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ORIENTAL REAL ESTATE SDN BHD (ORESB) was registered and incorporated with the Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents in March 1988 under the Registration Number of E(1)1503. As of 1989, ORESB is proud to have become a member of the Malaysia Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) OM0298 in May 1989.

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Apa Yang Perlu Dilakukan Jika Tuan Rumah Meminta Anda Keluar Rumah Secara Tiba-Tiba Tanpa Mengikut Perjanjian Sewa?

Menghadapi Situasi Tidak Dijangka dalam Penyewaan Rumah


Menyewa rumah boleh menjadi pengalaman yang penuh dengan cabaran, terutama apabila berlaku situasi yang tidak dijangka seperti tuan rumah meminta anda keluar dari rumah secara tiba-tiba tanpa mengikuti perjanjian sewa. Sebagai tenant, anda mempunyai hak yang perlu dilindungi. Berikut adalah beberapa langkah yang boleh anda ambil jika berhadapan dengan situasi ini:


1. Semak Perjanjian Sewa



Langkah pertama yang perlu diambil adalah menyemak perjanjian sewa yang telah anda tandatangani. Perjanjian ini biasanya mengandungi syarat-syarat khusus mengenai notis yang perlu diberikan oleh tuan rumah sebelum meminta anda keluar. Pastikan anda memahami klausa-klausa penting dalam perjanjian tersebut.

2. Berbincang dengan Tuan Rumah



Cuba berbincang dengan tuan rumah secara baik untuk memahami alasan di sebalik tindakan mereka. Kadang-kadang, masalah komunikasi boleh diselesaikan melalui perbincangan yang jujur dan terbuka. Tanya kepada mereka mengapa mereka ingin anda keluar dan cuba cari penyelesaian yang baik untuk kedua-dua pihak.


3. Rujuk Undang-Undang Tempatan



Ketahui undang-undang tempatan mengenai hak penyewa dan tuan rumah. Di Malaysia, terdapat Akta Sewa Beli dan undang-undang lain yang berkaitan dengan penyewaan yang boleh memberikan garis panduan mengenai hak anda sebagai penyewa. Mengetahui hak anda boleh membantu anda memahami langkah seterusnya yang boleh diambil.


4. Dapatkan Nasihat Guaman



Jika perbincangan dengan tuan rumah tidak membuahkan hasil, dapatkan nasihat dari peguam atau pihak berkuasa yang berkaitan. Peguam boleh membantu anda memahami hak-hak anda dan memberi nasihat mengenai langkah-langkah yang boleh diambil untuk mempertahankan hak tersebut.

5. Laporkan kepada Pihak Berkuasa



Jika tuan rumah masih tidak mematuhi perjanjian sewa dan undang-undang yang berkaitan, anda boleh membuat laporan kepada pihak berkuasa seperti tribunal perumahan atau polis. Tindakan ini boleh membantu menyelesaikan isu dengan cara yang sah dan melindungi hak anda sebagai penyewa.


6. Dokumentasikan Semua Interaksi



Simpan rekod semua komunikasi dengan tuan rumah, termasuk e-mel, mesej teks, dan nota perbualan. Dokumentasi ini boleh menjadi bukti penting jika anda perlu mengambil tindakan lanjut atau jika kes ini dibawa ke pihak berkuasa.





Menghadapi situasi di mana tuan rumah meminta anda keluar rumah secara tiba-tiba tanpa mengikuti perjanjian sewa boleh menjadi pengalaman yang menegangkan. Namun, dengan memahami hak anda dan mengambil langkah-langkah yang betul, anda boleh melindungi diri anda dan memastikan situasi ini ditangani dengan cara yang adil dan sah. Jangan teragak-agak untuk mendapatkan bantuan profesional jika perlu untuk memastikan hak anda terjamin.




