi salah satu punca kita menjana duit kita iaitu adalah dengan kaedah REFINANCE.

Tapi, apa itu REFINANCE? Refinance rumah adalah menukarkan pinjaman perumahan yang sedia ada dengan pinjaman yang baru. Kebiasaanyya ada  3 faedah mengapa ramai owner rumah di luar sana buat REFINANCE untuk rumah mereka. Anda mesti nak tahu, kenapa kan? Baca artikel ini sampai habis.


1. Boleh dapat CASHBACK dari kenaikan nilai hartanah

Ringgit Opens Easier Against Greenback As Investors Await Cues |  BusinessToday

Bagaimana pula dapat CASHBACK dari refinance? Perkara ini merujuk kepada penukaran kenaikan nilai hartanah anda pada waktu itu selepas beberapa tahun. Amaun tunai yang anda akan dapat adalah beza antara baki pinjaman yang anda masih perlu bayar dan harga pasaran hartanah anda.

Sebagai contoh, jika baki pembiayaan housing loan anda yang belum dibayar adalah RM450,000 dan market value rumah anda ketika itu adalah RM550,000. Anda boleh buat gadai janji semula untuk pembiayaan 90% daripada harga rumah tersebut dan dapat pembiayaan sebanyak RM495,000 daripada pihak bank. Anda boleh gunakan RM450,000 untuk bayar hutang lama dan baki RM45,000 untuk ada simpan atau buat renovasi rumah dan sebagainya.

Wang berjumlah RM45,000 tersebut anda boleh guna untuk bayar hutang lain, biaya pendidikan anak anda atau jadikan sebagai simpanan masa hadapan. Ini adalah salah satu sebab mengapa ramai orang buat REFINANCE untuk rumah mereka sendiri.


2. Untuk dapat manfaat kadar faedah lebih RENDAH dan KURANGKAN amaun ansuran bulanan berikutnya

Kadar faedah house loan ditentukan oleh Base Rate (Kadar Asas) oleh setiap bank, dan dipengaruhi oleh OPR (Overnight Policy Rate). OPR ini adalah satu polisi yang ditetapkan oleh pihak bank untuk tentukan kos peminjaman wang. Secara asasnya, jika nilai OPR lebih rendah, maka ianya adalah lebih baik untuk buat pembiayaan sEmula. Apabila nilai OPR turun, pihak bank akan beri penjimatan dalam bentuk Base Rate yang lebih rendah. Jadi, pembeli hartanah boleh ambil pinjaman perumahan baru dan nikmati ansuran bulanan yang lebih rendah.

Pada 20 Januari 2021, Bank Negara Malaysia telah mengumumkan bahawa mereka masih mengekalkan nilai OPR pada kadar 1.75% semenjak diumumkan pada 7 Julai 2020 disebabkan wabak Covid-19. Nilai OPR semasa berada pada tahap 1.75% dan merupakan yang paling rendah sejak tahun 2004. Semua bank utama di Malaysia termasuk Maybank, Public Bank dan CIMB telah mengurangkan kadar pemberian pinjaman efektif sejajar dengan nilai OPR yang ditetapkan.


3. Untuk pendekkan tempoh pinjaman

Sebenarnya jika anda dapat memendekkan tempoh pinjaman anda dengan pihak bank, anda akan nampak penjimatan berganda. Contohnya, anda mendapat pinjaman perumahan 90% sebanyak RM450,000 untuk rumah anda yang bernilai RM500,000 DENGAN KADAR FAEDAH 4.5%. Anda sebenarnya boleh mengira jumlah ansuran bulanan dengan amaun untuk tempoh pinjaman berlainan.


Tempoh Pinjaman 30 Tahun 25 Tahun 20 Tahun
Ansuran Bulanan (RM) RM2,280.08 RM2,501.25 RM2,846.92
Jumlah Faedah yang anda perlu bayar (RM) RM370,828.8 RM300,375 RM233,260.8
Penjimatan yang anda dapat RM) RM70,453.80 RM137,568


Untuk dapatkan kiraan jumlah faedah yang anda perlu bayar., anda boleh gunakan formula di bawah:

*Jumlah faedah yang perlu dibayar = RM450,000 – (ansuran bulanan X 12 bulan X bilangan tahun)

Kesimpulannya, terdapat beberapa kelbihan yang kita boleh perolehi daripada membuat refinance rumah. Sama ada anda mahu untuk dapatkan CASH BACK untuk memenuhi keperluan anda, atau anda mahu menikmati kadar faedah yang lebih rendah atau anda mahu untuk memendekkan tempoh pinjaman perumahan anda dengan pihak bank? Semua itu adalah plihan anda! Sebagai klien, buatlah pilihan yang tepat dan pelajari bagaimana untuk buat REFINANCE dan syarat yang diperlukan.

Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai perkara ini, anda boleh hubungi perkhidmatan EJEN HARTANAH BERDAFTAR kami di ORIENTAL REAL ESTATE SDN BHD,018-2820000,  rakan hartanah 33 tahun anda di seluruh Malaysia untuk membantu anda sama ada dari segi konsultansi kewangan, jualan dan pembelian hartanah pertama anda.

生活能量, 导致家中漏财的住宅风水 Life Energy Centre


The life energy room is a metaphysics platform which has a close relationship with FENG SHUI that we are
familiar with. Therefore, the universe energy has created FENG SHUI that people practice from ancient time to the


  1. 大门风水不吉-大门的布置是很重要的,我们应该都要注意
  • 开门见厨房 – 厨房是住宅的财库,若开门就看到厨房,这就代 表钱库外露
    ~ 扑救方式 – 应该在大门和厨房之间设置屏风遮挡,或是装饰一 些吊链
  • 开门见镜子 – 因为镜子有反射的作用,门看到镜子,财气就会 被镜子反射回去, 那财气就留不住。
    ~ 扑救方式 – 把镜子移走,如果移不走就拿别的东西把它盖 上,遮掉或是放置红色踏垫。
  • 开门见水龙头 – 开门见水龙头就是把刚进门的财气,像水一样顺着流水溜走。
    ~ 扑救方式 – 把水龙头移到别处即可
  1. 大门对着向下的楼梯 – 就是说家里的财气顺着楼梯漏走了,如果 是这样的情况门口上面放置一面凹镜 , 吸收财气。
  1. 屋宅不聚气 :
  • 穿堂煞- 就是门与门相冲,就是说大门一开进来就直接看到楼 台, 房门对房门,房门对厨房门 等等…….
  1. 门与窗相冲,窗与窗相冲或者居家的窗户过多、(窗)过大。也就是穿堂煞,这类屋宅倒是很凉快, 通风也很好, 但是就不聚 财。
  1. 衣橱靠窗擺 – 因为衣物也是财物的象征,如果衣橱设置在靠窗的位置,则有财气外泄的可能,所以 需要谨慎。
  1. 住宅下面有河流、沟渠经过 – 这是风水上的典型漏财格局 ,容易 让家中的财气溜走。
  1. 住宅围墙过高 – 原本围墙有聚财的作用,也有防盗的功能,但是围墙不宜过高,同时显得住的人心胸不 够开阔,有如以世隔绝, 类似一种被困的格局,对于居室采光、通风也相当不好。
  1. 厕所布局不当 – 家中的厕所不可以设置在家的中央,这样不好, 厕所原本就阴湿、污秽之地,就很不 容易及时排泄出去,造成满 宅乱串,自然也会遭遇破财、漏财。
  1. 餐桌选不对 – 餐桌是一个居家的中心,也是每天进食的地方,它 不僅会影响到家庭的气氛和家人的感 情,还对住宅主人的财运具 有重要的影响
    ~ 饭桌的2条禁忌 – 导致破财的餐桌的摆设
  • 餐桌不能使用白蜡烛和吊灯 – 因为白蜡烛象征哀事,所以不吉 利
  • 吊灯有冲击餐桌的作用,所以容易影响到用餐者的健康
  • 餐桌最好不要选择玻璃或者大理石材料的餐桌,因为一方面它们都属于阴性,容易吸收餐者的 能量。 这种餐桌 ,冰冷、坚 硬、在这样的环境用餐,气氛往往不能温馨
  1. 阳台犯凶煞 – 阳台是住宅与外界沟通的主要通道之一,所以阳 台对财运有不可小 嘘的影响,具体说 有4种布局易导致破财
  • 阳台犯路冲 – 是典型破财凶局,路上车流很多,流速很大, 带很多的气流,都是凶气,所以气流 越来越多对于住宅的财 运影响越坏。
    ~ 扑救方式 – 可以摆放凸面镜进行缓冲
  • 阳台犯刀煞 – 就是阳台正对着尖角和锯齿形的房屋、大夏或强势建筑、比如高层雄伟的建筑物,庙宇、道观、殡仪馆、 坟场、荒山等等….
  • 阳台推放杂物 – 阳台是住宅的进气口之一,不能遮挡,遮挡其实就是将财气运档在屋外 ,当然就 不会聚财,杂物容易产生灰尘或者排放晦气,形成五黄之物,导致家人生病。
    ~ 扑救方式 -将这些杂物整理进箱摆放在看不见的位置。
  1. 窗户朝向凶方 – 良好的窗户,不但可以提升住宅气场,还能让窗 外的吉气、生气流入自己的家里。
  • 窗户对着阴煞之地,容易影响到财运和健康。
  • 窗户对着反弓路 – 会割断财运 。
  • 窗户周围有高塔等细长的物品,容易导致家人发生意外,也 会使到亲人不亲。
  • 窗户前摆放办公桌,背后没有靠山。
  • 窗户的数量过多,容易损伤财伤丁。
  1. 家居布置不当:

屋宅的杂物乱摆放,会让整体屋子显得凌乱,在这样的环境当 中,当然心情不好,也具有财运不好
的基础, 这些杂物尤其摆 放在阳台和门窗,这样容易导致家中外部的生气、吉气、财气、 人气无
法进入家里或者产生阻碍 。

  1. 家居中摆放镜子过多:古人认为是阴寒之物能够吸纳灵气,也 能招致邪气,因此摆放有需要讲究,摆放过多会导致家人出现 屠华、 浮躁的情绪.

Regardless how hard we work, increase in our income, and how we save on daily expenses, still we could not
able to build up our savings. The reason behind is caused by the residential Feng Shui problem.

  1. The main entrance’Feng Shui – We should pay more attention on the layout of the main entrance since it is very crucial.
  • Open the entry and you can see the kitchen directly – Kitchen is the treasury of the house. If you see the kitchen once open the entry, it means you exposed your treasury, which is naturally not conducive to keeping money.
    Solution – Place a screen in between entry and kitchen or hang a curtain
  • Place the mirror in front of the entry – The mirror has the function of reflection, the wealth absorbed by the entrance door may be reflected back because of the mirro facing it, making it impossible to retain the wealth. In this way, the money that has just entered the house is naturally sent back.
    Solution – Remove the mirror. If it cannot be removed, then cover it with something else or place a red floor mat.
  • Water faucet at the entry – The faucet flows out towards the gate, symbolizing that the wealth of the family will also go with it, and the phenomenon of losing money.
    Solution – Just remove the water faucet elsewhere
  1. The door faces the downward stairs – the wealth of the home will inevitably leak out, which is also a leak of wealth. Just place a concave mirror above the entry to absorb the wealth.
  1. The residence does not gathering gas
  • “Sharing the hall” – door is flushing with each other, which means that as soon as the entry is opened, can see the balcony
  1. Serious conflicts between doors and windows, and between windows and windows. Or there are too many or too big windows in your home. This is called “ChuanTangSha”, this type of house is cool and well ventilated, but is just does not gather wealth.
  1. The closet is set near the window. Since the closet is a symbol of family wealth, if the closet is set near the window, there is a possibility of wealth leaking, thus you need to be cautious.
  1. There are rivers and ditches under the house. This is a typical pattern of leaking wealth in Feng Shui; it is easy to cause the wealth of the family to slip away.
  1. Residential walls are too high – the walls have the function of gathering wealth and preventing theft. However, the wall should not be too high, if it is too high, it seems that the owner is not broad-minded, and it will be isolated from the outside world and society. From the perspective of luck, it is also a trapped pattern; on the other hand, an excessively high wall is also quite detrimental to the lighting and ventilation of the room.
  1. Improper layout of toilets – the toilet in the home cannot be arranged in the center of the house. This is very bad; the toilet is originally a damp and dirty place, so it is not easy to get rid of it in time. It will be full of chaos in the house, and it will naturally encounter bankruptcy and wealth leakage.
  1. The wrong choice of dining table – the dining table is the center of the home and the place to eat every day. It is not only affects the family atmosphere as well as family bonds, but also has an important impact on the homeowner’s fortune.
    Two taboos of the dining table – the setting of the dining table will leads to bankruptcy.
  • White candles and chandeliers cannot be used on the dining table because white candles symbolize mourning, and it is representing unlucky
  • The chandelier has the effect of impacting the dining table, so it is easy to affect the health of the diners.
  • It is best not to choose glass or marble tables for the dining table, because on the one hand, they are all feminine and easily absorb the energy of the diners. This kind of table is cold and hard, while dining in such environment, the atmosphere is often not harmony.
  1. Balcony Feng Shui Fierce obstacle – the balcony is one of the main communications channels between residence and the outside world. Therefore, the balcony has a great influence on the fortune of the house, typical speaking; there are four layouts that can easily lead to bankruptcy
  • Balcony rush to road – this is a typical money-breaking situation. There are a lot of traffic on the road with a busy flow rate. Most of the air currents driven by it are fierce. Therefore, the more traffic, the worse the impact on the wealth of the house.
    Solution : Convex mirrors can be placed for buffering.
  • Balcony Wall Blades –The balcony is facing sharp corners and jagged, strong buildings. For example, high-rise majestic building, temples, Taoist temples, funeral homes, cemeteries, barren mountains, and so on.
  • Balcony piled up with debris – the balcony is one of the air intakes of the house. It cannot be blocked. When it is blocked, in fact, it is to keep the fortune out of the home, which is of course not conducive to accumulate wealth. Moreover, sundries are prone to general dust, or emit undesirable gases, forming five yellow things, causing family members to get sick.
    Solutions – store the debris into the box and place it in an invisible position.
  1. The window cannot face the evil side – well-arranged windows will not only enhance the auro of living, but also allow the auspiciousness and positive energy to flow into one’s home.
    However, if we commit the following 5 taboos, we may facing the leakage wealthy frequently.
  • Window faces the shady land which will easily affect wealth and health.
  • Window face the anti-bow road which will cut off the fortune.
  • There are tall towers and other long slender objects around the windows, which can easily lead to accidents in the family members, and can also lead to intimidation of relatives.
  • Desks placed in front of the windows, and no reliable back.
  • The number of windows are too much, so it is easy to losing money and injury of family members.
  1. Improper home furnishing The clutter everywhere in the house will make the whole house seem messy. People living in such an environment will of course in a bad mood, and they will also have the basis of poor financial luck. These clutter, especially cannot be placed on doors, windows and balconies. In this way, it is more likely to cause the external anger, luck, wealth, and popularity in the family could not enter the family; or to cause obstacles.
  1. Too many mirrors in the home – The ancients believed that mirrors were cold, capable of absorbing spiritual energy and inducing evil spirits. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the placement of mirrors. Excessive display will lead to luxurious and impetuous emotions in the family.

宇宙吸引法则 Law of Attraction



思想能够立即变成现实的环境中。思想的实现是一个长时和渐进的过程,这实际上是一件好事。 因此,



敬畏的。它意味着,不管你的思想已经在你的生活中造成了什麽影响,都可以被“回复”或“撤销” ,


你会吸引它。你必须将注意力集中到 你要吸引的东西上。


成为你喜欢的那样。虽然你不能在他们的 现实中创造,即是他们的情绪或态度跟你对他们的情绪和态度

整天,我都会重复地说 “太谢谢了,我已经康复。”一遍又一遍,我重复地说,“太谢谢了,我已经
23日。到我完全康复,大约是3个月的时间 ,其中没有任何的放射和化学治疗。


当我们观察我们的周围,甚至观察我们的身体,我们所看到的,只是冰山的一角。想想这件事: 看看你
量在震动。 所有的东西都是同样由能量组成的,不管是你的手,海洋,还是恒星,所有的东西都是能量

”。好吧,那么请描述一下“ 能量”。它永远无法被创造或破坏,它自古至今都存在,曾存在的东西永远
麽创造了宇宙? ”他或她会说上帝。那好,请描述一下上帝,自古至今都存在,无法被创造或破坏,


我相信你是伟大的,相信在你的 身上,有一些宏伟的东西。不管你的生命中发生过什麽,也不管你的年


Many people don’t know that “thought” has a frequency. Every of it has a frequency. We can measure
this thought, in other words, if you have an ideas repeatedly in your mind or often imagine it, for example,
imagine that you already own a new car, or you already have the money you need, or you are setting up
your own company, or you already have found your soul mate. As long as you imagine them in your mind,
you will continue to emit the corresponding frequency and keep on thinking.

Sending this kind of magnetic signal, this signal will attract similar things back. Imagine that your life is
rich, and you will attract “richness” to you. This law of attraction always works, regardless when and who
and it is true.

Therefore, when you see what you want and accept it from the bottom of your heart, you call a thought,
and the law will respond to your thought, but when you saw the one you don’t want, and repelling it in your
thoughts, you didn’t push it away, on the contrary, you summoned the thought of something you refuse to
have, and the law of attraction will attract the thing you don’t like to your side. This is a universe based
on attraction, and everything is related to attraction.

The law of attraction is always works. No matter whether you believe it or understand it or not, it is always
working. You may be recalling the past, or thinking about the present, or imagining the future, but whether
you are reviving, observing or imagining, in all these processes, you are summoning a kind of thought,
and the most powerful law of attraction in the universe will respond to your thoughts, and creation is
always happening.

Usually, when people start to understand this “secret”, they are afraid since they have too many negative
thoughts. But you should know two things, first, now science has proved that positive thoughts are thousands
of times stronger than negative thoughts. Therefore, this fact can eliminate a lot of your worries.
You live in a world where time is buffering, in fact, this is an advantage. You don’t really want to live in an
environment where ideas can immediately become reality. The realization of ideas is a long-term and
gradual process, which is actually a good thing. Therefore, you need to pay attention to your thoughts,

choose your thoughts carefully. And have fun from it, because you are your own life “engineer”, you are
the Michel Angelo of your own life, and you sculpt your own statue, and these all is come from your

Our feeling is our “feedback mechanism”, which reflects whether we are on the right track. Is it on the
right line or has it be deviated? The better you feel, the more you are in line with your ideals; the more
you feel bad, the more different you are from your ideals. What you are doing now is actually, shuttle
through your daily various sutras and thoughts, and produces various thoughts; these thoughts actually
shape your future paths. You can tell according to your feelings, which direction you are heading, and
whether it will make you happy after you arrive. In conclusion, what you feel is the best reflection of
what is becoming reality.

They don’t know that a small change in their emotions will change the condition and life throughout the
day. If you are in a good mood at the beginning of the day and you are in a feeling of happiness, as long
as you don’t let anything ruin your emotions, then according to the law of attraction, you will attract more
similar form, situation, and people to continue your feeling of happiness.

So basically, what you will attract to your life is based on your thoughts and feelings, regardless
of whether it is what you wish for. To be reminded: your thought, feeling and the reality presented are
always consistent. There will be no exception but true. This truth may be difficult to understand, but once

we open ourselves to it and believe in it, the outcome is awesome. It means that no matter what impact
your thought has cause the effect in your life, it can be “reverted” or “withdrawn” by changing your
consciousness which is to achieve this “withdrawing”.