1. 位置





2. 房子的形状





3. 门的位置





4. 房子的内部布局





  • 卧室的位置:卧室应该位于房子的后部,远离大门,以保证安静和私密。床头应该靠墙,象征着有靠山。
  • 厨房的位置:厨房代表家庭的财富,应该位于房子的后部。灶台的位置应该避免正对大门或窗户,以防止财富流失。
  • 卫生间的位置:卫生间的污秽之气需要妥善处理。卫生间应该位于房子的角落,避免与厨房和卧室相邻。


5. 光线和通风





6. 环境因素









Buying a Car or Buying a House? Which One is More Valuable?

When it comes to significant financial decisions, buying a car and buying a house often rank at the top of the list. Both come with substantial investments, long-term commitments, and a fair share of benefits and drawbacks. But which one is more valuable? Let's delve into the various factors to consider when making this crucial decision.


Financial Investment



Buying a Car:


  • Initial Cost: Cars generally have a lower initial purchase price compared to houses. However, this cost can vary widely depending on the make, model, and features.
  • Depreciation: Cars depreciate rapidly. A new car can lose up to 20% of its value within the first year and continue to depreciate over time.
  • Ongoing Expenses: Maintenance, insurance, fuel, and potential repairs add to the overall cost of owning a car.


Buying a House:


  • Initial Cost: Houses have a higher initial purchase price, often requiring a substantial down payment and mortgage commitment.
  • Appreciation: Unlike cars, houses generally appreciate in value over time. Real estate is often seen as a long-term investment that can yield significant returns.
  • Ongoing Expenses: Property taxes, maintenance, insurance, and utilities are ongoing costs associated with homeownership.


Practical Utility



Buying a Car:


  • Mobility and Convenience: A car provides the freedom to travel at your convenience, which can be essential for commuting, running errands, and leisure.
  • Depreciation of Utility: As cars age, they require more maintenance and can become less reliable, reducing their practical value over time.


Buying a House:


  • Stability and Security: Owning a home provides a stable living environment and the security of a long-term residence.
  • Equity Building: Monthly mortgage payments contribute to building equity, increasing your net worth.
  • Customization: Homeowners have the freedom to modify and personalize their living space.


Long-Term Value



Buying a Car:


  • Short-Term Asset: Cars are typically seen as short-term assets with decreasing value. They do not provide long-term financial growth.
  • Depreciating Investment: The value of a car will almost always decrease over time, making it a less valuable long-term investment.


Buying a House:


  • Long-Term Investment: Real estate is considered one of the most reliable long-term investments. Over time, the value of property tends to increase, contributing to overall wealth.
  • Wealth Building: Homeownership is a key component of building long-term wealth through property appreciation and equity accumulation.


Lifestyle Considerations



Buying a Car:


  • Immediate Gratification: Purchasing a car can provide immediate benefits, enhancing mobility and convenience in daily life.
  • Flexibility: For those who need to move frequently or prefer a more mobile lifestyle, a car can offer the flexibility that a house cannot.


Buying a House:


  • Rooted Lifestyle: Owning a home ties you to a specific location, which can be advantageous for families seeking stability and community ties.
  • Personal Investment: A home is not just a financial investment but a personal and emotional one, offering a sense of ownership and pride.





The value of buying a car versus buying a house ultimately depends on your individual needs, financial situation, and long-term goals. If you prioritize mobility and immediate convenience, a car may be more valuable in the short term. However, if you're looking to invest in your future, build wealth, and create a stable living environment, buying a house is generally the more valuable choice.

At Oriental Real Estate, we understand that every individual's situation is unique. Whether you're looking to buy your first home or expand your real estate portfolio, our team is here to guide you through every step of the process. Contact us today to explore your options and make an informed decision that best suits your lifestyle and financial goals.

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Wherever your property is located, our teams are just nearby. With Oriental Real Estate Sdn Bhd’s vast network of branches throughout Malaysia, you can easily reach us and our friendly team.

  • Klang Valley Branches

    Over 9 branches in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya to better serve you.

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+603 4141 9595
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52A-1 Plaza Usahawan, Jalan Danau Niaga 1, Taman Danau Kota, 53300 Setapak, Kuala Lumpur

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