This is very interesting, and it is like using the universe as your catalogue. You flip through the catalogue
and “make an order” at the same time that you would like to experience this, the product, and to be such
a person. It is like you are placing an order from the universe, and it is as easy as sentence.

The universe prefers fast speed, so please don’t hesitate, don’t guess, don’t doubt. When the opportunity
is there, where the urge is there, when the inner compassion is there, just action, don’t wait. This is your
job that you have to do, it will attract whatever you need, if you need money, you will attract money, if you
need someone, you will attract them, if you need a book, and you will attract it. You must focus on
what you want to attract, because when you keep imagining of things you want in your mind, you will
be attracted to it, and they will also be attracted to you. However, it actually wants to be with you and
come to the real world through you, and this process is determined by the laws of nature. You can start
with nothing, and from nothing to something, where there’s a will there’s a way.

Make a list of those who spend more time with you. Maybe you will have someone with a terrible experience,
have a very bad relationship with you. But deep inside your consciousness, after hard work, we
must admit that when you focus your mind on those that you like, those people will change according to
your preference. Although you cannot “create” them in their reality, that is, their emotions or attitudes are
inconsistent with your emotions and attitudes toward them. They will also change according to your
change. The law attractions won’t put you tow together in the same place since your frequency is no concurrent.

On November 23, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. From the bottom of my heart, with strong belief,
I believe that I have been cured. During the day, throughout the day, I would say “Thank you so much,
I have recovered.” Over and over again, I said repeatedly, “Thank you so much, I have recovered!” From
the bottom of my heart, I believe I have recovered. It’s as if my body has never had the cancer. One
of my methods of self-treatment is to watch funny movies. We just watch and laugh, we can’t tolerate
adding any pressure to our lives, because we know that pressure is the worst thing that you can do in the
process of recovery. From the day I was diagnosed with cancer, it was November 23, it just take about
3 months for me to fully recover without any radiation or chemotherapy.

Because you can’t just say “ NO ” to it and make it disappear. When you say “ NO ” to something, the
law of attraction pushes it in front of you instead.

When we observe our surroundings, even our bodies, what we see is only the tip of the iceberg.
Think about this: look at your own hands, your hands appear to be physical, but they are not. Put it under
a proper microscope and you can see a lot of energy vibrating. Everything is made up of the same
energy, whether it’s your hand, the ocean or the star. Everything is energy. Let me help you understand
this concept, this is our universe, our galaxy, our planet. Then there is a single person, and then, in it, it’s
the body, our organ system. Then there is the cell, the molecule, the atom, the last is energy. You yourself
are an energy body!

Our knowledge of energy is this: You find a quantum physicist and ask, “ What makes the world? ” He
or she will say, “ Energy.” Okay, and then ask them to describe “energy”. It can never be created
or destroyed. It has existed since ancient times, and the things that have existed will always exist. It is
just a conversion from one form to another. Well, you find a theologian and ask the same question: “ what
created the universe? ” He or she can say “GOD”. Well, please describe GOD. It has existed since
ancient times and cannot be created or destroyed. Everything that has existed will always exist. It is
always just a transition from one form to another.

The inner happiness is actually the fuel of success. Anything that makes you feel good will always bring
you happier. You are now listening to these truths. This is also your own attraction into your life. If you
feel a lot of words coming to you, then you have to choose whether you want to accept it and apply it.
If it doesn’t feel good to you, then let it go. Look for other things that make you feel good, things that
resonate with your heart.

I believe that you are great, and that there is something magnificent in you. No matter what happened in
your life, regardless of how young or how old you are, when you start to think about it, the greatness within
you, this power, is stronger than anything in the world. Then it will start to appear, it will take over your
life. If you are willing to accept it, it will give you food and clothes, and it will guide you, protect you, and
teach you, keep you alive.

How to Overcome The COVID-19 Burden

People in this time are having hard times going through the day without struggling economically and mentally in the time of the pandemic. It has been nearly 2 years fighting with covid-19 and nearly 3 months since the replacement of the movement control order, people are only allowed to go out when it is necessary. And many of us have already forgotten how to have great times and have lost the ability to meet up with loved ones, it can get really challenging to maintain a good mentality about this situation. therefore, we prepared a list of things that will help you to get through these hard times: 

  1. Improve or discover a hobby :

it is not easy to be productive in these times, where all you want to do is to lay in bed all day long with your favorite shows. But finding a hobby or improving a hobby that you already have is a fun and a productive way to spend your time, so whether it is drawing or writing or anything you like, make sure to practice it this way you will not only have fun but also you will master a hobby that might as well benefit you in the future.

  1. Read :

Reading will open your mind to new possibilities, and helps you gain more knowledge the more you read. Besides, it is an effective way to kill time in a productive way.

  1. Connect with your loved ones :

The most important thing is to check up with your loved ones to see how they are doing and coping with the situation and have fun with them, in this time it is easy to connect with your people whether it is through calls or videos. Letting your friends and family know that you are always there for them will help them through these times and vice versa. 

  1. Plan for the future :

Many of us have lost their jobs and their source of income, which makes it challenging to think and plan for the next step. the business has been postponed and others have completely shut down. Looking at the circumstances might make you lose hope. Whether a new business you want to start or seeking a new job, if you plan, you can get a great chance to overcome your losses and secure your future.

  1. Practice gratitude

It can be challenging to look at the bright side nowadays, but it also helps to show you how great the things and people you have in your life are. Be grateful for things and people you have been taking for granted, and always remember that everything is not granted and can be taken away at any moment.


Semua orang mesti nak memiliki rumah sendiri betul tak? Ya,permohonan loan dengan bank ini bukan mudah. Lebih-lebih lagi jika kita nak buat loan rumah. Macam-macamlah perkara dan senarai yang bank akan minta apabila kita nak buat permohonan loan dengan mereka. Walaupun kelihatan leceh, tapi inilah hakikatnya dan kita sebagai pemohon perlu mengikut dan menepati semua dokumen yang pihak mahukan dari kita.

Tetapi, dalam banyak-banyak perkara, kita perlu jaga 3 perkara ini secara asasnya. Jika anda jaga 3 perkara ini, anda dah tak perlu risau lagi lulus ke tidak permohonan anda. Tapi janganlah anda memohon pinjaman yang tak setara dengan jumlah harga rumah yang dipohon dan gaji anda yang mungkin tak boleh melayakkan anda lulus permohonan loan itu.

每个人都想拥有自己的房子吗?答案是“ 是的”,但是向银行申请贷款并不容易,特别是如果我们想申请房屋贷款。 当我们想申请房贷时,银行会要求我们提供各种资料和清单。 虽然看起来很草率,但这是不争的事实,我们作为申请人必须遵循并提供的所需的文件。

但是,在很多事情上,我们基本上需要处理这三件事。 做好这3件事,就不再担心申请房贷是否会通过了。 但切记不要申请不相等与所申请的房屋售价和符合您工资可以负担的贷款,这可能会使您无法通过贷款申请。

Jom kita tengok, apa 3 benda yang bank akan tengok untuk luluskan loan rumah anda :

  1. DSR (Debt Service Ratio)

Perkataan ini memang sinonim kita dengar jika kita nak buat permohonan dengan bank. Apa itu DSR atau dalam Bahasa Melayu kita sebut sebagai Nisbah Khidmat Hutang ? Bahasa mudahnya adalah formula ratio yang bank gunakan untuk mengira sama ada seseorang itu layak untuk mendapat pinjaman atau tidak. Bank akan gunakan gaji bersih anda setiap bulan dan semua hutang bulanan anda seperti pinjaman kereta, bayar pinjaman belajar dan lain-lain untuk menentukan sama ada tahap kewangan ini sesuai ke tak untuk membuat pinjaman yang anda nak.

Ada yang tanya kenapa bank buat macam ini? Sebabnya bank nak pastikan peminjam itu mampu untuk bayar balik pinjaman rumah yang dia dah mohon dengan bank. DSR ini jugalah yang bank akan guna untuk bandingkan DSR peminjam dengan had maksimum DSR yang bank dah tetapkan. Kalau DSR anda tak lebih daripada had yang ditetapkan, maka semakin dekatlah kepastian bank akan luluskan permohonan pinjaman perumahan anda itu!

  1. CCRIS

Perkara kedua terpenting bank akan tengok adalah CCRIS (Central Credit Reference Information System). CCRIS ini datangnya dari Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). Secara asasnya, laporan kredit CCRIS ini terdapat semua maklumat kredit dari pelbagai syarikat kewangan di Malaysia terlibat, seperti bank, broker insuran, syarikat telekomunikasi dan sebagainya.

Laporan CCRIS ini akan bantu pihak bank untuk buat keputusan atas setiap permohonan pinjaman perumahan yang mereka dapat .Antara info yang pihak bank boleh tengok dalam CCRIS ini adalah:

  • Pinjaman/Kredit tertunggak sepanjang hidup pemohon
  • Akaun perhatian khusus yang mana akaun dipantau rapat oleh institute kewangan
  • Permohonan pinjaman kredit dah lulus atau sedang diprosesdalam tempoh 12 bulan.
  1. CTOS

Seterusnya, bank akan tengok adalah CTOS (CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd) adalah organisasi persendirian atau syarikat swasta yang mernyediakan report kredit. Laporan CTOS ini juga digunakan oleh pihak bank untuk tentukan kelayakan kredit pemohon, sama ada infdividu ataupun syarikat.

Selalunya pihak bank akan rujuk lebih dari satu laporan kredit untuk tahu keadaaan sebenar kewangan si peminjam dan keupayaan pemohon untuk bayar balik hutang.

Info dalam CTOS ini biasanya datang dari pelbagai sumber awam. Contohnya, seperti Ssruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN), Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia (JIM) , notis dari surat khabar , penerbitan prosiding undang-undang dan warta kerajaan.

Antara info yang pihak bank boleh semak dari report CTOS ini adalah:

  • Pemilikan dan info perniagaan
  • Status muflis
  • Tindakan undang-undang
  • Status kes


  • Jaga-jaga jumlah duit simpanan anda dalam bank sebab bank suka anda ada simpanan yang cukup.
  • Pastikan ada duit sikit dalam akaun bank anda setiap hujung bulan
  • Elak memajak emas sebelum apply loan sebab biasanya pajakan ini akan ganggu scoring anda
  • Buat semakan kelayakan sebelum anda hantar permohonan loan supaya anda tak bazir masa anda
  • Pastikan dokumen anda 100% lengkap. Ini bagi menyenangkan semua kerja banker anda. INI PALING PENTING!

Ini adalah sekadar guideline mudah saja untuk anda.Kalau anda nak tahu maklumat yang lebih terperinci, anda boleh consult dulu dengan banker bertauliah dan jika anda nak tahu report CCRIS dan CTOS anda, boleh berhubung dengan ejen hartanah professional kami di Oriental Real Estate kami yang berdekatan dengan anda di seluruh Malaysia. Untuk sebarang perkhidmatan perundingan hartanah anda, sila hubungi kami di talian 018282000 atau layari laman web kami di

现在让我们来看看 , 银行是需要根据哪三件事项来决定我们的房贷申请 :

  1. DSR(偿债比率)

当我们想向银行提出申请房贷,我们都会听到这个词汇。哪什么是 DSR 或在马来语中我们称之为偿债比率?简单的说,着是银行用来计算一个人是否有资格获得贷款的比率公式。银行会根据您每月的净工资和您每月的所有债务,例如汽车贷款 、学习贷款还款等,来确定您的财务状况是否适合申请贷款。

有些人就会问银行为什么要这样做?原因是银行要确保借款人是否能够偿还他向银行申请的房屋贷款。该 DSR 也是银行用来将借款人的 DSR 与银行设置的最大 DSR 限额进行比较的内容。如果您的 DSR 不超过设定的限额,那么银行批准您的房屋贷款申请的机率就会相对的提高!

  1. CCRIS

银行关注的第二个最重要的事情是 CCRIS(中央信用资讯系统记录)。 此 CCRIS是 来自马来西亚国家银行(BNM)。基本上,这份CCRIS信用报告包含了马来西亚各个金融公司的所有信用信息,例如银行、保险经纪人、电信公司等等。

此 CCRIS 报告将帮助银行对他们获得的每项住房贷款申请做出决定。银行在此 CCRIS 中可以看到的信息包括:

  • 申请人终生拖欠的贷款/信用
  • 受金融机构密切监控的特别关注账户
  • 信用贷款申请已在 12 个月内获得批准或正在处理中。
  1. 首席技术官

接下来,银行会查看CTOS(CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd)是否是提供信用报告的私人组织或公司。银行也会使用这份CTOS报告来确定申请人的信用度,无论是个人还是公司。


这些 CTOS 中的信息通常来自各种公共资源。 例如,如马来西亚公司委员会(SSM)、国家注册局(JPN)、马来西亚破产局(JIM)、报纸通知、法律程序的公布和政府公报。

银行可以从这份 CTOS 报告中查看的信息包括:

  • 所有权和业务信息
  • 破产状态
  • 合法举动
  • 案例状态


  • 注意您在银行的储蓄金额,因为银行希望您有足够的储蓄。
  • 确保每个月末您的银行帐户中有一点钱
  • 避免在申请贷款前租赁黄金,因为这种租赁通常会影响您的评分
  • 在提交贷款申请之前检查您的资格,以免浪费时间
  • 确保您的文件100% 完整。 这是为了让您所有银行家的工作变得有趣。是最重要的!

这只是给您一个简单的指南,如果您想了解更详细的信息,您可以先咨询认证银行家,如果您想了解您的CCRIS和 CTOS报告,您可以联系我们附近东方的专业房地产经纪人房地产与您在整个马来西亚。

如需任何房地产咨询服务,请致电 018282000 或访问我们的网站。

10 Things The Clients Want from A Real Estate Negotiator

Today, home buyers and sellers have plenty of options at their fingertips when it comes to buying or selling a property. The digital age has made it considerably easy to research properties, learn about the market and even buy property privately. Yet, they still need a reliable real estate negotiator to manage and assist them to find the property according to their budget and the requests. Thus, what do clients really want from their real estate negotiator?

  1. Guide and strategic partner

A negotiator’s pricing strategy should be based on comparables, up-to-date, and expertise of the local market. As a negotiator, one should share their reasoning behind the pricing recommendations.

  1. Responsiveness & good communication

Good communication here involves preparing the clients for what is coming during the buying and selling process. The REN should share all the documents needed and what can help the clients before the purchasing process of the property.

  1. A good client experience

The client experience is everything the client is exposed to when dealing with a negotiator and their brand. So, among of the experience here including the negotiator’s website, social media marketing, client’s testimony, phone calls, emails, etc. Customer service plays an important role to give the best experiences to the clients.

  1. Explaining the process

As real estate negotiators, we must think beyond the customer’s thoughts. Think about the top frequently questions that may be asked by the clients. Write a help guide and place it on your website, and answer all of the questions. A good negotiator is being expected to know how to answer all the questions from the clients. 

  1. Negotiation skills

Negotiation skills should be a negotiator’s strength. Pricing, closing date, and repairs are normal items that are on the table for negotiation between buyer and seller. Real estate negotiators help their clients to go through this process. This a great time to apply one’s training and hands-on experience to prepare the client for this part of the deal.

  1. Knowledgeable

A real estate negotiator’s expertise comes from their personal experience. But no one knows everything so having experienced partners and great broker support will benefit too. Negotiators with a good network, know who to go to when they need help. Those who know the ins and outs, negotiators can make the process so much smoother for their clients

  1. Assist with weighing the pros and cons

Part of the benefit of a negotiator’s expertise is a viewpoint the clients might not know. It’s a negotiator’s job is to observe the client’s best interest. An excellent negotiator shares what they know, apparently detailing the risk and advantages, and let the client decide.

  1. Personal connection

Customers usually want to get along with their real estate negotiators. Are you a negotiator who’s more consultative or a number-driven? A number-driven negotiator will most likely connect best with clients that appreciate that style. Negotiators should not be afraid to let their character show so they can draw more clients who appreciate that style.

  1. Network of connection

Clients expect that with negotiators being the real estate specialist, they have a great network of connections. This includes repairmen, lenders, appraisers, and inspectors. Of course, the client will think that this is good as the great negotiators will think about all of these for them.

  1. Tech-savvy

People these days are attached to their phones, negotiators are expected to be tech-savvy too. The bare minimum is to be responsive through texts and email. Negotiators must take advantage of the convenience technology has provided.

If you are seeking a real estate specialist around Klang Valley and can provide you all of these criteria as a real estate negotiator that will fulfill your requests in buying or selling properties, please contact us at 0182820000 or visit us for more information at


Setiap orang pasti mengimpikan untuk memiliki rumah idaman sendiri. Mahu atau tidak mahu, rumah adalah dalam kategori keperluan hidup kita selain daripada pakaian, makanan dan lain-lain keperluan. Tetapi, ternyata bukan mudah untuk membeli mahupun memiliki sebuah rumah  idaman anda sendiri. Lebih-lebih lagi jika anda mahu membeli rumah dengan pendapatan serta komitmen yang sedia ada sekarang, kan? Sudah, anda tak perlu pening kepala lagi, anda hanya perlu baca artikel ini dari awal hingga akhir tentang bagaimana cara mudah simpan duit untuk beli rumah idaman anda.

Cara mudah simpan duit untuk beli rumah idaman anda adalah seperti berikut :

  1. Mempunyai pendapatan tetap setiap bulan.

Untuk memiliki rumah idaman, anda perlulah mempunyai pendapatan tetap  setiap bulan. Apa yang anda perlu buat adalah semak status kewangan anda sendiri iaitu berapa baki yang tinggal selepas anda tolak semua komitmen sedia ada kemudian semak berapa baki daripada gaji anda untuk simpanan tabung khas “beli rumah”. Tetapi sekiranya anda tidak tahu bagaimana nak menyemak kelayakan gaji anda sama ada boleh lepas beli rumah tersebut atau tidak, anda boleh merujuk dengan mereka yang pakar antaranya adalah kami di Oriental Real Estate di talian 0182820000. Jangan risau, kami pastinya boleh membantu anda untuk urusan ini!

  1. Tentukan target simpanan anda.

Anda perlu menentukan bilakah anda nak beli rumah tersebut. Contohnya jika anda mahu membeli rumah pada tahun hadapan, tetapkan jumlah simpanan dan berapa lama tempoh yang anda perlukan bagi membeli rumah itu.

  1. Buat senarai perbelanjaan anda.

Anda perlu menyenaraikan setiap perbelanjaan anda pada setiap minggu, bulan dan tahun. Pada masa yang sama, anda juga perlu merekod setiap keluaran duit anda. Oleh itu, dari sini  anda pasti boleh membuat analisis kewangan anda untuk mengetahui apakah keperluan dan kehendak yang anda boleh ketepikan untuk menyimpan duit anda dengan lebih baik lagi. Ini adalah untuk memudahkan anda membuat simpanan bagi membeli rumah idaman anda.

  1. Menambahkan pendapatan sedia ada.

Anda perlu mencuba berusaha untuk menambahkan lagi pendapatan anda. Contohnya, anda boleh membuat pendapatan sampingan dengan cara menceburkan diri anda dalam bisnes atas talian sama ada anda menjadi dropship atau ejen untuk sesuatu produk.Sekiranya anda sudah memiliki bisnes , pastikan bisnes anda telah didaftarkan di bawah Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun barulah anda layak untuk membeli rumah idaman anda.

  1. Disiplinkan diri anda.

Sifat ini adalah sangat penting kerana sekiranya anda mempunyai sifat disiplin diri yang tinggi, barulah anda mudah untuk mencapai segala matlamat yang anda telah tetapkan dalam hidup anda termasuklah menyimpan duit untuk membeli rumah idaman anda sendiri. Anda hanya  perlu membezakan antara keperluan dan kehendak. Dahulukan keperluan anda sebelum kehendak.


Sebenarnya banyak lagi cara untuk anda boleh buat untuk  menyimpan duit demi membeli rumah idaman anda suatu hari nanti. Namun, kita sendirilah yang perlu menentukan semua itu. Ingatlah, sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tidak berguna lagi. Mungkin ada antara anda yang sedang mencari rumah idaman anda dalam bajet yang berpatutan, carilah kami di Oriental Real Estate, pusat penyelesaian anda untuk mencari hartanah terbaik seluruh Malaysia. Hubungi kami di talian : 0182820000 untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai projek perumahan terbaru 2021 dan hartanah-hartanah lain. Semoga artikel ini dapat membantu anda untuk menyimpan duit untuk membeli hartanah anda sendiri terutamanya untuk golongan anak muda dan mereka yang sudah berimpian ingin membina keluarga sendiri.

Being a Real Estate Negotiator (REN)

A lot of people are aware that being a REN is very rewarding in terms of income and flexibility in working time. At the same time, many who joined the field are not aware that being a REN is not like getting a 9 to 5 job. It is a career path and they are their own boss. They have full discretion over how much they want to earn and how successful they want to be. And in order to be on top of their game, they need to realize the real meaning behind REN.

R = Reliable

A lot, if not all, of property owners purchase a property because of the trust they have in the REN who sold them the property. They believe that the REN is the professional in the real estate industry, and that is the truth. However, this should not be a ticket for RENs to take advantage of those owners who rely heavily on them to gain ROI from their property investment. Instead, it is the responsibility of a REN to ensure that the interests of the owners whom they are serving are safeguarded and the actions taken by a REN should be done in good faith.

In order to be reliable, RENs should equip themselves with 3 ‘Know’. This include:

  1. Know your product – Do a thorough research regarding the property that you are handling. This include its built-up, layout, facilities provided if it is in a high-rise building and the different types of layout available within that project. A REN need to be able to identify the right target market for the said property and whether it suits the usage of any prospective tenant or purchaser.
  2. Know your market – Advising the owners the right price to sell or rent out is one of the responsibility of a REN. It is vital that the REN assist the owner to maximize their investment returns and even if in worst case scenario, to minimize the loss incurred by the owner. Knowing the market price will also enable RENs to better advise their potential clients who wish to buy or rent the property they have to offer.
  3.  Know the surroundings – Property is all about location, location and location. What does the surrounding of the property you are handling has to offer? Does it has sufficient amenities, a good community or great accessibility? RENs will need to be able to advise their potential clients accordingly and convenience them if they wish to close more deals.
E = Enthusiastic

Again, we wish to emphasize that being a REN is a career and not ‘just another job’. In order to build a solid career, passion and enthusiasm is important. The mindset of ‘Touch and Go’ can earn you quick big bucks, but it won’t last. A REN should always be ready to go the extra mile to standout from others if they wish to build a lasting career and be successful in the real estate industry. This would include:

  1. Serving your clients through delivery of great service and ensuring their interests are protected. After-sales service is vital in any transaction to maintain great satisfaction of the clients you served.
  2. Spend more time on preparing your sales pitch and presentation. This can include mapping, comparison of different property within the vicinity and how does your property standout.
  3. Learn, keep learning and continue to learn new skill sets, even if it is not directly related to the real estate industry but are able to help you to perform better as a REN. For instance, interior designing knowledge on better utilization of space, communication skills as well as non-verbal communication (NVC).
Last but not least, be N = Nimble-witted

Adapting to situations and overcoming questions tactfully is one of the most vital skill a REN should have. Situation or circumstance might pop-up out of the blue and a REN must be able to handle it to maintain the confidence of their clients. Of course, this come with experience but equipping yourself with the necessary knowledge will also enable you to better handle it.

Are you planning to venture into being a REN or feel that the leader you are with current is not guiding you enough? If yes, call us now at 018-282000.

Together, let’s embark on a journey to becoming a top-class REN!


Pastinya setiap orang menginginkan sebuah rumah impian sendiri untuk hidup bersama dengan pasangan dan keluarga. Namun adakah anda tahu bahawa terdapat beberapa kriteria yang akan diambil kira oleh pihak bank sekiranya anda ingin memohon pinjaman perumahan daripada mereka? Bagaimana agaknya anda boleh melepasi semua syarat yang bakal dipertimbangkan oleh pihak bank pula? Haaa..anda tak perlu risau lagi kerana kami akan kongsikan tips mudah lulus pinjaman perumahan dari bank kepada anda. Jom baca!

  1. Pastikan pekerjaan anda  berstatus tetap (permanent).

Jika kerja anda berstatus kontrak, pihak bank akan sukar untuk meluluskan pinjaman anda  kecuali untuk anda adalah penjawat awam.

  1. Semak penyata KWSP dan pastikan majikan mencarum tepat masa.

Pihak bank akan menilai kestabilan majikan dan integriti pendapatan anda melalui penyata KWSP anda.

  1. Pastikan gaji yang diterima dalam penyata bank anda sama dengan slip gaji dan dibayar tepat pada masanya.
  1. Bayar cukai pendapatan.

Jangan lari dari isytihar dan bayar cukai terutama jika anda bekerja sendiri.

  1. Bayar semua hutang tepat pada masanya.

Pihak bank tahu rekod bayaran anda melalui laporan CCRIS. Jika laporan CCRIS anda tidak baik, terpaksalah anda ucapkan selamat tinggal kepada rumah impian anda.

  1. Gunakan kad kredit dengan bijak.

Jangan guna kad kredit lebih dari separuh had maksima kerana ini menunjukkan kebergantungan anda kepada kad kredit.

  1. Pastikan baki bank anda tidak susut.

Bank menilai baki bank bulanan anda. Jika boleh, pastikan baki akhir terus meningkat setiap bulan.

  1. Semak laporan CCRIS.

Anda boleh menyemak laporan ini di kiosk bank negara. Dari laporan ni anda akan dapat melihat komitmen dan juga pattern pembayaran anda selama hidup anda.

  1. Buat saringan awal kelayakan dengan jurubank.

Mereka pastinya boleh memberi nasihat kepada anda tentang berapakah harga rumah maksimum yang anda boleh beli berdasarkan pendapatan anda.

  1. Pastikan dokumen sokongan anda lengkap.

Dokumen ini termasuklah salinan kad pengenalan, penyata gaji tiga bulan terkini, penyata bank tiga bulan terkini, penyata KWSP atau borang EA dan dokumen sokongan lain.

Jadi, anda sudah tahu bukan mengenai tips-tips mudah lulus pinjaman perumahan dari bank sebentar tadi? Tunggu apa lagi, anda bolehlah gunakan tips-tips di atas untuk mendapatkan rumah impian anda tak lama lagi. Anda berhajat mahu mencari rumah mengikut bajet anda? Hubungi kami di talian 0182820000 (HQ ORESB Setapak) untuk perkhidmatan Ejen Hartanah yang akan membantu anda untuk mencari rumah impian anda mengikut bajet yang anda mahukan. 

5 Basic Rules to Décor House

Building a home is a dream in every family life. In order to build a beautiful home, it starts with having a beautiful house that represents your personality and social image. It is also a place that tells others about the people staying in it and we need to make it the best possible for us. Therefore, today we will discuss and share 5 basic rules on how to décor your interior design home.

Lets’ read these simple basic rules you must apply to create your interior design home :


  1. 3/3 Vertical rule

This concept comes from a designer named Mark McCauley and was brought forth from stripping down nature to colors. As for your information, there is 3 mode of colors according to nature that surround us:


  1. Lightest – The sky, the clouds, and sunlight
  2. Medium tone – Like plants, building, the bodies of water
  3. Dark Colours – Like the soil, mud, earth


When it comes to applying the colors, the dark colors tone should be applied on the floor (below), followed by medium tones for the walls (middle), and the lightest tone on the ceiling (top). This would give the place a good contrast of colour blending and making it look more natural.


  1. 60-30-10 Rule

This rule is all about creating the perfect color palette for your space. This rule here consists of 60% main color, 30% secondary color, and 10% accent color.

The 60% color usually is for your walls (paint or wallpaper), rugs/carpet, and sometimes a sofa. This is the largest part, so it must be natural. While 30% color is for window treatments, accent chairs, beddings, furniture, and accent wall. It also can be a good trim, carpet, rugs, lining, textiles as long as you vary the tone to give the room look alive. 10% will be your bold color choices. This includes the decor, artworks, and also the small items such as the throw pillows. When you are not sure which accent color will look best, you can take the color from an artwork or depend on the larger furniture. 10% color could be the board and metallic too.


  1. Rule of Odds

This rule is about how to arrange or group items in a given space. Note that odd number of items provides more balance and visually appeal than even number of items. Three is a magical number but if the area is larger, you can arrange 5-7 but you have to remember 2 rules:


  1. The item must be unique to create visual entrance.
  2. One of the items should have the earth colour to look different than other items.


  1. Height Variation

You should never put two items of the same height next to each other. Try to look at your display cabinet, or your console in your homes right now. And see if it looks good as a whole. The height variation creates separation so it does not look flat at all cause your eyes bounce over each item. So, now you have varied the height of objects, but what do you do if one object is too short for the other? And what if the variation is too wide? This happens in vertical & horizontal items. So, let’s refer to rule number 5 to resolve this matter.


  1. Use Height Riser

Use the other objects to add height to it and this way will make the item look more cohesive and press the gap. You can put any items under the object such as books and boxes.

Lastly, remember to take your time – don’t rush your decisions when it comes to your home. Let things evolve, there’s no need to finish things in record time. Get inspirations and ideas to décor homes from magazines, blogs, etc. May these tips help you to determine the best choices for your homes.


Pasti ada yang tertanya-tanya, jenis rumah yang manakah yang bagus untuk dibeli sama ada rumah lelong, subsale atau undercons? Tetapi persoalannya adakah anda sudah benar -benar memahami apakah maksud rumah lelong, subsale dan undercons? Untuk membuat pembelian rumah, anda perlu mengetahui secara lanjut mengenai jenis-jenis hartanah kediaman yang sedia ada di pasaran. Jadi, di sini kami ingin membuka minda anda supaya anda lebih teliti dalam memilih rumah anda.

Ayuh kita fahamkan dulu definisi untuk setiap jenis rumah, barulah anda boleh membuat keputusan.


  1. Rumah Lelong (Auction)

Rumah lelong adalah rumah yang dijual oleh pihak bank ataupun pihak individu secara lelongan “auction” oleh pihak lelongan yang mempunyai lessen.Sebagai contoh, rumah yang dilelong oleh pihak bank dan rumah lelong LPPSA. Disebabkan rumah seperti ini dijual dengan harga murah, kebanyakan pembeli rumah di Malaysia menganggap bahawa hartanah lelong ini kurang nilainya berbanding rumah baharu  atau hartanah sekunder. Ada juga yang berpendapat bahawa pasti sesuatu buruk telah berlaku pada rumah tersebut dan mempunyai kerosakan struktur yang teruk. 

Namun, sebenarnya inilah masa yang paling sesuai untuk membeli rumah dari pasaran lelong kerana jumlah pembeli rumah baru yang tidak mampu membayar ansuran bulanan mereka semakin meningkat dalam 1-2 tahun ini. Lebih-lebih lagi dengan wujudnya wabak Covid-19 , pastinya lebih banyak pembeli rumah baharu berhadapan dengan masalah kewangan. Ini membuktikan bahawa masih ada yang belum mengetahui tentang tawaran lelongan hebat rumah yang boleh membantu kita membuat pembelian rumah dengan harga yang lebih rendah dan mampu milik. Tetapi, anda masih perlu mengetahui pros and cons pembelian rumah lelong ini:


Kelebihan Rumah Lelong

  • Harga lebih rendah dari pasaran subsale
  • Boleh membeli rumah yang sebelum ini mempunyai sekatan, contoh rumah kos rendah. Apabila dilelong, ia tidak akan mempunyai sebarang sekatan
  • Pilihan pelbagai lokasi yang menarik
  • Pulangan sewa yang lebih tinggi berbanding rumah subsale
  • Pelbagai pilihan harga (boleh memilih harga yang sesuai dengan bajet)


Kekurangan Rumah Lelong

  • Kalah lelongan (unit called off) – pemilik membayar tunggakan dan bank membatalkan lelongan( boleh berlaku pada hari lelongan walaupun setelah anda mendaftar)
  • Menang lelong tetapi dengan harga yang melebihi pasaran- jika tidak membuat kajian tentang harga pasaran rumah
  • Pinjaman perumahan tidak diluluskan
  • Unit dalam keadaan kerosakan yang teruk
  • Tunggakan utiliti oleh pemilik lama yang tinggi
  • Pemilik lama enggan keluar dari rumah


  1. Rumah Subsale (Second Hand)

Rumah subsale adalah rumah second hand di mana rumah ini telah dimiliki oleh pembeli yang membeli daripada pihak pemaju. Kebiasaannya rumah ini dijual kerana pemilik ingin berpindah rumah, berhijrah ke luar negara atau pelbagai sebab lagi. Jadi, di sini kami akan senaraikan kebaikan dan tips sebelum membeli rumah jenis ini.


Kebaikan rumah subsale

● Harga yang mampu milik kerana harga pasarannya telah turun.
● Boleh dijadikan rumah sewa atau mungkin “homestay”
● Tiada tempoh menunggu jika proses pinjaman anda berjalan lancar. Kemungkinan untuk memiliki rumah ini menjadi lebih singkat.


Tetapi, anda juga perlu teliti jika ingin membeli rumah subsale. Secara asasnya, harga rumah ini sememangnya murah dari harga pasaran namun anda mungkin terlepas pandang beberapa perkara. Antaranya adalah :


● Keadaan rumah yang dimakan usia. Bahan binaan rumah tersebut mungkin ada yang  rosak, seperti ada  masalah anai-anai, reput dan sebagainya. Pastikan anda periksa dengan teliti sebelum membuat sebarang  keputusan.
● Kaji dulu mengapa pemilik lama menjualnya. Kaji kesemua aspek, lihat kawasan persekitaran, ketahui indeks jenayah di kawasan tersebut, susun atur kawasan perumahan berkenaan dan kemudahan berdekatan.
● Periksa dengan pihak bank mengenai baki hutang rumah tersebut. Pastikan tiada sebarang tunggakan daripada mana-mana pihak.

  1. Rumah dalam Pembinaan (Undercons)

Rumah undercons adalah rumah yang masih  belum siap dan sedang dibina oleh pihak pemaju. Kebiasaannya rumah jenis ini akan mengambil masa 2-3 tahun untuk disiap bina oleh pemaju dan terletak di kawasan yang belum matang. Anda juga perlu memastikan pihak pemaju tersebut mempunyai latar belakang yang mantap supaya tiada isu rumah terbengkalai. Namun, apa yang anda perlu tahu adalah walaupun rumah masih belum siap, selepas anda lulus membuat pinjaman dengan bank, anda perlu membuat pembayaran pinjaman bulanan dengan pihak bank mengikut fasa pembinaan rumah tersebut.

Apabila rumah tersebut telah siap dibina, biasanya anda akan dapat rumah kosong (bare unit) bukan seperti show unit ya. Maksud bare unit ini adalah unit kosong tanpa lampu, kipas dan lain-lain. Jadi anda perlu mengeluarkan duit sedikit untuk ubah suai dan menambah keperluan asas rumah. Namun, ada juga pemaju yang menyediakan barangan percuma seperti aircond, almari dan sebagainya untuk menarik pembeli membeli dengan mereka secara terus.

Anda juga perlu membuat pemantauan di dalam rumah anda sekiranya terdapat kerosakan (defect) dan lain-lain, tapi anda jangan risau sebab biasanya pemaju menyediakan defect period selama 1-2 tahun untuk anda laporkan pada mereka dan diambil tindakan agar proses pembaikian kerosakan itu segera dilakukan.

Kos untuk anda dapatkan rumah ini adalah sangat minima di mana anda hanya perlu meletakkan booking dengan harga RM500-RM1000 sahaja, dengan syarat anda dapat mortgage loan dari bank. Namun, ada beberapa kos yang perlu anda cover sendiri sepanjang pembelian rumah undercons ini seperti kos MOT. Kos ini biasanya akan dikenakan sebelum anda dapat kunci (lepas 1-2 tahun).

Sekarang anda dah tahu mengenai definisi dan kelebihan membeli jenis hartanah sedia ada di Malaysia , bolehlah tengok projek perumahan yang dikendalikan oleh Oriental Real Estate Sdn Bhd seluruh Malaysia di Ingatlah, segala keputusan berada di tangan anda, buatlah keputusan bijak agar anda tidak menyesal pada hari kemudian.

Anda berminat untuk menjadi seorang perunding hartanah professional?
Sila hubungi kami di talian berikut : 0182820000 (HQ ORESB Setapak)


What is the meaning of “real estate”? According to the Collins Dictionary, “real estate” is property in the form of land, buildings, rather than personal possessions. The term real estate means real, or physical, property. “Real” comes from the Latin root res, or things. Others say it is from the Latin word rex, meaning royal, since kings used to own all land in their kingdoms.


Four types of real estate
But, the question here is , do we know about the types of real estate ?

There are 4 types of real estate we should know such as the following:


  1. Residential Real Estate:

Any property used for residential purposes. This includes both new construction and resale homes. There are quite a number of residential property types in Malaysia to-date, with the common ones being bungalows, townhouses, semi-Ds, terraces, apartments, and condominiums. 


  1. Commercial Real Estate: 

Any property used exclusively for business purposes, such as shopping  complexes, gas stations, grocery stores, hospitals, hotels, offices, parking facilities, restaurants, shopping centres, stores, and theatres.


  1. Industrial Real Estate: 

Any property used for manufacturing, production, distribution, storage, and research and development. For instance, the factories, power plants, and warehouses. Apartment buildings are often considered commercial, even though they are used for residences. That’s because they are owned to produce income.


  1. Land

Includes undeveloped property, vacant land, and agricultural land (farms, orchards, ranches, and timberland).


  1. Special Purpose:

Property used by the public, such as cemeteries, government buildings, libraries, parks, places of worship, and schools.


Siapalah  yang tidak mahu menjadi seorang jutawan? Jika ada peluang untuk menjadi seorang jutawan, adakah anda tahu bagaimana mahu  bermula dan  apakah trik yang boleh anda guna pakai  khususnya dalam bidang pelaburan hartanah. Mereka yang berminat dengan pelaburan hartanah pastinya perlu bermula daripada satu pelaburan kecil dan kemudian bergerak ke pelaburan-pelaburan seterusnya.  Jadi, perkara ini bukanlah mustahil untuk anda lakukan bagi mencapai hasrat anda untuk  menjadi seorang jutawan dengan syarat anda perlu praktikkan 5 TRIK daripada kami ini.

Di sini kami kongsikan kepada anda mengenai 5 TRIK untuk menjadi seorang jutawan hartanah :


  1. Lengkapkan diri anda dengan ilmu pelaburan hartanah

Jika anda ingin menjadi jutawan seperti jutawan hartnah yang lain, perkara pertama anda perlu lakukan adalah dengan melengkapkan diri anda dengan penegtahuan tentang pelaburan hartanah. Ini adalah kerana ilmu adalah asas yang sangat penting dan dengan ilmu serta Teknik yang betul anda akan mendapat banyak deal menarik untuk pelaburan hartanah anda.

TETAPI…persoalannya di mana anda nak dapatkan info pelaburan hartanah? Sebenarnya banyak info yang anda boleh dapati di laman web internet, Cuma ianya akan memakan masa kerana maklumat sedia ada di internet tidak tersusun. Jadi, apa yang anda perlu lakukan adalah mencari syarikat atau rakan-rakan anda yang berpengalaman menguruskan pembelian hartanah seperti rumah lelong, subsale, rumah sublet, komersial dan lain-lain agar mereka dapat berkongsi ilmu tentang Panduan Pelaburan Hartanah yang berbaloi.


  1. Aplikasikan apa yang telah  anda pelajari daripada pelaburan hartanah tersebut

Setiap perkara baharu yang kita pelajari memerlukan praktikal, barulah kita tahu tentang keberkesanan cara yang kita belajar sama ada ianya efektif atau sebaliknya. Apa yang penting adalah pelaburan hartanah yang anda beli memberikan positif cashflow setiap bulan. Maksudnya ialah anda akan tetap dapat pulangan setiap bulan daripada pelaburan yang anda lakukan. Sebagai contoh,  bayaran installment bank sebanyak RM1100, sewa RM1300, maka anda dapat tambahan RM200 setiap bulan. Ianya memang satu pelaburan yang berbaloi.


  1. Mulakan pelaburan anda dengan pelaburan kecil

Anda tidak digalakkan untuk bermula dengan rumah yang berharga tinggi seperti  RM600k, tetapi anda perlu bermula dengan pelaburan hartanah untuk rumah yang berada di bawah RM200k. Ini adalah kerana terdapat  banyak rumah dan apartment yang anda boleh beli dengan harga yang rendah, kemudian anda boleh sewakan semula apartment tersebut dengan harga yang lebih tinggi daripada harga installment bank.

Lakukan pelaburan seperti ini untuk beberapa buah rumah sehingga anda mencapai jumlah  yang anda kehendaki setiap bulan. Pelaburan kecil ini adalah amat penting untuk membina keyakinan anda untuk melakukan lebih lagi dalam pelaburan hartanah. Apabila anda  sudah biasa dengan pelaburan kecil ini, anda boleh beralih ke fasa seterusnya di mana anda boleh memulakan pelaburan hartanah anda dan mendapatkan pelaburan berskala besar yang ada di sekitar anda.


  1. Carilah ejen hartanah yang sah

Sewajarnya apabila anda ingin mencari hartanah yang anda mahukan untuk dijadikan pelaburan, anda perlu pastikan bahawa anda  berurusan dengan ejen hartanah yang sah berdaftar dengan Lembaga Penilai, Pentaksir, Eejen Hartnaha dan Pengurus Harta (BOVEAP). Hakikatnya,  ejen hartanah boleh membantu anda untuk “match” jenis hartanah dan harga yang anda mahukan. Pada masa yang sama mereka juga akan berkongsi kepada anda tentang perancangan kewangan yang betul ketika membuat pembelian hartanah dan ini amat membantu anda untuk membuat pelaburan hartanah dengan lebih berhati-hati.


  1. Jangan tunggu lama-lama, bertindak segera!

Jika anda serius untuk menjadi seorang pelabur hartanah, jangan berlengah lagi , buat tindakan anda sekarang. Dapatkan info dan maklumat berkenaan hartanah pada saluran yang betul untuk anda jadikan panduan dalam bidang pelaburan hartanah ini. Semoga berjaya menjadi seorang jutawan pelaburan hartanah.

5 Bulletproof Strategies for Real Estate Agents During COVID-19

The COVID-19 outbreak significantly also has impacted the real estate market and as we can see currently this industry is still in recovery slowly. Health concerns and stay-at-home orders led to fewer buyers looking for homes and fewer sellers willing to list their properties or allow strangers to enter their homes during a pandemic.

But all this situation should not be an obstacle for the real estate agents, whereby they need to continue marketing their properties by making use of the right channels and reaching out to the right investors. 

Here are five bulletproof strategies that people in the real estate industry can use to market their properties: 


  1. Create informative videos 

Buyers are found to be drawn towards videos when looking to buy or rent a property. With advanced digital technology, making high-resolution videos is not as costly as it used to be just a few years back. You just need a smartphone and a tripod to produce a nice video, as free video editing tools are available in this era. For a better version, you should ensure that these videos are not very long and try to keep them under two minutes. These videos can then be uploaded to your real estate business’s social media and used for lead generation. 


  1. Leverage social media 

Social media marketing plays an important role in the modern real estate business. Real estate agents can use social media marketing to work for them by presenting relevant information and communicating with their followers frequently. At the same time, can also put content with testimonials from previous buyers to gain trust from the followers. Furthermore, you can list the advantages of the properties advertised to draw potential future buyers. 


  1. Use QR codes and direct mails effectively

Direct mail to potential buyers still results in good ROI for real estate professionals while the “offline” strategy of sending a brochure and postcard can easily be brought online, with the use of QR codes. QR or Quick Response codes can be printed on the material, which recipients can scan and be taken to the property’s website or social media channels. Considering how easy it is to create QR codes online and the code can be linked with any media, be it video or an image gallery of the property or the location of the property. You can put the QR Code on display boards outside the property, where interested buyers can scan them for information on the real estate agent, image galleries, virtual tours, and contact you directly.


  1. Tap into influencer networks 

 The use of influencers, like actors and local celebrities, to promote a business has been done for a long time, and social media has increased the efficiency of this strategy. These influencers lead to having a large or a dedicated niche following, and their followers look up to them for advice and recommendations. Usually, the influencers will share their lifestyle videos or posts that give the followers an idea to have something same like with their influencer and indirectly, this also can apply same in marketing the popular real estate properties to gain more public trust and customers that might seek for properties.


  1. Organize virtual home tours

Letting the clients have a realistic experience of what it feels to be inside of the house is an effective way to attract them to buy our house. It would be best if we can take them for a virtual home tour especially in this Covid-19 situation to help prospective buyers check out a property. Virtual tours allow target customers to visit the property and see them in a way like a live visit. With the help of new interactive tools, a real estate business can make a house fully furnished complete with art décor, furniture, and appliances, and give the buyers a sense of space and flow of the property. 


Final thoughts
The Covid-19 is not an excuse for the real estate agents to sit still and wait for the spirit of the market to revive organically like before. Real estate agents should seek a new way on how to survive the market, especially during this crucial time, struggling for the future of this industry. 

Are you still seek your professional Real Estate Agents? No worries! We are here to assist you at Oriental Real Estate Sdn Bhd. We have been operating for more than 32 years in the real estate industry, and we have been deemed as the Largest Home Grown Real Estate Agency in Malaysia. For more information, please feel free to open our website at or reach out to us at 0182820000. 

Jenis Rumah Kediaman yang Ada di Malaysia

Pada hari ini, kita dapat lihat bahawa terdapat banyak jenis rumah dan kediaman yang wujud di Malaysia. Oleh itu, ayuh kita lihat senarai jenis kediaman yang terdapat di negara kita!

Terdapat beberapa jenis hartanah kediaman di Malaysia sehingga hari ini iaitu termasuklah hartanah biasa seperti banglo, rumah berkembar (semi-D), rumah teres, pangsapuri, kondominium dan sebagainya. Hartanah kediaman ini telah diwujudkan oleh Akta Pembangunan Perumahan (HDA) lebih sedekad lalu dan bertindak sebagai perlindungan bagi kepentingan pembeli hartanah seperti berikut:

  • Menyediakan bantuan semasa pertikaian antara pemaju dan pembeli.
  • Melindungi pembeli apabila pembangunan ditinggalkan.
  • Menetapkan peraturan dan regulasi apabila pemaju boleh mula mengecaj pembeli
  1. Rumah Agam / Banglo / Banglo Zero-Lot / Rumah Kluster / Villa

Apakah perbezaan antara rumah agam, banglo, villa dan rumah kluster? Pasti ada yang tertanya-tanya kan? Jom kita baca apa maksudnya di bawah :

  • Rumah Agam : Tempat tinggal yang lebih besar daripada banglo dengan tanah besar.
  • Banglo : Terlihat seperti sebuah rumah agam, namun lebih kecil sedikit dari segi ukuran kaki persegi dan keluasan tanah. Biasanya rumah ini dikelilingi oleh taman.
  • Banglo Zero-Lot : Lebih kurang sama dengan banglo, tetapi terletak di atas sebidang tanah yang lebih kecil. Kebiasaannya, rumah-rumah ini terletak di sudut bucu untuk memanfaatkan sepenuhnya tanah yang ada.
  • Rumah Kluster : Rumah ini dibina dalam pembentukan yang besar, tetapi secara asasnya dibahagikan kepada empat kelompok.
  • Villa : Rumah ini serupa dengan rumah kluster, namun kediaman ini telah diberi nama yang lebih menarik iaitu Villa.Namun begitu, tiada garis panduan yang ditetapkan untuk menentukan bagaimana sebuah vila perlu dibangunkan.
  1. Rumah Berkembar / Berasingan (Semi-D)

Perbezaan antara rumah berkembar dan rumah berasingan adalah :

  • Rumah berkembar : Rumah ini berkongsi dinding bersama dengan rumah sebelah, di mana jika kita lihat rumah ini seperti imej pantulan cermin.
  • Rumah berasingan : Rumah ini adalah rumah sebuah dan tidak bersambung/bersebelahan dengan rumah jiran.
  1. Rumah Teres / Rumah Teres Link / Rumah Teres Superlink Apa pula perbezaan antara rumah teres, rumah teres link dan rumah teres superlink?

Sebenarnya rumah teres, teres link dan teres superlink pada umumnya adalah sama, namun yang membezakan mereka hanyalah satu perkara sahaja iaitu saiz.

  • Rumah Teres : Jenis rumah ini adalah yang terkecil di antara ketiga-tiga jenis yang disebutkan tadi di mana saiznya adalah 22 kaki x 75 kaki persegi.
  • Rumah teres link : Rumah ini pula adalah lebih besar daripada ukuran rumah teres.
  • Rumah superlink : Rumah ini adalah yang terbesar, di mana boleh mencecah sehingga 34 kaki x 80 kaki persegi.
  1. Rumah Bandar (Townhouse)

Rumah ini pada dasarnya mempunyai dua rumah dalam satu unit kediaman. Dua unit rumah ini akan disusun di atas satu sama lain ataupun bersebelahan dan ianya akan kelihatan seperti satu rumah tunggal dari luar.

  1. Flat/Pangsapuri

Flat dan pangsapuri atau apartment adalah sejenis rumah bertingkat tinggi di Malaysia. Kedua-dua jenis kediaman ini menawarkan unit bertaraf rendah pada harga yang berpatutan.

  • Sebuah flat merupakan sebuah kediaman yang mempunyai lima tingkat bertangga, tanpa pagar dan kawalan, dan mempunyai tempat letak kereta di bahagian luar namun tidak menyediakan kemudahan lain.
  • Manakala, pangsapuri adalah kediaman yang dikawal dan berada dalam kawasan pagar, serta mempunyai lebih dari lima tingkat. Ia juga dilengkapi dengan lif dan disambungkan dengan ruang letak kereta di luar. Pangsapuri mempunyai kemudahan asas seperti taman permainan dan kawasan landskap.
  1. Kondominium/ Pangsapuri Perkhidmatan

Secara asasnya, jenis kediaman yang bertingkat ini merupakan kediaman yang bertaraf tinggi di Malaysia, di mana kondominium adalah antara hartanah yang paling digemari oleh rakyat Malaysia.

Kondominium dan Pangsapuri Perkhidmatan mempunyai sedikit perbezaan antaranya adalah :

  • Kondominium mempunyai pelbagai kemudahan, jaminan keselamatan dan tempat letak kereta dalaman atau di bawah tanah. Antara kriteria yang perlu dipenuhi sebelum pembinaan, ia perlu dibangunkan di kawasan tanah seluas 4,000 meter persegi dan ke atas.
  • Pangsapuri Perkhidmatan pula dilengkapi dengan pelabagai kemudahan seperti (housekeeping), perkhidmatan bilik, perkhidmatan bellboy dan sebagainya seperti sebuah hotel.
  1. SOHO (Small Office Home Office)
  • Small Office Home Office (SoHo) kebiasaanya digunakan sebagai pejabat atau rumah. Ianya juga mempunyai status kediaman dan dilindungi oleh HAD.

Kesimpulannya, kita sudah tahu jenis-jenis kediaman yang terdapat di Malaysia. Setiap jenis kediaman mempunyai kriteria tersendiri yang anda boleh pertimbangkan sebelum membuat keputusan untuk membeli rumah kediaman anda. Berurusanlah juga dengan Agensi Hartanah yang diyakini supaya anda tidak menyesal kemudian hari. Semoga artikel ini dapat membantu anda semua untuk membezakan jenis kediaman yang sedia ada di Malaysia. Untuk mencari ejen hartanah yang trusted, anda boleh hubungi kami di talian berikut : 0182820000 (Oriental Real Estate Sdn Bhd) atau terus layari laman web kami di untuk maklumat lanjut.

Why Do Owners Need to Hire a REAL ESTATE AGENT?

Some of the main concerns of owners who rent out their property include whether the tenant is taking care of their property, will the tenant pay the rent on time, the maintenance and repair of their property, and maintaining tenant relationships so that tenants will stay longer. Find a buyer to purchase the properties is also one of the reasons that make the owners worry too. This is where Real Estate Agents (REN) come into picture, providing the necessary services to help owners take away their headaches.

The main question here is why owners need to hire a REN? What kind of benefits the owners can get for hiring a REN?

For more information, let us read on the REASONS hiring REN as follows:

  1. Have Qualifications and License.

Real Estate Agents are qualified and licensed whereby their names have been registered under the Board of Valuers, Appraisals, Estate Agents and Property Managers (BOVEAP) and for those who wish to get the official certification, they have to take courses and pass the state exam. 

  1. Screen and Filter Potential Tenants.

This process involves checking the background of the potential tenant including their credit, history of previous tenancy, employment validity, and others. 

  1. Have Connections with Others in the Industry and Community.

They have connections with others in the industry and community, for instance, any title companies, inspectors, contractors, and appraisers. For this reason, the real estate agents might know what the best for your needs will be and can get you in touch with the right contact.

  1. Understand the Market Trends.

A professional agent will always make research and keep updated with the current trend such as the property prices, advertisement, demand and supply as well as the community. This will help us to find a good offer as we do not have much time to do research by ourselves.

Where to find trustable Real Estate Agents for your property?  Please visit our website at or contact us directly at 0182820000.


Bilakah waktu yang sesuai untuk kita menyewa dan bila pula waktu yang sesuai untuk kita membeli rumah?

Persoalan ini sering menjadi tanda tanya dalam diri kita lebih-lebih lagi generasi Y kini yang kebanyakan dari mereka sedang merancang masa hadapan mereka sendiri. Ada antara mereka yang bertanya adakah mereka patut menyewa atau pun membeli rumah  sendiri?

Apakah kriteria atau panduan yang perlu mereka rujuk supaya mereka tidak tersalah membuat keputusan dalam urusan sewa atau jual beli rumah dan hartanah?

Baiklah, di sini kami sediakan kepada anda beberapa panduan yang anda boleh rujuk sekiranya anda berasa keliru dalam menentukan sama ada nak menyewa atau membeli rumah sendiri.

  1. Bila sesuai sewa?
  • Mula kerja  – Sekiranya anda baru memulakan Langkah anda  membina kerjaya, anda hanya perlu menyewa rumah jika tempat kerja anda jauh dari rumah anda sendiri. Pada masa yang sama, anda perlu tetapkan “mindset” anda dengan menentukan hala tuju hidup anda mungkin dalam 5 tahun ke hadapan, anda sudah tidak perlu menyewa rumah lagi. Ini adalah kerana anda sudah membuat pengiraan pendapatan dan apa yang anda nak capai dalam masa 5 tahun, dan kewangan anda sudah mula stabil.
  • Kewangan belum stabil – Kewangan merupakan isu utama sebenarnya jika anda nak beli sebuah rumah. Namun,jika kewangan anda masih belum mencukupi dan masih belum stabil, anda Cuma perlu menyewa sahaja untuk masa sekarang tetapi pastikan anda telah merancang hala tuju hidup anda 5 tahun ke hadapan.
  • Harga hartanah tinggi – Jika anda dapati harga hartanah di sekitar tempat anda adalah tinggi dan anda masih belum mampu untuk membeli rumah atau hartanah sendiri, anda tak perlu beli hartanah tersebut. Mungkin anda boleh membeli hartanah di tempat lain dengan harga yang lebih rendah berbanding anda beli di tempat anda.
  • Beli hartanah di tempat lain – anda boleh membeli hartanah di tempat lain, namun anda perlu mengkaji dahulu potensi kawasan tersebut sama ada anda boleh sewakan kepada orang lain , kemudahan-kemudahan sedia ada dan sebagainya. Ini adalah penting kerana jika anda menyewa di tempat lain, dan anda sewakan hartanah anda di tempat lain itu akan menjadi pelaburan untuk anda. Jadi, secara tidak langsung, sebenarnya anda boleh menyimpan sebahagian wang sewa tersebut menjadi tabungan anda untuk beli rumah.
  1. Bila pula sesuai untuk anda membeli rumah?
  • Faham tujuan beli rumah – anda perlu tahu apakah tujuan anda nak beli rumah atau hartanah tersebut sama ada untuk siapa, tinggal dengan siapa atau adakah rumah tersebut untuk pelaburan hartanah anda? Tentukan sebab utama mengapa anda nak beli rumah terlebih dahulu.
  • Pendapatan stabil – Apabila anda sudah ada pendapatan tetap yang stabil, media gaji yang betul, barulah anda boleh mengambil keputusan untuk  membeli rumah anda sendiri. Anda perlu membuat pengiraan gaji anda sama ada ia mencukupi atau sebaliknya. Pastikan pengiraan gaji dengan teliti kerana 30% – 35% daripada gaji sepatutnya adalah untuk pembiayaan rumah.
  • Hartanah yang baik – Anda harus pastikan kawasan hartanah yang anda ingin beli itu adalah kawasan yang betul sama ada kawasan tersebut sedang membangun atau akan membangun. Pastikan juga kawasan tempat tinggal anda itu mempunyai kemudahan-kemudahan asas seperti sekolah, hospital dan sebagainya.

Akhir kata, anda sendiri yang akan  menentukan sama ada anda perlu menyewa atau membeli rumah sendiri. Ingatlah, pembeli yang bijak akan merancang terlebih dahulu dan membuat kajian dari segala segi dan faktor sebelum membeli sesuatu. Rancanglah hidup anda dengan bijak supaya anda tidak membeli rumah yang salah dan tidak menepati keperluan anda kemudian hari.

5 Reasons To Embark On Being A Real Estate Negotiator

People usually think that being a real estate negotiator (REN) is very challenging. It is undeniable that you will face a lot of challenges and required to attend multiple trainings despite a busy schedule in order to achieve monthly sales target. Hence, a REN need to maintain positive vibes and pours in efforts in order to achieve their goals. However, being one comes with multiple perks that makes it one of the most appealing career. Below are the reasons:

  1. Earning a lucrative income.

How much do the average RENs make? The base line would depend on how much time and effort the person is willing to commit to his real estate works. Naturally, the more committed the person is, the more he/she earns. Sky is NOT the limit, our mind is!

  1. Having a flexible schedule.

One of the advantage of being a REN is your work schedule is flexible. Unlike most jobs where you are required to work during office hours, being a REN allows you to plan your own timing. Meeting with clients, setting up appointment for viewings, or even submitting cases to your agency, there is no need to rush or chase for time as the time is managed entirely by yourself.

  1. Challenging yet very rewarding.

Assisting your clients according to their needs and requests on property-related matters seems simple but in fact, there are a lot of challenges. For instance, convincing them and catering to their diverse needs are not easy. You must have high patience and always be positive when facing clients who might make you angry and impatient at times. Despite that, if you manage to handle all the difficulties and demands, you will obtain a sense of achievement and satisfaction as well as self-confidence in your own ability.

  1. No age limit.

There is no age limit if you wish to embark on being a REN. The utmost matter here is the desire to learn new things, willingness to face and overcome challenges, and developing your skills. Your age don’t determine your success, your mindset do!

  1. Guidance and support provided by the Real Estate company.

“Yes, I want to be a part of your team, but I don’t know how to be a good one, and dealing with various customers is not easy. What about the marketing?”

Most people will feel afraid when venturing into a new career path which they do not really know about. But, in Oriental Real Estate Sdn Bhd, we are always ready with our hands stretched out to support our RENs whenever they need us. The RENs’ success defines our success, that is why we emphasize on guiding them and giving them sufficient training to improve their skills and knowledge.

SIGN UP TODAY as our Real Estate Agent!

For more information regarding the job scope please contact us at 0182820000 (ORESB HQ Setapak) for any inquiries.


Ramai antara kita yang baru sahaja memulakan langkah untuk membina kerjaya, membeli kereta, mengumpul aset , serta menceburkan diri dalam perniagaan. Namun, tidak ketinggalan juga ada yang sedang merancang untuk membeli rumah pertama mereka.

Persoalannya, adakah anda tahu apakah TIPS untuk membeli rumah pertama anda?

Ternyata untuk memiliki sebuah rumah bukan mudah seperti  kita membeli sebuah kereta. Memang benar pinjaman untuk kedua-dua aset ini akan diberikan oleh pihak bank, namun begitu proses pembelian dan pemberian pinjaman antara kedua-duanya adalah tidak serupa.

Oleh itu, kami ingin berkongsi  beberapa tips pembelian rumah pertama anda supaya anda tidak tersilap  langkah dalam usaha memiliki rumah pertama anda sendiri.

Antara tipsnya adalah seperti berikut :

  1. Anda wajib membeli rumah mengikut kadar kemampuan anda. Jangan terikut-ikut rakan atau orang lain yang mungkin telah membeli rumah besar dan sebagainya. Hal ini adalah supaya perbelanjaan bulanan kita mencukupi seterusnya menjadikan pinjaman kita boleh diluluskan oleh pihak bank. Jadi, anda kena buat bajet terlebih dahulu kerana bayaran bulanan rumah akan memberi kesan kepada perbelanjaan dan komitmen anda dengan keluarga.
  1. Pastikan anda perhatikan jarak tempat kerja dengan rumah anda dekat ataupun boleh dikatakan tidak terlalu jauh. Ini adalah disebabkan faktor jarak memainkan peranan penting kerana kos seperti petrol dan tol turut mempengaruhi perbelanjaan bulanan anda. Pada masa yang sama, anda juga tidak perlu menghadapi keadaan trafik yang sesak. Lebih elok lagi, kalau anda mencari rumah yang berdekatan dengan tempat kerja isteri anda.
  1. Pastikan rumah yang anda ingin miliki berdekatan dengan kemudahan yang sedia ada. Oleh itu, anda perlu melakukan sedikit kajian tentang persekitaran rumah yang anda bakal beli. Perhatikan dahulu jarak rumah ke sekolah anak, pasaraya, klinik kesihatan dan sebagainya. Ini adalah perkara yang amat penting supaya anda dan ahli keluarga mudah akses ke tempat tersebut dengan mudah, cepat dan selamat.
  1. Pengiraan kos hartanah strata seperti yuran penyelenggaraan kediaman anda juga adalah perlu dititik beratkan dan wajib dimasukkan di dalam bajet bulanan anda. Sekiranya anda  membeli rumah tersebut untuk tujuan  pelaburan, anda perlu mengkaji potensi pulangan daripada  pelaburan tersebut kerana terdapat lambakan hartanah di pasaran serta anda mungkin tidak akan menerima pulangan untuk beberapa ketika.

Semoga tips di atas  boleh menjadi  panduan berguna untuk anda yang ingin  membeli rumah pertama. Akhir kata daripada kami, stay safe, stay healthy! #KITAJAGAKITA.

Tips to Maintain Your Vacant Properties – Shoutout OPM Group

There are times when you need to leave your home empty. It could be because you are moving but are yet to sell your house, you’re going away on an extended holiday, or you are carrying out major renovation works, which means the property is uninhabitable for a certain period of time. Whatever the reason, you’ll want to protect your home while it is vacant. An unoccupied home is at greater risk of theft and vandalism than an occupied one. Luckily there are things you can do to protect and safeguard your empty home.

  • Check the locks

First and foremost, be sure to lock all windows and doors in your home before moving out. While this may sound obvious, it’s actually very easy to forget to check the locks in the midst of a chaotic and stressful move. Most people moving out of a home are not only in a hurry to get to their new place, but are also busy directing movers or loading a truck. Double checking the locks can easily fall to the bottom of the to-do list. However, it’s one of the most important (if not, the most important) step you can take to protect your home when moving to a new house. Wherever you are heading, make sure all locks are in good working order and locked – that includes windows, sheds, garages and any other outbuildings.

  • Plumbing

Check all plumbing fixtures for proper drainage and leaks.  Flush all toilets.  Note:  If you don’t do this and the pipes dry up, noxious gasses from the sewer may enter.  Normally, the water in the p-trap blocks this, but if it dries up, this can become a problem.  So, flush all toilets.

  • Regularly inspect the property

Driving by regularly and making sure the house is still secure is important. Where possible you should arrange regular visits to the property. If you are no longer living close to the property, try to enlist the help of a friend or neighbour to check on the property as often as possible. Having regular visitors to the property makes it look occupied and acts as an effective crime deterrent. Your visitors can put lights on, collect the mail from the front door area and park their car outside.

It also will help you to become aware quickly of any damage or issues that have occurred (such as a leaking pipe) giving you the chance to resolve the issues and minimise further damage or long-term problems.

  • Keep on top of the gardening

Don’t let the yard get run down. The last thing you want when showing your house to prospective buyers is dead grass, dying plants or fallen tree limbs in the front yard. When left unoccupied gardens can soon start looking overgrown and uncared for. And that’s a clear signal that there’s no one home to look after it. Make sure you keep the grass mown, hedges trimmed and weeds at bay. If you are doing the gardening yourself, make sure all tools are locked up at the end of the day, too.

Whatever the type and wherever the property, our specialist Oriental Property Management (OPM) team can help to manage it. We offer property management expertise across all areas of real estate, at every stage of the development life cycle. Specialising in managing and maintaining an array of buildings, we serve a range of clients which include Developers, Joint Management Bodies, Management Corporations and Resident Associations. With over (xx) properties being managed in our portfolio, our team possesses invaluable knowledge on property management skills to ensure maximum client satisfaction and service excellence for all parties involved.

How Can Property Agents Thrive In COVID-19?

COVID-19, otherwise known as coronavirus, has made an unexpected and immediate impact on the world. Businesses large and small, no matter the industry, are transforming, many sending employees home to practice social distancing. To stay competitive, agents must first embrace this new normal and think of innovative ways to leverage on digital tools  to continue engaging with clients. For real estate agents, open houses, home walk-throughs and meetings with clients have been impacted immensely. In times like these, with most people at home, social media will be a main platform for any type of communication. Staying connected to your clients, future homebuyers and the community on these platforms is vital for agents to keep their businesses running as smoothly as possible during these unpredictable times. Here are some tips and relevant information to help you attract potential clients and maintain your current clientele all while observing social distancing and other public health measures.

  1. Create and nurture relationships through social media

Attract new clients, keep in touch with your current ones, and maintain your reputation as a trusted realtor and real estate resource using your social media pages.

Keep your followers updated with the latest real estate market news, supply them with helpful lifestyle tips, and provide the latest community updates. If you receive any questions, answer them in a timely manner using professional language. When this all passes and things start going back to normal, it will be much easier for you to reconnect with prospective buyers and people interested in selling their homes.

  1. Beef up listing info

Even if the world seems to have taken a break because of the coronavirus disease, there are still plenty of interested home buyers out there, looking for their dream homes. Showings may no longer be possible in much of the country, but developers have kept up to pace with demand by creating virtual tours for viewings.

Add more information to seller clients’ listings to give buyers a better idea about the property’s features. Include more pictures of areas of the home that buyers would normally look at during showings (closet spaces, the views from the windows, the entire exterior, etc.). Take time to update your online listings and try to add as many as details as possible. This will allow potential homebuyers who are browsing online to imagine living in the home.

Plus, by adding more details and formatting your descriptions in an easy-to-read manner, you’ll also improve the likelihood that your listings will appear in advanced homebuyer searches.

  1. Include virtual tours in your marketing efforts

Virtual tours aren’t new, but not every agent has them for their listings. Virtual tours are especially helpful at this time. As people are encouraged to stay at home, it can be tricky if not impossible to go and look at a property in person. With a virtual tour, a buyer can have a look around a property as if they’re on a private showing, but without ever leaving their own home.

Commissioning a professional photographer and videographer to come to a property for sale is still possible even with the social distancing guidelines. Just make sure to observe quarantine measures in place.

  1. Share Useful and Informative Content

As agents up to date, your clients are in need of pertinent information, especially if the pandemic is interfering in the home-buying process. Keep your clients and followers up to date on the impact of coronavirus on the real estate industry. Share tips for those working from home, such as how to set up a productive home office.

For those who are still interacting with the public, share the best practices to stay healthy, limit contact and stock up on necessary items. If you choose to share news articles, double-check your resources to ensure you aren’t spreading misinformation.

  1. Sign documents electronically

Social distancing is your best defence right now so work remotely as much as possible and utilize all of the online tools available. There are plenty of e-signature apps out there, like DocuSign, which you can use to obtain signatures on any pending documents. Moreover, you can send the documents to all involved parties and minimize the number of in-person meetings, even when things get back to normal.

5 Tips to make your house more sellable

When you decide to sell your home, you are entering a competitive marketplace where there are probably numerous other houses that offer similar features. It is imperative if you want to stand out that you put in the time and effort to make your home appealing. A good real estate agent can do a lot for you in this regard, but ultimately it will be up to you to make the house as welcoming and inviting as possible to all the people that are going to come through the door looking to buy. The more polish you can put on your home through little repairs, the more appealing it will be. One of the best things you can do is walk around each room in your home looking at all the imperfections. Try to be a home buyer for a moment and think through their eyes. The more things you can scratch off the list the better. As a seller, you still need to be smart and attract genuine buyers, if you want to get your desired price.

  1. Make Necessary Repairs

Buyers don’t want to spend their time or money doing repairs to a home they’ve just bought. You can start by fixing anything off its hinges, replacing broken tiles, repairing holes in walls etc. Replace threadbare carpet and ensure wooden floors are well maintained. Give your home some TLC so that buyers know that it’s been well looked after. Don’t forget to fix any cracks in the driveway, walkway or patio. And this will help increase your home’s curb appeal and will surely help you sell your home.

  1. Declutter

Stage the home well so that the buyer can envision themselves living there is important. Boxes and clutter can reduce chances of your home getting sold right away. A distracted buyer won’t be able to visualize where to put their belongings. Plus, a de-cluttered room can give the illusion of more open space. Other tips for hiding the clutter include putting away knick knacks, de-personalizing your space, which includes putting away family photos, clearing off counters, organizing your desk, and organizing toys if you’re selling a home with kids. This includes oversized or too much furniture, large bench top appliances, and personal items like photographs, CDs, books and magazines. This will make your home appear bigger and allow buyers to picture themselves in the space.

  1. Freshen up your walls with a coat of paint

If you have painted your bedroom purple and the hallway brown, it’s time for a change. Especially if the colours aren’t in demand. Your personal style can cost your thousands of dollars, so it is better to research the latest colour trends and give the walls a fresh coat of paint. Use a neutral, light shade to make your home appear more spacious. This also gives prospective buyers a blank canvas to visualise what they would do with a room. Don’t forget to paint or varnish the doors too. Investing in a good paint job can get you a bang for your buck, especially if you focus on the kitchen, bathroom, and living room.

  1. Brighten your home

If you are selling an apartment or condo, look for outdated light fixtures inside the house. Poor lighting can steal away the attention from the most promising features of your house. You can spend as low as RM250 to buy new bulbs for the whole house. It will give your house a bright and airy feel and will even keep the buyers aware of the best attributes of your home. Aim for soft lighting throughout the home and bright light in the kitchen and bathroom. Use lamps to brighten dark corners. If you have old curtains or blinds, take them down and replace them with basic cotton or linen ones and make sure they are tied back to make the most of any natural light. Make sure you replace burnt out light bulbs. Exterior lighting is as important as interior lights if not more. It not only increases the curb appeal around your house but also enhances safety.

  1. Give The Kitchen And Bathroom A Mini Face Lift

If you can afford to invest a bit of capital before you sell, spend it in the kitchen. A warm and cosy kitchen is the heart of the home. Instead of installing new cabinets and appliances, paint them a neutral color so that small nicks and scratches are hidden. Look for other inexpensive and cosmetic ways to bring a good change in your kitchen. You can try swapping outdated and broken hardware with a new cabinet and drawer handles. You can also paint your old appliances using a durable epoxy that is specially designed for appliances.

The bathroom is also as important as the kitchen when it comes to selling your house. If you can’t afford a complete makeover for the bathroom, don’t fret. You can still replace old fixtures, shower curtains and towels to refresh your bathroom’s look and improve its functionality too. Put in a little elbow grease and scrub the tiles to make them shine like new.

An important note for those of you who have pets – we love our pets but not everybody else does. Be aware that many people have allergies to, or are simply not used to animals. Keep them out of the way when prospective buyers are visiting your home.

It may sound like a lot of work, but doing these simple things, can really pay dividends by helping you to attract interested buyers. Remember, you’re not just selling a property but a potential new lifestyle for the homeowner so put yourself in their shoes when preparing your home for sale.

Guide to Successful Property Investment

The process of investing, including property investment could in simple terms describe the process of purchasing or putting money into an asset with the expectation that it will gain in value at some point in the future to return a profit when that asset is eventually sold. There are a diverse range of investments to choose from, such as stocks and shares, gold, fine wines, stamps, antiques, works of art, jewellery, classic cars, and property as an example.

Your attitude to risk, access to finance, experience and personal preferences are just some of the factors that will dictate what investment vehicles you decide to select. Real estate is generally a great investment option. It can generate ongoing passive income and can be a good long-term investment if the value increases over time. You may even use it as a part of your overall strategy to begin building wealth. Some investors choose to purchase properties for the sole purpose of renting them out, while others may live in a property as their home for awhile, before renovating it in anticipation of it being rented out.

Property does not go out of fashion, unlike fine wines or antiques, and there is a rising demand for it driven by scarcity, whether as homes for people to live in or as commercial property to support industry and commerce. However, you need to make sure you are ready to start investing in real estate. For one, you will need to put down a significant amount of money upfront to begin real estate investing. Buying a home, apartment complex, or piece of land can be expensive. That’s not to mention the ongoing maintenance costs you’ll be responsible for, as well as the potential for income gaps if you are between tenants for a time. Real estate is still considered one of the best investment options if you are looking for an opportunity to save for retirement. It’s considered by many pundits to be a relatively safe long-term investment

  • The Pros and Cons of Property Investment
Advantages Disadvantages
Unlikely to lose all its value in a recession or stock market crash and so provides investors with a form of asset security.
Requires the investor to deposit a considerable sum of money, as property finance is unlikely to be available for 100% of the acquisition.
Finance to purchase property can be available at lower interest rates, spread over a long term in the form of a residential or commercial mortgage.
The money invested in property may not be easy to access if you need to release your cash quickly, as property sales can often take some time to complete.
Once you have purchased one property, you can borrow money against the asset value to obtain a mortgage for another property, until a number of properties are acquired.
Buying and selling property can be a complicated process, involving several different stages and additional costs.
Many people already understand the basics of buying, renting, and selling property from their personal experiences in acquiring their own home.
When a property is sold, capital gains tax becomes payable on the profit element, that is unless you can demonstrate that the property was your primary residence.
A large, well established buy-to-let market, in which properties are bought to let to tenants (students, young professionals etc.) where there is good demand in large cities, university towns etc. If the property increases in value over time (capital growth) they can then be sold at some point in the future for a profit.
Property is an asset that requires proactive management to safeguard its value and income streams. Regular tenant management, building maintenance and updating is required to minimise rental voids and prevent the building fabric from deteriorating.
Property is a tangible, bricks-and-mortar asset, and is versatile in that you can rent it, live in it, renovate it or redevelop it.
When buying leasehold properties, as opposed to freehold, it is important to remember that you are not buying the property itself but are only leasing it for a specified number of years. When the lease expires, the property reverts to the leaseholder.
A property can be customised to your own requirements. You can have the pleasure of seeing a property go from run-of-the-mill to an object of beauty.
A residential property can be used as your own home until you sell it, this is a useful approach as it helps to minimise capital gains tax bills, which with property can sometimes be considerable.
If located in a good, sought-after area, you can use your investment property as a holiday home for part of the year, and rent it out in the times you don’t use it.

With the soft property market due to the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, potential homebuyers are now spoilt for choice. The Malaysian economy is expected to shrink to 2.5% from 4.2% during the recovery period. For those with sufficient savings to afford a house, backed by a stable income, there is no better time than now to consider property investment.

  • Categories of Property Investment in Malaysia

Property investment is an exciting endeavour, and it can be very rewarding. Equip yourself with knowledge, and you can do very well for yourself in this field. We’ve listed the types of property investments that you can consider in the Malaysian market.

Residential Investment Commercial Investment Retail Investment Industrial Investment
Landed homes
Office buildings
SOVO: Small office versatile office
SOFO: Small office flexible office
SOLO: Small office lease office
SOSO: Small office smart office
Shop lots
Other retail centres
Industrial warehouse
Industrial lots

Before you begin your journey into property investment, there are several aspects you need to consider before you get started. Here are 10 quick facts to remember:

  1. Evaluate Your Debt Tolerance Level

You should evaluate your debt tolerance appetite before making a property investment. Especially if you are still paying off your primary home, it may be difficult to purchase another investment property. Carefully consider your appetite for debt and proceed if you find your debt levels within your control.

  1. Establish a Budget

You need to have a good understanding of the amount of money you have access to, before investing in a piece of property. Check your savings and cash flow, and consult your bank to find out how much you can borrow, especially if you have limited cash

You should also consider the amount of work required to renovate a property. For example, you may like the view of a property built on a hillside, but its renovation costs may make it less than ideal in terms of return on investment.

  1. Consider Recurring Costs

Your budget should factor in general repairs, insurance, and property rates and any current or newly imposed taxes such as GST. Carry out repairs and replace fixtures that are not functioning well, to ensure that the property runs efficiently.

  1. Identify a Growth Area

If you primarily intent is to rent out the property you purchase instead of living in it, it is advisable to identify a location with a large rental demand. Choose locations where people are more likely to rent property, such as students and new graduates. A property near a college campus, near public transport or commercial centres would be ideal.

  1. Set Practical Investment Goals

Your investment goals should take into consideration the market situation. If there is a market boom, you can consider renovating and selling property for quick returns. On the other hand, if the economy is going through a difficult phase, it will take longer to attain similar growth.

  1. Find Practical Properties

Select practical properties that people will want to rent. A unit with a luxurious interior may look fantastic, but it may be an unnecessary cost, because renters are often simply looking for a practical place to live.

  1. Avoid Getting Emotionally Attached

It is easy to allow your emotions to influence your decision when purchasing a property, but this should not be allowed to happen. Weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the property rationally before buying.

  1. Avoid Negative Gearing

Properties are negatively geared when rent does not fully cover investment loan repayments. This may allow you to enjoy some tax advantages, but it can be frustrating if your cash flow is inadequate to meet loan repayments. For this reason, you should calculate your costs and market condition keenly before making a purchase.

  1. Inspect Before You Buy

Hire a professional to inspect the property thoroughly before you sign any purchase agreement. This can save you a lot in terms of repairs in the future. Be sure to check the property for structural damage, broken fixtures, parasites and pests such as termites.

As you become more comfortable with being a landlord and managing an investment property, you may consider buying a larger property with more income potential. Once you own several properties, it becomes easier to purchase and manage more properties—and earn a greater return on your investments.

Utilising Social Media in Reviving Real Estate

Like every other industry, the phenomenal growth of social media has changed the way the real estate industry functions. Agents have started using these channels at every stage of marketing, be it for lead generation, sales or brand building. It allows realtors to develop their enterprise as they are able to instantly connect with existing clients, potential customers and their competitors. Further, majority homebuyers today have taken to the Internet whilst looking for their dream house. While businesses of all shapes and sizes can benefit from a smart social presence, the importance of social media for real estate really cannot be overstated. The potential customer pool at your disposal with social media is unprecedented compared to any other marketing tool. Social networks allow you to engage in ad campaigns, promotional offers, word of mouth marketing, and customer referrals simultaneously.

The reality is, if you’re working in real estate, you’re crazy busy. You need to prioritize your time and focus on the social media marketing platforms that make sense. Based on the previously noted National Association of Realtors (NAR) study, Facebook (97%), LinkedIn (59%) and Instagram (39%) are most realtors’ top picks. The NAR study also found that, social has become integral to scoring clients and closing deals across the industry. Here’s a brief snapshot of the report’s findings:

  • 77% of realtors actively use social media for real estate in some way, shape or form
  • 47% of real estate businesses note that social media results in the highest quality leads versus other sources
  • 99% of millennials (and 90% of baby boomers) begin their home search online (as opposed to in-person referrals)

Translation? Social media is an absolute goldmine for real estate businesses.

Lim Boon Ping, president of the Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents, said companies needed to learn the value of social media as a lead creating tool, which could assist agents in closing deals. “If you are a player and you want to boost your posts, you will have to learn how to generate organic reach, and that’s through social media to create a brand for yourself. Online, there are no borders, you can create an international presence easily to reach out to international buyers.”

Once you sign up for social media accounts, you will have to make a commitment to posting high-quality material on a regular basis. A consistent interaction with your followers will go a long way in establishing a solid local reputation. If you do not want to be burdened by the daily responsibility of social media, assign it to someone else in your office. Some businesses even hire social media experts on a full-time basis. With that in mind, the best move is to have at least a presence on each of the major platforms, and from there, strategically choose which ones to double down on. We’ve listed down some key benefits that you can reap from having a social media platform to enhance your career in real estate:

  1. Improves Brand Visibility

The primary reason behind using digital media platforms for promotion is that it assists in building the name of the brand. It helps position oneself in the market, subsequently catching the attention of new clients.

  1. Helps in Networking

Successful organisations have a very strong network base, and are very well connected with everyone present in their internal as well as external business environment. Social media does not only help in retaining current clients, but also allows one to reconnect with consumers from the past, attract potential buyers and keep a tab on the activities of their peers and competitors.

Further, digital media sites are great for gaining competitor insights. They help with understanding the strategy employed by other agents and how they are marketing their product. An individual can also communicate with their business peers for exchanging ideas, sharing experiences and getting into collaborations.

  1. Diversifies Marketing Efforts

Marketing offers business ventures with a large number of methods for promoting their product. Employing multiple marketing modes can prove to be beneficial as the returns will come from varied segments. Apart from merely using traditional ways, realtors can use a mix of online advertising and social media marketing to expand their outreach.

  1. Offers Platform for Flow of Verified Information and Content

Information is the key in today’s time. Reaching the right audience and sharing information in the shortest possible timeframe with accuracy and cost effectiveness is important for any organisation. Social media enables companies to share and broadcast news, information, updates, and progress to its customers and all stakeholders seamlessly. Also, it enables likes and shares by social media followers, which increases the reach amongst friends and peers.

Real estate on social media involves a lot of moving pieces and keen attention to detail. With that said, it’s also a prime place to prospect and generate leads. With so many clients flocking to social in search of their next property, you need to be able to meet them there.

Rent-to-own – What is it and how to benefit from it

Rent-to-own or rental-purchase is relatively less known in Malaysia but has been around overseas for decades. The scheme works through a lease agreement that gives you the option to end with a property sale. Those looking to buy a property enter into a lease – which is a contract between the developer and the potential buyer – that dictates a certain length of time the buyer will first rent the home for. For some people, this might be five years, and for others it could be 20. At the end of this contract, you can exercise the option to purchase the property – hence, rent-to-own.

According to Budget 2020, the government will collaborate with financial institutions to introduce a Rent To Own (RTO) financing scheme to assist for the first time buyers those unable to afford the initial 10% deposit and access to financing to buy homes.

Under this scheme, financing of up to RM10 billion will be provided by the financial institutions with the support from the government via a 30% or RM3 billion guarantee. Former Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, in tabling the 2020 Budget, said the RTO scheme applies to the purchase of first homes, with a property value of up to RM500,000. What this means is, property seekers can rent for 5 years, with the option to buy at the price stated in the rental agreement. Stamp duty is also waived for this scheme.

Types of RTO Schemes Available to Malaysians

  1. Maybank HouzKEY
  • 100% financing.
  • 1% move-in cost.
  • 0% downpayment and no payment during construction.
  • A locked in property price and lowest monthly payment.
  • Eligible for properties by developers (new and completed projects): Up to RM1 million in the Klang Valley, Johor, and Penang.
  • Eligible for properties by individual sellers/subsale market: Up to RM1 million anywhere in the Klang Valley.

Maybank’s HouzKEY home loan not only gives you greater flexibility, but also a more efficient way to manage cash flow — great for young couples and adults looking for their first home.

  1. PR1MA (Perumahan Rakyat 1Malaysia/1Malaysia Housing Programme)
  • Property prices between RM100,000 to RM400,000.
  • Available in various locations and states across Malaysia.
  • A 5-year moratorium will be imposed on the property, during which it cannot be sold or transferred without approval from PR1MA.
  • The property must be owner-occupied and no subletting allowed.

PR1MA housing projects are generally high in demand due to its affordability and low barrier entry for those looking to buy their first home, so make sure you stay updated with their official page to find out when the next balloting will happen!

  1. Smart Sewa (Rumah Selangorku)
  • Minimum rental duration of 2 years, maximum of 5 years.
  • 30% return of the total rental paid, and used as a deposit if the tenant is able to buy the property within the stipulated 5 years.
  • Average rental rate begins from RM600-RM650 per month, subject to the market rate of the location.
  • Only for properties in Selangor.

Living in Selangor has so many perks, like subsidies for your children, a special higher education fund, free Internet connection (hello, WiFi@SmartSelangor), and the Smart Sewa homeownership scheme that makes independent living a closer reality.

How Do You Qualify for the RTO Scheme?

Depending on which scheme you use (Maybank’s HouzKEY and PR1MA are two of the most popular) there are a few stipulations which interested candidates must meet. These can include being a Malaysian citizen, having the right number of guarantors from your family (i.e., someone who agrees to pay your rent for you if you’re somehow unable to do so), and having a combined household income above a certain amount (usually around RM5,000 and above).

  1. Maybank HouzKEY
    Eligibility Criteria:
  • For Malaysian citizens only.
  • Applicants must be between 18-70 years old at the time of application.
  • Applicants must not have more than one home financing at the time of application.
  • May include up to three guarantors to improve the application success rate.
  1. PR1MA (Perumahan Rakyat 1Malaysia/1Malaysia Housing Programme)
    Eligibility Criteria:
  • Open to all Malaysians citizens, single or married.
  • Must be aged 21 and above at the time of application.
  • Applicants must have an individual or combined (husband and wife) monthly household income of RM2,500 to RM15,000.
  • Applicants must not own more than one property, between you and your spouse.
  • Adhere to any additional guidelines set by PR1MA.
  1. Smart Sewa (Rumah Selangorku)
    Eligibility Criteria:
  • For Malaysian citizens only, including spouses.
  • Aged 18 and above, and with family/commitments.
  • Monthly family income of not more than RM5,000 a month for Type A or low-cost housing; OR, not more than RM15,000 a month for Type B, C, and D properties, including affordable and low-cost housing (prioritized for those below RM10,000/month).
  • Applicants and/or spouse must live/work in Selangor.
  • Applicants must not own any property in Selangor (prioritized), OR, owns a property but located more than 50km away from the applied location and is within a 25km radius of their workplace.
  • Applicants must be registered voters in the state of Selangor.

On a side note, before you enter into any rent-to-own agreement, make sure you’ve done your research and have spoken to real estate professionals who can help ensure you get the best value for your family.

Tips for home buyers – how to avoid illegal real estate brokers – CTA to engage with ORESB

Fake real estate agents are mushrooming overnight despite the strict laws that govern the sale and purchase of any property. Real estate scams are a big problem in today’s real estate market thanks to homeowners desperate to stave off foreclosure and con artists who are eager to rip off those looking to buy or rent. It can be hard to know a legitimate opportunity when it comes along, especially if that opportunity seems to good to be true. Working with a reputable real estate agent can be a great way to avoid the most common types of real estate scams but there are other things you can do to protect yourself. There have been many recent cases of crooks deceiving property owners and buyers by posing as registered real estate negotiators. The recent hike in complaints of illegal property agents has urged the Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Malaysia (BOVAEA) to take proactive measures to address the problem. Do your homework. Working with a real estate agent can be the best way to protect yourself against many of these scams but you need to do your homework. Make sure the agent you are working with is licensed. Check online reviews of your agent. Ask your agent questions. If someone you know has purchased a home or rented an apartment, ask if they used an agent, who that agent was and what their impressions were. Con artists rarely do legitimate sales or rentals so if your friend or family member got what they were promised from an agent, that agent is probably okay.

BOVAEA recently launched the anti C.A.M.P campaign to educate people on the methods used by these conmen. C.A.M.P stands for:

  • Cheating: acting dishonestly or unfairly to gain an advantage over the client
  • Absconding: running away with client’s money (usually with the deposit money)
  • Misrepresentation: providing false fact or an omission of fact that could have affected the purchase decision
  • Profiteering: attempts to take advantage of circumstances to make excessive profits (manipulation of prices)

Under Section 30 of the Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Act 1981, the accused can be fined RM300,000, face three years in prison, or both.

The best way to avoid dealing with a fake agent is to insist on checking the Real Estate Authority Tag. Verify your agent by watching out for the 6 details that you should find from a real property agent.

  1. Tag colour
    The authority tag comes in two colours. The red colour denotes that the bearer of the tag is a Real Estate Negotiator or a Probationary Estate Agent. While blue colour tags identify the tag bearer as a Registered Estate Agent.
  1. QR code
    The authority tag contains a QR code. With the wide use of smartphones these days, it is convenient for the public to use their mobile device to scan and verify that the negotiator is registered with BOVAEA.
  1. Agency
    Always check on the name of the agency or firm that the negotiator is registered with. The card will be replaced when the negotiator joins a new agency or firm.
  1. REN name
    There are two names printed on the card. The larger print name is the ‘pseudo’ name used by the negotiator in conducting business while the smaller print name is the full birth name in accordance to the individual’s NRIC.
  1. REN number
    Each Real Estate Negotiator is assigned with a unique REN number. The REN number is required to be displayed in all forms of communication and marketing collaterals. The general public can verify whether the REN is authorised through BOVAEA’s webpage.
  1. Hologram
    A state-of-the-art hologram image of the BOVAEA logo has been created to differentiate it from unauthorised counterfeit tags.

Illegal brokers are out there for quick profits and they are not trained, recognised or authorised to do any real estate transactions. Lim said registered agents must have passed Part 1 & 2 of the real estate exams over a minimum period of two years and undergone post-practical training for an additional two years.

On completion, they have to sit for a test of professional competence before their names are registered by the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers. He said real estate agents are governed by the Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers Act and have fiduciary responsibilities to their clients and adhere to a code of conduct and ethics.

Vacancy tax on developers –What it means for home buyers

Property cooling measures and vacancy taxes are usually introduced when property markets are bubbling. A vacancy tax is imposed in the form of the penalty based on the percentage of gross selling on the properties that are left vacant and are unsold for a specific amount of time. According to the National Property Information Centre (NAPIC), total completed unsold property value stood at approximately RM46 billion (63,063 units) in the first quarter of 2020. Of this, RM20 billion were residential units, RM21 billion were serviced apartments, RM6 billion were shops, RM1 billion were small office, home office units (Soho) and RM2 billion were industrial properties. The proposed tax on property developers is being discussed as a solution for the burgeoning overhang units in the Malaysian residential market but there is a need to get the objective right before implementing a measure.

Figure 1: Trend of Overhang in Malaysia for 1H 2018 – 2020 (NAPIC)

The issue of vacancy tax is quite a hot topic in the property industry recently. However, a tax on the inventory of overhang properties is better described as an “unsold property tax”, rather than a vacancy tax. It was first raised by Datuk Hasanuddin Mohd Yunus (PH-Hulu Langat) in the Parliament, questioning if the government will impose similar tax practices as seen in several other major cities around the world to address the number of unsold luxury condominium units in the Klang Valley. In answering the question, the Deputy Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Edmund Santhara Kumar stated that there is no need to impose such a tax now as the number of unsold luxury condominiums (priced over RM1 million) is low, but such a proposal would be studied further.

A week later, the Housing and Local Government Ministry (KPKT) announced that a vacancy tax is being formulated and could be imposed as early as next year (2021) on property developers who fail to sell their properties. According to KPKT, the introduction of such a tax could encourage property developers to be more responsible in the projection of their projects, particularly in high-rise developments, in order to reduce the overhang of residential units in the country. However, the Minister of Housing and Local Government – Zuraida Kamaruddin – mentioned on 27 August that KPKT is still studying the vacancy tax and has not made any decision on the matter. Previously, the proposal for the tax was made based on figures the Ministry obtained showing that unsold units are priced at RM500,000 and above.

To date, the only country that implements an unsold property tax is Singapore, which imposes an ABSD (additional buyer’s stamp duty) of 30% (5% non-remittable upon stamping) on unsold properties after five years from the date of acquisition of the land. In addition, Singapore imposes a QC (qualifying certificate) tax of 8% on foreign developers. The QC scheme requires a development to be completed in five years and all units to be fully sold within two years of completion. The extension charge is 8% of the cost of the land for the first year of extension, 16% for the second year and 24% for the third and subsequent years. Targeted at both buyers and developers, it is used as a tool to manage excessive property speculation, especially by foreign buyers.

Malaysia does not have the same problems as Singapore. Deputy Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Edmund Santhara Kumar noted that among the factors contributing to the accumulation of unsold luxury condominiums were the inability of buyers to secure financing loans as well as the mismatch in supply and demand. Further, the Malaysian Institute of Professional Estate Agents and Consultants (MIPEAC) president was quoted on NST saying “The property market and situation in those countries are different from Malaysia and we do not have the same problems. Malaysia needs more foreign investment, so a vacancy tax will be counter-productive”. He said a proper study is needed to get a detailed picture of the causes and distribution of Malaysia’s overhang units.

The vacancy tax that was proposed by KPKT is likely to take the form of “unsold property tax”, not vacancy tax as widely termed, which will not only cause a fall of residential property prices across the board, but also degrades the homeowners’ welfare. This is because property developers will very likely reduce the prices of their overhang units in order to avoid the vacancy tax; consequently, leading to a lower selling price and thereby affecting the market value of the secondary market housing. Since the country’s homeownership rate is as high as 76.9% – based on the latest statistics by DOSM – a fall in house prices will inevitably cause a negative equity to a majority of the rakyat.

On a longer-term, a vacancy tax is expected to exacerbate the problem of housing affordability and availability in the country. Property developers are expected to be much more conservative with their planning and development in the future, leading to a decline in property supply in the market.

Representative from MIPEAC commented that the proposed implementation of vacancy tax on developers who fail to sell their properties within a certain period of time is rather untimely, given the challenging environment brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. As quoted by the Malay Mail, “MIPEAC deems such legislation ineffective to solve the overhang issue,” the institute said in a statement today, while urging the government to relook at the decision to impose a vacancy tax on developers who fail to sell their properties within a specified time slated for implementation next year. “MIPEAC concurs with the Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents and Property Consultants in the Private Sector Malaysia (Peps) that developers must do an independent market and financial feasibility study for future housing developments before building their projects.” In addition, a vacancy tax may cause property prices to fall across the board, initially affecting the primary market and subsequently the secondary market.

Following the outbreak of COVID-19, a softer property market is observed and a buyers’ market is prevailing. It is expected that buyers in the post-MCO era will be more price-conscious, and will likely place more emphasis on housing location that benefits their quality of life in the long run. Therefore, rather than relying on market-spurring initiatives to boost the sales and to drum up the buying sentiment, property developers should go back to the fundamental principles of property development – the dynamic trade-off relationship among house price, size, and location – when determining what types of products to be released, and which group of buyers they are targeting on.

Capitalising on falling property prices

The recent pandemic has exacerbated the level of uncertainty in the global economy, with the trajectory of its recovery difficult to forecast given the absence of a vaccine and continuous resurgence of the virus in many countries around the world. The real estate sector has not been spared from the recent economic downturn, further reducing buyer sentiments in a market that is struggling with property overhang as well as financial security. For homeowners or renters, this may mean that many will be less likely to afford the homes they were previously hoping for before the pandemic struck. This in turn leads to the rapid decline in demand for luxury homes or properties that were once considered affordable, further driving the market into uncertainty. Despite the initial bleak outlook posed by many real estate experts and financial institutions, the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) has seen an uptick in property interests by buyers due to the government incentives that aim to stabilise the fluctuating real estate supply and demand trend that could potentially lead to a price crash if the situation is not well managed from the start.

  • The Law of Supply and Demand

The law of supply and demand is a basic economic principle that explains the relationship between supply and demand for goods or services, and how that interaction affects the price of that good or service. When there is a high demand for a good or service, its price rises. If there is a large supply of a good or service but not enough demand for it, the price falls. The reason is that people will bid up the prices when there is relative scarcity, and there will be unsold items when there is an oversupply.

  • Real Estate Supply and Demand

The property market relies heavily on the supply and demand rule as well. As with every transaction of a property, the process involves a buyer and a seller where the buyer places an offer to buy a property, leaving the seller to accept or reject the offer.

Some of the factors that will influence housing demand include lower interest rates or borrowing costs. When interest rates are low, people are generally willing to take on more debt because they can afford relatively more debt for the same monthly outlay. To summarise, buyers may be able to finance the purchase of a home because the amount of interest they have to pay is not as unmanageable at low rates. As more buyers enter the market, the demand for housing increases in turn. And if there remains a limited supply of housing inventory, prices in a low interest rate environment may rise even more which puts the supply of housing is in a constant state of flux.

During the lead-up to the financial crisis, consumers tend to enjoy relatively low borrowing rates due to government or financial institutions’ assistance. Banks begin to offer lower rates on mortgages and may go as far as relaxing lending standards. Buyers who weren’t otherwise able to afford a home before, suddenly found themselves able to realize their dreams of homeownership. Many of these consumers, called sub-prime borrowers, were able to snag a home with very low down payments even though they had very low credit scores. During this time, speculative buyers will also begin to enter the market, driving up demand for housing and, at the same time, cutting into the available supply.

Percentage change (%) in house price with identified phases of Malaysia’s property cycle. (Source:iProperty/Napic)
  • Investment trend post-pandemic

For investors, real estate is a tangible asset made up of property and the land on which it sits. This means that the prices of homes, like those of stocks and bonds, depend heavily on the law of supply and demand. More demand, prices tend to rise; more supply, they tend to fall. The recent pandemic put a near-halt in property transactions, which also triggered a recession phase, thereby opening opportunities for property prices to fall given the low demand and high supply.

Over the short term, investment activity in global commercial real estate is expected to slow. The Covid-19 crisis has created a new downtrend in the real estate market with prices of residential properties anticipated to remain subdued indefinitely. Restrictions and uncertainty around valuation is limiting investors’ ability to perform due diligence, and it is more challenging to execute transactions. Delayed launches and elongated transaction timelines are increasingly evident in affected markets as city lockdowns, travel restrictions and social distancing become commonplace around the world.

  • Government assistance to uplift the property market during the RMCO

The reintroduction of the home-ownership campaign (HOC) featuring stamp duty exemptions and the uplifting of the margin of financing limit for the third housing loan onwards for property valued at RM600,000 as well as real property gains tax (RPGT) exemption unveiled in the short-term economic recovery plan (Penjana) will help to stimulate the property market. Most beneficial for current homeowners is the introduction of the 6-month loan moratorium by the government, which ends in September 2020.

The central bank, Bank Negara Malaysia, has also cut the overnight policy rate (OPR) thrice during the first half of the year with a further 25 basis points reduction to 1.75 per cent recently, to help speed economic recovery.

The lower monthly loan repayments coupled with the automatic loan moratorium for six months from April 1, will provide some financial relief to households amid the current crisis. However, there is still much uncertainty for many homeowners once the moratorium ends and the economy does not recover fast enough to provide job availability for people to continue servicing their loans.

This uncertainty will almost certainly contribute to changes in property pricing in the long run which provides an opportunity to purchase such properties at reduced prices.

  • Discounts and promotions by developers to boost market

In the middle of the Covid-19 crisis, many property developers have been giving steep discounts and various other rebates to homebuyers as an incentive to own a house during this critical time. Some property developers are left with no choice as their inventory piles up due to a slowdown in sales made worse with construction activity almost coming to a grinding halt. Discounts, rebates and incentives are common sales and marketing strategies particularly to stimulate the market when it’s slow, or in some cases as a tool to compete in an environment where supply is high and demand is low for a particular property type.

  • Expert opinions

Many property experts expect the situation, if it worsens, to lead to an increase in non-performing loans (NPLs), especially after the six-month loan moratorium ends. Henry Butcher (M) Sdn Bhd chief operating officer Tang Chee Meng says as more people lose their jobs or have their pay cut, their ability to service their loans will be affected, further driving down property prices as people will look for quick disposal of their assets in return for liquidity.

Owners of rental properties for short-term stays would be hit even harder as their properties are normally located in the city centre and thus cost more. While they generally do not expect to see a sharp drop in property prices, the experts believe more properties will be put on sale in the next two years because of lacklustre economic conditions.

As more than 66% of the overhang in property is in the condominium/apartment and serviced apartment as well as the SoHo (small office home office) categories, and developers are eager to unload the unsold units, VPC Alliance (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd managing director James Wong expects prices in these two categories to fall further this year.

Many experts note that the next nine months would be a good time — for investors, not speculators — to pick up properties. Investors are those who analyse the market, calculate the risk and are prepared to hold the properties for the long term. Given that the market has been depressed for the past three years and prices have been low, the lacklustre conditions will see some owners putting their properties up for sale at a lower price than they were asking for a few months ago.

Effect of Covid-19 on Foreign Property investors

Over the last decade, Malaysia has witnessed a strong growth in Direct Foreign Investments in Malaysia. Foreign direct investments (FDI) in Malaysia for 2019 rose by 3.1% to RM31.7bil from RM30.70bil in 2018, the Statistics Department reported. It said that direct investment abroad (DIA) rose by a strong 26.5% to RM26.1bil in 2019.

Since opening the country to foreign investors, Singapore, United Kingdom (UK), Korea, United States (U.S.), India, Japan and China have been the biggest property buyers in Malaysia’s property market. It is estimated that Chinese buyers account for RM8.4 billion (US$2 billion) of property sales, which is 12.1 per cent of total transaction value and 0.4 per cent of the total transaction share. More recently, Malaysia’s property market has attracted a large number of investors from Middle East countries mainly due to uncertainty in the Middle East region as well as the availability of Islamic finance in Malaysia.

To paint a clearer picture, first, we define the meaning of foreigners and how they can qualify as an investor.

  • An individual who is not a citizen of Malaysia; or
  • A foreign company incorporated in Malaysia; or
  • A company incorporated in Malaysia with 50% or more of its voting shares held by a non-citizen.

Property investment in Malaysia, primarily in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, offers potentially attractive returns in both rental yields and capital gains. This is due to Malaysia’s steady economic development, a relatively young working population, and increasing infrastructure connectivity throughout Malaysia, including high speed rail connection with Singapore in the near future.

There are several potential benefits that a country can reap on when foreign investors buy properties or the host location: (1) bringing new life to the rural communities suffering depopu­lation; (2) making local services viable (such as food shops, transport, restaurants, and sporting facilities); (3) income for local entrepre­neurs from the spending by the foreign own­ers; (4) property taxes paid to the local govern­ment; (5) profits from land owned by local peo­ple; (6) jobs and income for local builders and craftsmen. Moreover, foreign investments can contribute significantly to the rapid globaliza­tion of metropolises and facilitates change the scene of urban development qualitatively.

The pandemic has exposed how globally interconnected the flow of goods and services has become, and countries are now rethinking their international trade strategies to reduce their vulnerability to global economic shocks. The property sector has suffered immeasurably due to the global lockdown triggered by the coronavirus. Malaysia, already grappling with large volume of property overhangs and a soft property market saw real estate investments by foreign entities significantly drop to historically low numbers.  In late March, the International Monetary Fund announced that investors had removed 83 billion US$ from developing countries since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the largest capital outflow ever recorded.

To overcome this economic shock, the Malaysian Government has devised a stimulus package, coined as PENJANA, to aid struggling Malaysians as well as boost foreign investments in the months to come.

To attract foreign companies to relocate their operations to Malaysia, the country will grant:

  • A zero percent tax rate for 10 years for companies in the manufacturing sector with investments in fixed assets between 300 million ringgit (US$70 million) and 500 million ringgit (US$116 million);
  • A zero percent tax rate for 15 years for companies in the manufacturing sector with investments in fixed assets exceeding 500 million ringgit (US$116 million);
  • 100 percent investment tax allowance for three years for an existing company in Malaysia that will relocate its overseas facilities into the country;
  • A special reinvestment allowance for selected manufacturing and agricultural activities for the year of assessment (YA) 2020 to YA 2021;
  • Additional capital injected for the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA); and
  • The approval of a manufacturing license for non-sensitive industries within two working days.

With the support of the abovementioned incentives, foreign investors who are looking to open businesses, namely within the manufacturing sector, will inadvertently require property space to set up their business which will in turn revitalise the property sector.

Additionally, the Government has also looked to boost foreign investment on residential properties to combat the overhang issues that has been plaguing Malaysia in the last five years. Since the announcement of Budget 2020 last year, the Government has decided to reduce the thresholds for high-rise buildings in urban areas for foreigners in Malaysia. However, this announcement is currently being followed only by the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and not the other State Governments. For example, foreigners may only buy properties in Kuala Lumpur above RM 1,000,000. However, just for the year 2020, the minimum threshold for high-rise buildings sold on the secondary market in Kuala Lumpur is lowered to only RM 600,000.

To date, there is no limit to the number of properties that can be owned by a foreigner for the purpose of living in, or for investment. However, it is important for foreign buyers of Malaysian property to be aware of and seek specific advice on the latest requirements and restrictions that may be applicable to them.

Kickstarter Programme

In the highly competitive real estate industry, an agency’s greatest risk lies in becoming stagnant, in failing to adapt to the ever-changing economic circumstances or overcoming new challenges. A learning organization is what every organization should strive to be to remain sustainable – committing to constantly learning, growing and improving business processes. In recent times, the property market has been greatly impacted by economic crises, soft property markets, low buyer sentiment, and most recently, the coronavirus pandemic.

As countries begin to recover from imposed lockdowns, organizations will be under pressure to try and ramp up its operations to pre-pandemic levels. The focus on training and talent development will be a key factor in achieving business sustainability as organizations will inevitable have to learn new operational methods that meets the requirements of social distancing and maintaining the health and safety of all its stakeholders.

Leadership and management training courses are specialized programs designed to help you learn new leadership techniques and refine old skills to run your team, including assertive communication, motivation methods, and coaching.  Leadership training is ideal for anyone in a supervisory role, from people who have just stepped up to a new position to more experienced managers who want to keep on top of their game.

We’re in the digital age. We have artificial intelligence making decisions in our home, robots to clean homes, and more computing power in our mobile phones than the computers used in the rockets that landed men on the Moon. So, it’s no surprise that some of the best leadership training programs for managers are online.

The Kickstarter Programme was established as a stepping stone for new and veteran agents who wish to enhance their career in real estate. Even though the programme has commenced prior to the MCO, its relevance has never been more necessary until now. This training programme not only creates great networking opportunities, but also maintains a strong focus on integrating new property sales techniques that can benefit agents post-MCO.

Centred around three key objectives, the Kickstarter Programme is crafted to explore ideas and proven methods on how to become an effective real estate negotiator both on a personal and professional level. The key objectives include:

  • Development of the right skills, knowledge and attitude;
  • Sharpen social skills for effective client communication;
  • Build a comprehensive network among industry peers and create a support system;
  • Positive changes in behavior related to negotiation, influence, communication & greater self-awareness; and
  • Research-based content continually evolving to focus on the issues that matter most in today’s global frontier.

This comprehensive training programme will be led by key figures that are actively involved in the real estate industry. Speakers’ specialties include home insurance, loan approval processes, innovative marketing strategies, successful client management practices and more. The entire property sales pipeline will be thoroughly discussed via an interactive platform, both online and in-person. The Kickstarter Programme is tailor made to introduce property agents to new sales processes in this post-pandemic era, taking into account social distancing requirements, repercussions of the loan moratorium, impacts of the lowered overnight policy rate (OPR) on homeownership, and promotions introduced by developers.

For more information about the Kickstarter Programme or any of our programs click here: [paste website link] or contact us at [inset contact number & name] to register your interest.

First time homeowner “How to get the best deal”

Are you ready to take the leap to becoming a homeowner? Buying your first property can be both exciting and daunting since it marks a significant new chapter in your life. As a first time homeowner, it may become overwhelming when you think about the amount of consideration and research that needs tto happen before you find your perfect home. But keep in mind that all this effort is extremely necessary for you to find the best deals and optimise your spending capabilities.

Before you start house-hunting, there are some factors to consider, such as your affordability, location, price range, type of property and more. Worry not. We have prepared a summary for you to get started to owning your dream home.

  1. Key Considerations
  • Is this purchase for private use or investment?

Are you looking to acquire your first property for investment purposes, or for your own stay? This may influence the type of property you purchase, be it a brand new project or a sub-sale, a landed or a high-rise property. A common mistake that many first timers make is that they purchase a property for wrong reasons which in turn lead to a long and costly process to sell the home.

  • How much can you really afford?

Going by the advice of most financial experts, your monthly instalments for your new home should not exceed one-third (1/3) of your household income. If you prefer a more accurate estimation, calculating your Debt Service Ratio would be the best alternative. The Debt to Service Ratio (DSR) is a calculation which shows the proportion of your debt in relation to your total income. Ideally, your DSR score should not be greater than 70%

DSR = (Total Commitment ÷ Nett Income) × 100

  • What is your credit score?

It is important to note that your credit score is one of the key factors that determine your eligibility for a home loan. Banks will take into consideration your DSR as a credit score prior to approving the funds to purchase your home. There are two types of credit score report:

  • Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS) report – Available online and displays all of your total credits, interest charges and other outstanding charges for all loans that you have with any banks in Malaysia – everything from a personal loan and credit card to hire purchase and overdrafts.
  • Credit Tip Of System (CTOS) – Compiles information for summons and bankruptcy on individuals and companies from various sources found in the public domain.

Ultimately, loan applicants can always s check their credit status online for free instead of having to go to BNM.

  1. Costs that go into Buying a House
  • Down payment

Typically, a 10% down payment of the property purchase price is required to initiate the buying process while the remaining 90% of the property price will be financed via an approved bank loan. Given the recent economic downturn and soft property market, many newly-launched properties offer rebates or even zero down payment, subject to developers’ ongoing promotion.

  • Booking fees

Booking fees are commonly much lower than down payments. They serve as a ‘registration of interest’ for a property which will subsequently be used to finance your down payment upon your confirmation to purchase. Be on the lookout for offers from certain developers who may even waive the booking fees for your first purchase.

  • Hidden costs

A common setback that often catches first time homeowners by surprise is the additional fees involved when purchasing a property. Some hidden costs may include lawyer fees, Sales & Purchase Agreement (SPA) fees, stamp duties and valuation fees. Depending on the project, some developers may absorb the legal and SPA fees, but this is subject to the developers’ discretion. It is also advisable to set aside a small pool of funds for home furnishings that may be required once you move into your new home.

For sub-sale properties, the hidden cost is through property valuation, where you will have to pay for the inspection and report. The bank will engage a valuator to physically inspect the home of interest. Once you have made your decision to purchase, you will need to sign a document known as the Letter of Offer (LOA) and pay the 2% earnest deposit. The LOA will stipulate the date before which the SPA must be signed, usually within 14 days.

Another potential hidden cost that may arise in the future is the Real Property Gain Tax (RPGT). Homeowners who purchase a starter home and eventually sell the property after a few years will be subjected to pay for RPGT upon the completion of selling your home.

  • Home ownership programmes

A cost-saving alternative to purchasing your first home can be in the form of home-ownership programmes initiated by the government in recent years.

  • My First Home Scheme (Skim Rumah Pertamaku) – Allows first-time home buyers, aged 35 and below, to obtain 100% loan from financial institutions on properties valued between RM100,0000 and RM400,000.
  • BSN My Home (Housing Scheme for Youths) – Stamp duty on the transfer of ownership and facility documents are exempted and initial assistance with monthly instalments is also provided
  • Perumahan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (PR1MA), Rumah Selangorku and Residensi Wilayah aims to provide affordable housing to certain income-segments of the population.
  1. Do Your Own Research
  • Due Diligence

Make sure you meet the vital criteria you set for yourself by ensuring you purchase the right home that fits all your requirements. Filter through by the areas you are interested in as well as your budget range. You can even customize your search according to the number of bedrooms, built-up sizes and property types, be it new launches, sub-sale or auction properties.

Some key factors to analyse include the property’s location, accessibility, surrounding infrastructure/amenities and pricing analysis. Consider also the furnishing of the property, as well as the types of fittings you want. Many developers of new projects offer value-added packages for interior decorating which can sometimes be a better bargain than engaging external with interior design services separately.

  • Shopping for Loans

As soon as you pay your booking fee or deposit, you should start sourcing for home loan options. Be sure to approach different banks to find out about their offers on different home loan products including term and flexi loans. It is also important to determine what sort of home loan will suit your repayment capability which will require some basic understanding of loan offerings in Malaysia.

A key aspect of home loans is the interest rate – which could either be floating or fixed. Fixed interest rate means that throughout your loan, the interest you pay will not differ in its amount. Gloating loans have an interest rate that is pegged to Bank Negara Malaysia’s Base Lending Rate (BLR), hence the value will fluctuate according to the BLR’s movement. Even though the rate might be higher, a fixed rate loan is more suitable for the risk-averse as it guarantees certainty.

  1. Hire a real estate agent

If the steps outlined above already has you feeling overwhelmed, you could always take the less stressful route by engaging with a real estate agent for your purchase. Keep in mind that you will need to be as forthcoming as possible with your requirements (budget, property locations, type, size, loan tenure, land tenure, number of occupants etc.)  to ensure that your purchasing journey goes as smoothly as possible.

However, do note that according to the Seventh Schedule (Rule 48) of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Act 1981, the maximum commission fee for real estate agents for the sale or purchase of land and buildings is 3%. Additionally, the real estate agent fees are subject to a minimum fee of RM 1,000 per property.

A good realtor should be prepared and well versed on the type of property you are considering, including good knowledge on the property market to help you find a property that meets all your budget and requirements. Additionally, property agents will also ease your home buying process by knowing the procedures and paperwork required which can significantly reduce the purchasing timeline. They may also be able to negotiate a good deal for you between the developer or previous homeowners. 

  1. Make an offer

After you’ve made it past all the steps above and finally ready to purchase your dream home, your lawyer will proceed to prepare the SPA which will be signed by you and the seller. You’ll be required to pay the remainder of your down payment and stamp duty fees if you have not been exempted by the criteria listed earlier in this post. Once the signing process has been completed, you will be charged lawyer fees for all the documentation prepared by the lawyer.

Following that, all you have left to do is wait for your property to complete its construction or key handover for sub-sale purchase. After which, you’ll be able to move into your dream home and start fresh!

How to be a property agent in Malaysia in just a few steps

Having a career in real estate can bring about significant rewards as well as many challenges. Often, there is a misconception that becoming a property agent requires minimal academic qualifications or effort. Though the career pathway can often be lucrative, if done right, it definitely requires hard work and commitment like any other professional job.

This is because a career in the real estate industry entails more than just selling houses. Property agents have to be well-versed in the process of selling and buying properties, financing options and property-related regulations.

Different Types of Real Estate Professionals
Before we delve further into the pathway of becoming a successful property agent, we must first be aware of the significant difference between a real estate agent (REA) and a real estate negotiator (REN).

  • RENs – Real Estate Negotiators

To simplify, RENs in terms of job levels are considered as one tier below REAs. They are certified by the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers (BOVAEA) to work alongside licensed real estate agents (REA) but do not have full qualifications and accreditation. RENs are still accredited in their own way and must be registered with the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers (BOVAEA).

How do I become an REN?

To be qualified as an REN, you must first attain the following requirements to be employed by the Real Estate firm;

  • Complete a two-day course called the Negotiator’s Certification Course, with modules that include the basics of estate agency best-practice, laws, and regulations.
  • Obtain a certificate of attendance.
  • Seek employment either on a ‘Contract of Service’ or ‘Contract for Service’ with a Real Estate firm.

The real estate agency that you are associated with will have to apply for the REN Tag from BOVAEA. Only then can the REN be employed by the firm and represent sellers, landlords, buyers & tenants in the sale and marketing of properties.

  • REAs – Real Estate Agents

REAs are fully certified and registered individuals who have attended two years of courses to attain a Diploma in Estate Agency, two years of practical training as an REN under the supervision of a fully qualified REA, as moderated by BOVAEA.

In short, REAs undergo a more rigorous training and educational pathway that ultimately allow them to operate their own real estate agency and employ up to 30 RENs to work under them.

How do I become an REA?

To be qualified as an REA, we have simplified the process into a series of concise steps that you can use as reference (You may refer to the BOVAEA website for the official explanation);

  • Examination (Part 1): There are 6 examination papers that you need to pass before being permitted to undergo the second set of exams. (Note: Recognised property-related degrees listed on the BOVAEA website may qualify for an exemption from the written exams.)
  • Examination (Part 2): You will need to pass a second set of 6 courses, which includes exams. Generally, it takes an individual around 2 years to complete all the courses and exams listed in Parts 1 and 2.
  • Work Experience: Upon completion and passing your examinations, the next phase requires you to enter a probationary stage whereby the individual will undertake a two-year placement with a registered real estate agency.
  • Interview: Once you have successfully completed both your theoretical and practical phases, you will be required to undertake the Test of Professional Competence conducted by BOVAEA. The oral examination will require you to demonstrate the skills and traits you have learned during your studies and work placement before officially being awarded the title of REA.

You may refer to the table below for a summary of the key differences between a REA and REN (source):

Colour of ID tag Blue Red
BOVAEA Recognition Licensed and Certified Certified
Firm Ownership Allowed to own and operate a real estate agency and employ up to 30 RENs May only practice upon full-time employment by a registered real estate agency
Training 12 examinations and 2 years of practical experience with a registered real estate agency Two day training and certificate of attendance

What next?

As you embark on this new career, it is important to understand that becoming a successful property agent requires a lot of hard work, patience, and persistence. Although it may appear as a daunting task in the beginning, you will soon find that becoming a property agent not only offers great financial rewards but also provides a sense of fulfilment when your clients are happy with the property they choose.

Once you’re ready to begin your career either as an REN or REA, one key factor should be considered – choosing the right agency. We summarised several key considerations to take into account when it comes to selecting the right platform to build your career in the industry:

  • Commission system
    Make sure you clearly understand an agency’s commission system before becoming a part of the team. Always do your research.
  • Training and support
    Support and training is essential to your career development. Find out the types of training programmes the agency offers. Keep in mind that as a property agent, you are constantly expected to develop skills that cater to your clients which include knowledge on changing market trends and buyers preference.
  • Shared work ethics and core values
    Different agencies operate on a set of different core values. It is ideal to find an agency that fits most to your own core value to avoid any work conflict as your career progresses. You will find that your journey as a property agent will also become more fulfilling if the same work ethics are shared and respected. A network of like-minded real estate professionals can support you if you’re having a tough time with a particular client. Mentors who have had similar experiences can share approaches with you that have worked for them in the past. Spend time getting to know other agents in your area and ways they approach working with demanding clients or how they care for their clients in stressful situations.
  • Opportunity to grow
    Choose an agency that will continuously push you to learn new things and become a better property agent. Your career success will not only depend on your own hard work but the opportunities provided by your chosen agency to gain as much experience and improve yourself in the industry. 

Ultimately, before embarking on your real estate career, take time to study the industry and decided whether it is the right one for you. The pros are enough to attract many people to the industry, but it’s the professionals who can defeat the cons who have real staying power.

Digitalisation of The Real Estate Industry

The fourth industrial revolution is set to change the way that we live, work and interact. The advancement of business digitalisation presents great challenges in many sectors, forcing companies to either innovate their business or face a wave of new competitors who have integrated digitalisation in their daily operations. Key topics and developments such as big data, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence are now being openly discussed in the real estate industry which is known for its conventional practices and resistance to change.

Ultimately, it is the customers who will indeed make the final decision of purchasing or renting a property. However, with the emergence of mobile apps, optimised search platforms and online virtual viewings, investors and buyers are likely to have a preconceived idea of the type of property they want. Therefore, it is essential for a realtor to not only have a robust online presence, but also a wide pool of data on hand to meet market demands.

Here, we break down several essential processes within the real estate industry that has undergone a paradigm shift towards business digitalisation:

  • Searching and Buying Practices

Most clients have become skilled enough to do they own pre-research for properties online prior to making a purchase decision. While the action of online research is not new, the quality of data made available by property-focused websites are becoming more refined and detailed. For example, a buyer may conduct their own price comparison analysis before even approaching a real estate agent due to the availability of house prices online.

Which is why digital transformation for real estate agents by becoming more familiar with the data being disclosed online as well as the variety of properties being advertised online is a great way to reinforce your expertise in the industry when communication with prospective clients. Most people prefer to connect with the business online, and by increasing your response rate to communicate with the customer, makes them feel appreciated. Likes, shares, and comments help you analyze and gain insights of which content your clients like and what they are expecting.

  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

The two immersive technologies namely Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), are revolutionizing real estate sector by providing convenience and unmatched experiences to sellers, buyers, and agents. It helps potential buyers to virtually take a tour of the properties without physically being there. 3D renderings provide a 360-degree tour of the property from customer’s phone anytime, anywhere to experience the final product.

As the IT and Tech industry continues to extrapolate in its development and integration into daily business activities, the real estate industry will inevitably have to rely on AR and VR to attract the interest of prospective clients while ultimately saving cost on the need for real estate agents to physically travel from one property to another for every viewing session. Not only does the AR and VR revolution minimise the time frame of a property purchase, but also reduce costs associated to travel from one place to another in the long term.

  • Digital Documentation

Gone are the days, when you needed long hours to prepare legal documentation of rental or purchase agreement. Also, manual documentation often resulted in human-errors or misplaces documents that ultimately causes delay in purchases. With the increase in variety of automated software and tools that provide digital buying documentation or lease agreements, the entire homeownership experience will indeed become more efficient, transparent and reliable.  Ultimately, adopting digitalisation practices paves the way for the real estate sector to innovate in terms of enhanced buying experience, seamless daily operations and efficient agent performance.

Robotic process automation, machine intelligence, and software robots alike are set to become a staple in the office environment. While people will inevitably retrain for front office functions, there will also be a need for increased collaboration between smart tools and people – the challenge for those in real estate is preparing for increased bandwidth needs and the ability for people to integrate their working style to become more digitally savvy. As the on-demand economy continues to disrupt traditional industries, real estate is no longer just about four walls and a roof. Property is a service and the tenant is a consumer – realtors will need to meet the demands of its consumers while also adopt digitalisation traits to ensure its survivability among its competitors. In the long run, real estate agencies will have to collaborate with technology and infrastructure providers, as well as innovative PropTech high-growth firms to ensure its business sustainability and relevance to the ever-changing market demands.

Buying and Selling of Properties post MCO

Think it might be time to start shopping for a home?

Since the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) on 18th March 2020, the real estate market seized up almost overnight. Now, with the recovery MCO well underway, the market is slowly coming back to life in various parts of the country. But buyers and agents will find that real estate hunting might look different than before the pandemic with stricter rules currently in place to minimise physical contact and prevent Covid-19 transmission.  The rules about how showings and closings can take place and what agents can do will vary depending on local public health regulations, real estate association guidelines and individual comfort levels.

Masks, sanitizing wipes and temperature recordings are the new norms, which also includes personal data forms for contact tracing and limited viewing times to reduce contact hours between buyers and agents. These are the new realities of many industries, including real estate, and are likely to stick around while the virus remains a threat and a vaccine or cure is not found.

Maintaining the Buyers’ Market

The recent launch of the PENJANA Economic Recovery Plan included the revival of the Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) which included stamp duty and RPGT exemptions that are targeted to benefit both homeowners and investors. Moreover, many industry experts continue to predict that the market will continue to be skewed towards the buyers in the coming years before stabilising itself and swing to benefit the sellers.

As summarised by iProperty, by the end of last year, the number of unsold completed residential properties had soared above 45,000 units valued at over RM30 billion. According to the National Property Information Centre (NAPIC), this supply overhang has been growing in the last four years. This has created the current buyers’ market condition where those looking to invest in properties have the advantage. According to CBRE WTW’s Managing Director Foo Gee Jen, it may take more than five years for unsold residential units to be absorbed into the market.

As a buyer, you should also take into account whether you are buying a house to make it your home or for investment. These are very different reasons and will have different impacts on how you plan your finances. The best time to buy is when you are financially ready, regardless of how the property market is performingWe have listed several key points to boost buyers’ confidence that now is the right time to buy if they have the available resources.

  1. Buyers get to leverage on a lower interest rate for a home loan
    With a 2% Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) announced by Bank Negara Malaysia, the rate is the lowest it has been since 2009. The low bank lending rate works as a large advantage for buyers who are looking to obtain a home loan to purchase a property, significantly reducing monthly loan repayment amounts for bigger loans.
  1. Minimal to zero stamp duty fees upon the purchase of new residential properties
    The above benefit is applicable to buyers who purchase residential properties priced between RM300,000 to RM2.5 million. A stamp duty exemption will be provided by the government on the Instruments of Transfer and Loan Agreement that is applicable to the first RM1 million of a home purchase price. For those who purchase properties priced above RM1 million, only the Loan Agreement bit is fully exempted while stamp duty on the Instrument of Transfer will be calculated on a tiered basis. Additionally, to qualify for the HOC campaign, the property developers are required to offer a 10% discount on the selling price of their properties for as long as the HOC period is active.
  1. Purchase of second property priced above RM 600,000 will qualify for up to 90% financing limit
    Buyers can now get a loan of up to 90% of the price of a property for homes priced above RM600,000. Previously, property buyers were limited to 70% financing for their third property onwards. This makes a huge difference in the upfront cash you need to fork out.
  1. Keep track of your credit score
    Given the challenging economic outlook, buyers are advised to maintain a good credit score where possible. Sectors that are severely impacted by the pandemic will incur stricter bank scrutiny as financial facilities will be more cautious in approving loans.

Relooking at sales tactics post-MCO

The best way to sell a house is by creating a perception of value as commented by Mr Ikhram Merican, the Director of a property consulting firm, Living Space Ventures Sdn Bhd. Despite the low demand for available housing and high volume of property overhang, there are still buyers and investors who will be looking to capitalise on the soft market.

Charles Tan, founder of independent property blog, opined that it is important to understand the reason to sell in the first place. Several key considerations need to happen before putting a house for sale such as the reason for selling which may be due to the need to settle some financial difficulties given the rate of job and salary cuts in recent times. Sellers will also need to consider that the property price would have undergone some form of readjustments to become lower than the median transacted prices if there is an oversupply in the area.

However, if the sellers are selling solely because the sentiment is negative, then it is best to just hold on and rent it out instead, he noted. Despite the current downtrend in market price, historical figures indicate that the property market will eventually climb again the economy recovers and buyers gain more confidence in their financial standings. Several considerations can be taken for sellers who are keen on putting their properties up for sale.

  1. Saving cost via the Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) exemption
    As part of the PENJANA package, the government will lift the RPGT charged upon the disposal of properties, allowing more room for price negotiations with potential home buyers until December 2021.
  1. The sudden influx of properties for sale upon the end of the loan moratorium in September 2020
    Unfortunately, once the loan moratorium ends, many industry experts are anticipating that there will be a category of property owners who will no longer be able to afford their home mortgages. With the pressure of having to resume loan repayments, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) is already projecting that non-performing loans (NPL) will rise once the loan moratorium ends. Sellers may be faced with stiffer competition as more properties become available for home buyers to pick and choose.
  1. Lowered monthly loan repayments due to reduced interest rates by financial facilities
    With the recent OPR cut, current property owners will also be able to enjoy a reduction in their monthly loan repayments. This may drive more buyers to consider capitalising on the current low interest rate and opt to buy properties to move into or for investments.

    While it is still too early to conclude the long term repercussions that the pandemic has brought upon the property market, experts are confident that the market crash that occurred during the Asian Financial Crisis will not likely repeat itself given the difference in root cause. Back then in 1997, the financial sector had to be bailed out by the government due to severely depleted liquidity from the weakened financial system. The current economic downturn can be attributed to weak economy activities, poor property market sentiment, and tightening guidelines for banks, which have significantly contributed to the reduction of seller and buyer traffic in the market. 

Government Initiative to Help Real Estate Industry Post COVID-19

Since the 1990, there have been at least 15 global crises that have impacted economic stability across many countries. These include crises triggered by speculative financial bubble bursting, a stock market crash, a sovereign default, or a currency crisis. Disease outbreak has now become a part of the causation to economic crises which include the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARs), Nipah virus and currently, the Coivd-19 pandemic.

The real estate industry, although resilient, continue to be battered by the unstable economic outlook that subsequently contributes towards low sales conversion. Since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, house prices have struggled to reach the all-time high it once achieved before (Figure 1).  With the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) since 18th March 2020, the real estate industry has encountered a large setback in business opportunities, exacerbated by the high property overhang carried forward from 2019 as well as the financial capabilities of Malaysians.

There were fewer home seekers due to fears of the virus outbreak while buyers were unable to complete the buying process as operations of various governing bodies were put on hold. Even real estate agents were unable to conduct conventional home viewings due to strict social distancing and travelling measures which further reduced the likelihood of buying opportunities for interested homeowners or investors.

What does the short-term effect of COVID-19 look like?

In the short-term, the real estate industry will be temporarily stagnate or even worsen as buyers and investors are expected to become more conservative in their spending, avoiding luxury purchases or big-ticket items such as properties during these tough times. It is likely that potential buyers will opt for a wait-and-see approach in the second half of 2020 before choosing to resume spending on properties in early 2021.

What are the long-term effects of COVID-19?

While a drop in sales will be a definite short-term effect, the long-term impact of the Covid-19 outbreak will be exhibited in consumer lifestyle, transforming the way the live, work and shop; thereby changing the associated real estate requirements. A prime example would be the downsizing of office spaces as business digitalization continues to grow and the ability to work remotely becomes a commonality. Further, with the increase attention on e-commerce businesses, demand for retail spaces will continue to decline as more consumers rely on their smart devices to obtain services rather than walk into physical stores.

New Real Estate Incentives Post- Covid-19 Pandemic

To overcome these potential setbacks, the Malaysian Government has stepped in to provide several initiatives with the aim of boosting consumer demand for real estate. Hence the Economic Recovery Plan (PENJANA) was announced by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin which includes several key initiatives in hopes of minimising any major setback in the industry in light of the soft market predictions.

  1. The Home Ownership Campaign (HOC)

    First introduced in 2019, the HOC was intended to facilitate new home ownership among Malaysian citizens. It has since been reinstated effective 1st June 2020 until 31st May 2021. To recap, there were several criteria under the HOC 2019: –
  • This campaign was only applicable for residential properties purchased by Malaysian citizens (foreign buyers do not qualify);
  • The purchase must be of a new property from a property developer (and not sub-sale); and
  • A minimum 10% discount given by the developer to the purchase eligible properties that are registered with REHDA Malaysia (for Peninsular Malaysia) and SHEDA or SHAREDA (for Sabah and Sarawak).
  • Subject to the actual wording of gazetted legislation, it is yet to be confirmed whether the other criteria in the HOC 2019 will continue to apply for HOC 2020.
  1. Stamp Duty exemption as part of HOC

    Stamp duty exemptions are granted for instruments of transfer (partial exemption) and loan agreements (full exemption) for sale and purchase agreements signed from 1st June 2020 until 31st May 2021. The reintroduction of the Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) for 2020 provides a partial exemption of the stamp duty for residential properties priced between RM 300,000 to RM 2,500,000 (before 10% discount), subject to at least 10% discount provided by the Developer.

    The stamp duty exemption on the instrument of transfer is limited to the first RM 1,000,000 of the home price (which translates to a maximum stamp duty saving of RM 24,000 for a property priced at RM 1 million), while full stamp duty exemption is given to the loan agreement. However, do be reminded that stamp duty of 4% will likely still apply to amounts above RM 1 million.
  1. 70% margin of financing limit
    The 70% margin of financing limit that was applicable for 3rd residential property valued at RM 600,000 and above will be uplifted. However, the ability to obtain loans is subject to internal risk management and assessment of the respective financial institutions.
  1. Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) exemption
    From 1st June 2020 to 31st December 2021, the gains arising from disposing residential property is now exempted for all Malaysian citizens. It is unclear if Malaysian PRs are included, but foreigners and companies appear to be excluded for the time being. The RPGT exemption is limited to the disposal of three units of residential property per individual during the prescribed period.

As highlighted by Sarkunan Subramaniam, Managing Director of Knight Frank Malaysia, the reintroduction of the HOC will likely act as an immediate catalyst to address the challenge of clearing property overhang and facilitate cash-flow opportunities for developers. Moreover, the RPGT exemption aims to encourage further traction to the secondary housing market, especially for those who are looking to liquidate their assets in the near future during the bad economy.

Although the current economic climate may appear less than ideal for the time being, the incentives in place offer a promising outlook on the real estate industry. No doubt there will be further supplementary perks to the current incentives announced by financial institutions as well as developers that are looking to enhance the property market and support the national economy as a whole in the long-term.

The Effects of Covid-19 on Real Estate Industry : What Does the Post-pandemic Reality Look Like

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a sudden and significant impact on all aspects of people’s lives with 2.6 billion across the world now living under some form of lockdown, restricted movement or quarantine. As the number of positive cases continues to increase, it is expected to have a profound impact not only on tourism, services, and manufacturing industry; but also on the property industry. Analysis and forecast previously conducted concerning Malaysia’s property outlook in the near future did not take into consideration the Covid-19 outbreak or the movement control order (MCO) and their resulting effects on the economy.

The short-term human and economic impact is undeniable as people stay home, offices, malls and public facilities close, and production stalls. Once the risk to human life has reduced and steps are taken back toward a fully productive economy, it is worth spending some time envisaging what this ‘new normal’ might look like for the ever-changing climate within the real estate industry. 

Prior to the pandemic, Asia Pacific was the largest region in the global real estate rental market, accounting for 32% of the market in 2019. Western Europe was the second largest region accounting for 29% of the global real estate rental market. Africa was the smallest region in the global real estate rental market.

In the Malaysian context, we refer to the National Property Information Centre (NAPIC) whereby the country’s property market entered a recovery phase in 2001 after the Asian financial crisis. The anticipated mid-cycle dip occurred between 2007 – 2009 during the subprime mortgage crisis, followed by an explosive phase where prices continued to escalate from 2010 to 2015, with maximum increase up to 13.4% per annum. The recession phase that kicked in after 2015 served to highlight the stark difference in house prices compared to affordability, volume of properties overhang, accessibility to property financing, weak ringgit against major currencies and overall cautious consumer sentiment.

Percentage change (%) in house price with identified phases of Malaysia’s property cycle. © NAPIC

In light of the current uncertainties, the country’s continued sluggish property market is expected to be exacerbated by consumers tightening their belts, adopting a wait-and-see approach rather than readily invest or purchase properties to move into. Restrictions and uncertainty around valuation is limiting investors’ ability to perform due diligence, and it is more challenging to execute transactions given the shortened operation hours and strict social distancing measures. Delayed launches and elongated transaction timelines are also increasingly evident in affected markets as city lockdowns, travel restrictions and social distancing become commonplace around the world.

As we begin the ‘recovery phase’ of the 2.5 month movement control order (MCO), real estate developers and agencies will have to adapt to the new normal to maintain a stable foothold and stay afloat during this cautious spending period. Business digitalization will play an important role in capturing the spending appetite of potential buyers, enticing their interest to buy properties during a time when saving up will be the default mindset. Attractive online marketing tools coupled with attractive incentives by the government, banks and developers will serve as a key element to weather the soft market as global investment activities is expected to slow. Many have turned to collaborative partnerships between real estate agencies or e-commerce platforms as a means to test the effectiveness of digitalizing conventional business practices such as trainings, property booking transactions, property management monitoring and report, etc.

On the other hand, in China, life is shifting back to normal for most locations outside of the Hubei province, where the outbreak began. Manufacturing is returning to roughly 90% of full capacity while circa 80% of retail, restaurants and bars are now open. Transactional activity is gradually improving across the region, and investor appetite is growing. However, there is concern in markets such as Singapore, which was initially less affected, where infection case counts have risen due to residents returning from abroad.

While many investors have paused new acquisitions, select well-funded institutions and high-net-worth investors with longer-term investment horizons will be among the first movers, concentrating on these sectors. Real estate continues to offer good risk-adjusted returns that are less correlated to other asset classes. It is worth noting that the epidemic is just an accelerator to the changes that have already kickstarted in the consumers’ lifestyle. A closer look at the last decade reveals that portability and connectivity of technology via smart devices have played a significant role in shaping and shifting consumers’ attitudes, values and buying behaviours. As the effects of COVID-19 are felt around the world, real estate agencies and developers alike will have to implement recovery plans that considers short- and long-term effects of the pandemic, anticipate consumer appetite and revise business operations to better adapt to economic uncertainties.